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Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

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  • zztype
    Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

    Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain in Seattle!

    If he gets this appeal, then I want an extra point for my complete answer.

    Original question: The original game of monopoly is based on streets, utilities and railroads that are (mostly) located in Atlantic City, NJ. What two properties in the game are actually located in other nearby towns and in what towns are they located?
    OOPS!* Not all of the properties in Monopoly are in Atlantic City!* Marvin Gardens is a misspelling of a housing area outside of Atlantic City, Marven Gardens.* The name of the area probably comes from a combination of Margate and Ventnor, two cities outside of Atlantic City.* The mistake stood until 1995, when Parker Brothers sent a formal apology to the folks of Marven Gardens.

    OOPS #2!* Atlantic City does not have a Water Works!* Water is actually piped in from the mainland (Atlantic City is on Absecon Island) through two pipes.

    And as far as the railroads go, the B&O Railroad did not serve Atlantic City.* The four railroads that served Atlantic City in the 1930s were the Jersey Central, the Seashore Lines, the Reading Railroad, and the Pennsylvania Railroad.* The Short Line railroad probably refers to the Shore Fast Line streetcars that served Atlantic City.
    And yes, I can cite my sources.
    Last edited by zztype; December 1, 2007, 07:57 AM.

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Day 26 Answers

    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
    But was it located there when the original Monopoly game was released? Just curious!
    Not that the question is phrased in present tense: What two properties in the game are actually located in other nearby towns and in what towns are they located?

    Yes - I am a stickler for these kinds of details, as is the man in charge of the game...and I need every point I can get, with Blaine trying to get past me (and I doubt I can do anything about Kalei at this point.) Whee!!!

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  • zztype
    Re: Day 26 Answers

    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
    But was it located there when the original Monopoly game was released? Just curious!
    Good morning, Sue! You wouldn't have anything to do with today's "volcano" question, would you? Hmmmmmm?

    Accepting bribes omiyage from the SuperFerry trip to Maui?

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  • tutusue
    Re: Day 26 Answers

    Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
    [...]Further research shows it located at 401 North Virginia Ave, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
    But was it located there when the original Monopoly game was released? Just curious!

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Day 26 Answers

    Originally posted by scrivener View Post
    I think B&O Railroad is probably going to have to count, so if you only got half, stick around and see what unfolds!
    Hope so --- the B&O Railroad never went to Atlantic City.
    Originally posted by scrivener View Post
    The Water Works is located in Ventnor, NJ...
    According to the "Monopoly" entry in Wikipedia:
    The actual "Electric Company" and "Water Works" serving the city are respectively Atlantic City Electric Company (a subsidiary of Pepco Holdings) and the Atlantic City Municipal Utilities Authority.
    Further research shows it located at 401 North Virginia Ave, Atlantic City, New Jersey.

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  • Kalei99
    Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

    Originally posted by Kalei99 View Post
    And I still think my Monopoly answer is correct. Appealing for my point! Proof to follow......
    Bah! Never mind. States Ave was not on Google Maps, but it is on Mapquest. That's what I get for not checking my facts! aaaaarrrgh. I really needed that point, too.

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  • scrivener
    Day 27 Questions

    HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
    Here are the questions for Day 27!

    Today, in honor of UHM's whipping of the Washington Huskies Saturday, it's an all-Hawaii day!

    1. Category: Volcano Whoa!
      Here is another participant-submitted question!

      A one-minute television commerical, with a distinctively Hawaiian theme, aired in the US (c.1967) that showed characters playing the roles of kanaka maoli throwing rice and brown sugar cane sugar (sic) into an active volcano. Moments later, these ingredients are transformed into an edible product that is explosively erupted from the volcano's caldera. What product did this commercial advertise?

    2. Category: Tree Scoops Rice
      What Honolulu restaurant has an enormous tree growing right through it?
      I'm editing this to add that this is not al fresco's an indoor restaurant, and there is a huge tree growing right through it. In case anyone wanted to call one of the hotel lanais a restaurant or something.

    3. Category: "Waipahu Must Be Empty Tonight!"
      What did Frank De Lima yell when a tire came off his car and rolled away?

    Please send me your answers IN PRIVATE MAIL by 9:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 1! Good luck, and beat Kalei!
    Last edited by scrivener; November 30, 2007, 09:19 PM. Reason: "I'll snatch ya up with a needle-nose plyas!"

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  • Kalei99
    Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

    Originally posted by zztype View Post
    I gotta say, Kalei99 was on the IM earlier this evening trying to get me to tell her my answer to the Waipahu question! She was considering CHANGING HER ANSWER!

    Well, whaddaya know, Goat Lady? I almost had you, man!
    Never for a second! It was the best fit. And NOW I think it's a fair question! I take back my "stangle you" comment, Scrivener!

    It was totally googleable - I'm in Utah and I found it on google - but it took a lot of research and digging. Sheeesh - that was a tough question.

    And I still think my Monopoly answer is correct. Appealing for my point! Proof to follow......

