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  • Hi.

    Do I still qualify as a new member? I registered years ago and posted in the Radio Free thread and a few of the tech threads, then got busy with work and recently rediscovered HT.
    I am over 30, just shut down my first business last month, my 15 year old cat passed a few weeks ago, and I am getting married in a few days. Its been an 'interesting' year.
    Aside from that I'm your average heavy computer user/IT tech. I've played video games all my life, like sci-fi and fantasy books, am a movie buff, and general all around jack of all trades.
    I've been reading this forums for the last few weeks with all my free time, and I like how theres a close knit community of intelligent people with only a few trolls and flamers. Im not much into politics so reading the Watada thread and others were interesting.
    Aquaponics in Paradise !

  • #2
    Re: Hi.

    Yeah I've seen you on the boards recently. Welcome my friend!
    They really are a cool bunch'a people.
    And now we have another...You!
    Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!


    • #3
      Re: Hi.

      Betta late than never. Welcome and Aloha Hellbent! Glad you finally made an Appearance. Congratulations on your soon to be Wedding Celebrations!!!! Guess, we won't be seeing you again for some time.heheheh

      Auntie Lynn
      Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
      Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


      • #4
        Re: Hi.

        Hey, welcome back. Congratulations on your becoming a hubby shortly.
        "Hey fool, we gots yo leada!"
        "But I can't even read good."
        "Whatever that means, you ____ peasant."
        "That (stuff) is the MOST BALLER THING EVAAA!!!!"


        • #5
          Re: Hi.

          Howzit Hellbent. Glad you decided to "de-lurk" and join the fun! You mentioned your hobbies and work, but how about where you live?

          Your SN sounds lke a spin-off from that metal classic by Judas Priest.

          You know, that might be an interesting thread to start:

          Choose a Song Title for Your Screen Name
          If you were required to choose a song title as your screen name, which would it be and why? Is it your favorite tune of all time? Do the lyrics resemble yourself or your life?
          sigpic The Tasty Island


          • #6
            Re: Hi.

            Originally posted by Pomai
            Choose a Song Title for Your Screen Name
            If you were required to choose a song title as your screen name, which would it be and why? Is it your favorite tune of all time? Do the lyrics resemble yourself or your life?
            Pomai, das sounds like a great Idea!

            Mine would be Crazy (Pupule) by Melveen Leed

            Auntie Lynn
            Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
            Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


            • #7
              Re: Hi.

              Koolio's I like dis one too......ok mine is

              "Local Girl" by Keahiwai

              Part of the lyrics I like.....

              ....She lives aloha everyday in her own stylin way (giv plenny aloha to all my neighbors and town folk)

              ....T-shirt and shorts with her long brown hair (even in da snow)

              and my fav....

              She's proud and strong 'cause she don't need one man!! (Although its lonely at times, I'm much happier w/jus me and my keiki's)
              Live for today....tommorow is never promised


              • #8
                Re: Hi.

                uhhhh i dunno what song i'd pick. until i pick something better, paint it black by rolling stones or everyday is halloween by ministry.
                Aquaponics in Paradise !