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  • zztype
    Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

    I gotta say, Kalei99 was on the IM earlier this evening trying to get me to tell her my answer to the Waipahu question! She was considering CHANGING HER ANSWER!

    Well, whaddaya know, Goat Lady? I almost had you, man!

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  • scrivener
    Day 26 Answers

    HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
    Here are the answers for Day 26!

    Category: Who Says There's No Free Parking?
    Today: The first of the participant-submitted questions! Yes, so far, only one person has bothered to submit a question for use in this contest, so here it is. I think it's a good question! I won't tell anyone who submitted until after Friday's deadline. If at least one of you gets it right, the submitter will earn one point for this question.

    The original game of monopoly is based on streets, utilities and railroads that are (mostly) located in Atlantic City, NJ. What two properties in the game are actually located in other nearby towns and in what towns are they located?
    This question comes from acousticlady, who says, "The Water Works is located in Ventnor, NJ and Marvin Gardens is located in Margate, NJ Both of these towns are on the same island as Atlantic City."

    If you dispute answers, please post your beeves here and we'll sort it out! I think B&O Railroad is probably going to have to count, so if you only got half, stick around and see what unfolds!

    Full credit for both answers: zztype, Surfingfarmboy, and tutusue!
    Half credit for one answer: helen, Mike_Lowery, Kalei99, Leo Lakio, Peshkwe, mel, and lavagal (the self-proclaimed Jersey Girl!)!

    One point to acousticlady for receiving at least one correct answer to this GREAT question!

    Category: Bite the Wax Tadpole
    What phrase is added by some diners to the ends of fortune-cookie fortunes in a funny game?
    You add "in bed" to the end of the fortune. Try it! It is hilarious. There are variants, such as adding "in my pants," but those lack the elegance of a simple "in bed." I've been wanting to start a thread where people transcribe the fortunes they receive while dining out and then add IN BED to the ends. Could be hilarious.

    For their correct answers, the following people will receive full credit IN BED: zztype, Mike_Lowery, Kalei99, Leo Lakio, Surfingfarmboy, tutusue, Peshkwe, CranBeree, and lavagal!

    Category: "Waipahu Must Be Empty Tonight!"
    Waipahu's historic Plantation District, whose soul was Waipahu Depot Road for the longest time, is mostly just a memory now, but what neighbor of the Arakawa's store is still in business, run by the sons of its founder sixty years after its founding, and located just around the corner on Waipahu Street?
    I am talking about the renowned Saiki Motors, right there in the shadow of the sugar mill. There were a few wrong answers (including one person who said "Ishiharaya" even after I said yesterday that that was wrong!), Midtown Radio (but not its twin, DiscoMart), Nii Superette (which I will look into in just a bit), and Kiso Store. However, the only person guessing Saiki Motors was . . . Kalei99.

    Okay, the gloves are off. Anyone wanna let me have it for this apparently unfair, unclear question? *note: If it is merely unGoogleable, you get no mercy from me!

    70.5: Kalei99
    63.25: Leo Lakio
    59.25: zztype
    55.75: liberty
    51.75: acousticlady, tutusue, Surfingfarmboy
    44.25: Mike_Lowery, InfinityProductions
    44: lavagal
    36.5: CranBeree
    34: mel
    29: kanahina, Peshkwe
    20.75: helen
    11.5: Palama Kid
    10.25: kiwidiva
    9.5: jdub

    New questions, next post!

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  • zztype
    Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

    It's almost 9:00 p.m.! Lock in those answers!

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  • tutusue
    Re: Day 26 Questions

    Originally posted by scrivener View Post
    [...]and tutusue (yes she gave more than one answer -- again!) said Highway Inn.
    Ok...please keep in mind I've already deposited my one, undeserved point in the trivia bank! So you can't take it away from me for telling you that I actually didn't answer that question...esp. since you were generous and gave everyone points!!!

    Reread my answer, Scriv! The "more than one answer" showed why those "answers" couldn't be right! Plus, they weren't in bold!!! So there...

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  • Mike_Lowery
    Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

    Originally posted by lavagal View Post
    Certified Townie here. The only thing I can do is say Wai-Pa-HOOOOO! I did cover the closure of Arakawa's for The Advertiser way back when. I'll ask my cutie little colleague to see if she can assist. She's a Waipahu girl. Sweet, bright, smart, available.
    Ay, tell shawty to holla. Mike's lookin' to celebrate a 3 pt. trivia night and curl up on the couch watching tonight's Laker game.
    Last edited by Mike_Lowery; November 30, 2007, 12:40 PM.

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  • lavagal
    Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

    Originally posted by InfinityProductions View Post
    Hey is that a bribe for Scrivener?!
    Wha? And she's OFF today so crapola! whatevahs!!! Hey, I'm all for melding hearts. But even I know that there's only so much I can do about aligning planets!

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  • infinitypro
    Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

    Originally posted by lavagal View Post
    She's a Waipahu girl. Sweet, bright, smart, available.
    Hey is that a bribe for Scrivener?!

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