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The 2010 Elections

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  • tutusue
    Re: The 2010 Elections

    Originally posted by Frankie's Market View Post
    So while it still appears likely that the GOP will gain just enough seats to take over the House, Tea Bagger Christine O'Donnell's status as the GOP nominee for Joe Biden's old seat has significantly dampened whatever chance the Republicans had for likewise taking over the Senate. Which means no repeat of 1994.[...]
    Originally posted by Walkoff Balk View Post
    Is she Sarah Palin's younger sister?

    Delaware Masturbators March Against O’Donnell
    Largest Pro-wanking Demonstration in History

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  • Kaonohi
    Re: The 2010 Elections

    Originally posted by Linkmeister View Post
    CBO says the Affordable Care Act of 2010:

    I thought those who refused to believe had left the building; guess not.

    Who has the truth?
    What are we being screwed to?
    How can we get HELP!?

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  • Linkmeister
    Re: The 2010 Elections

    Originally posted by escondido100 View Post
    the congrssional budget office has supplied the numbers regarding the deficit. the health care bill alone will cost trillions into the future.
    CBO says the Affordable Care Act of 2010:


    Cuts the deficit by $143 billion in the first ten years (2010 — 2019).

    Cuts the deficit by $1.2 trillion in the second ten years.
    I thought those who refused to believe had left the building; guess not.

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  • Kalalau
    Re: The 2010 Elections

    Health care again. So let the insurance companies continue dumping people when they get sick. I mean, why not? It takes a lot of money to pay those $700 million bonuses to the execs, plus all the pencil pushing bureaucrats who process and deny claims. Much better to spend the money there than on: doctors, nurses, hospital beds, tests, medicine, machines. Funny how national health care works in : Britain, France, Canada, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan, etc. Our precious ideology must come first, always, only private industry can do things right. That is why its so necessary to privatize social security, Wall St. always does so much better on safety than the social security trust fund. Oh well. Hopefully Republicans will repeal or at least not fund health care when they take over, then we will all be safe and happy. In Canada.

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  • escondido100
    Re: The 2010 Elections

    mmmmmmmmm Koolaid for the masses,
    the press has done a fine job of indoctrinating all of us...just gotta decide which side of the political grave you want to be on.
    some folks are simply uncurable.

    the congrssional budget office has supplied the numbers regarding the deficit. the health care bill alone will cost trillions into the future.

    that loon robertson claims to be a teaparty guy and he can claim all he wants to.
    if you go a little deeper than the daily kos and other rags you will find he is not part of the movement and a fraud on more than one level and may actually working against the tea party with his own agenda.

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  • Kalalau
    Re: The 2010 Elections

    Anybody who claims to now care about the deficit really should have paid attention when Mr. bush was destroying a half trillion dollar surplus and running up what might actually be a fatal debt for this country with his needless war and tax breaks for billionaires. Seriously, the country might never come back from the republican supreme ct's choice for pres in 2000.

    People have accused me of being unduly pessimistic. Maybe so. But here's the scenario I see unfolding. The massive debt was deliberately incurred. Tax breaks for billionaires will be protected, money necessary for running the military machine and the prisons will come from raiding social security and medicare trust funds. The people will go for it, they will vote for it because the republican supreme ct. has given corporations the right to buy elections, the pro morality pro christian and incidentally pro wealthy elite message will be all the voters hear. ALL they hear. That decision, as I see it, was the nail in the coffin. Even the economic collapse of America fits into their grand scheme. Economic chaos means the masses will gladly abandon that inconvenient Constitution. There was a group that attempted a coup against Franklin D. Roosevelt in the '30's, they wanted to install a Nazi type fascist gvt. here, fortunately they failed, but the same group still wants a fascist dictatorship and I think they want to deliberately collapse the US economy to make that politically desirable to the masses. Where from there? Well Eric Cantor will sure be surprised. Probably so too will Clarence Thomas and Michael Steele. Watch out, Jews, Gays, Latinos, Blacks, Labor, etc. I was a young Republican as a kid, one of the major reasons I left that party was the sick, pervasive, insane anti semitism. Not everybody, no indeed, but way too many. There is insanity afoot. That Delaware tea party nominee railing against masturbation, saying Pres. Clinton should have been prosecuted for murdering Vince Foster. The Alaska nominee, so handsome and virile, what a fine picture of American manhood, telling teen girls they cannot abort a rapist's, the get gvt. off our backs gvt shall MONITOR rape victims to make sure they deliver their rapist's offspring. And the masses are probably going to go for it. They have been well conditioned by the "press", oh the public wants change, lets throw out all the good people who have finally started regulating Wall St. and replace them with the scum that let Wall St. rape the country in the first place. Impecable logic. Take more of the poison that made you sick in the first place.

    So you see I am no optimist. Nothing lasts forever. I was stunned the USSR disintegrated, due to economic issues. Economies, countries, societies, constitutions are all mortal, there are actually things that must be done to preserve them, caring for them is a responsibility. Unfortunately the American people don't seem up to the task. Taken in by the folksy handsome Reagan they voted to destroy the money making machine FDR and some very good, intelligent people created for them. Think of it! Under LIBERAL economics the average family could put children thru college, own their own home, have a comfortable retirement, affordable health care...and they voted it all away for nothing more than empty slogans and an engaging pleasant personality. I see America and Americans descending into poverty. Read about what life was like for the average citizen before FDR & the New Deal, "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair comes to mind. Look at the utter misery of peasant life in banana republics. Oh a lot of people won't live that bad, but technically speaking 1/7th of the US population already lives in poverty. India, China, Mexico, many more have all been struggling toward what the US was, while we have voted for people and policies to make US like what they are trying to change from.

    So in summary I do not think at all highly of the tea party movement which incidentally is financed by the Koch brothers, billionaire oil trust babies, evidently their family was also behind the John Birch society of the '60's and its right wing nut job insanity. This tea party "movement" seems like a clear attempted power grab by right wing fanatics and thanks to the republican supreme ct. they might be able to pull it off. Keep that passport handy! Prepare to liquidate assets. The ship is going down.

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  • matapule
    Re: The 2010 Elections

    Originally posted by escondido100 View Post
    you assume that i am a tea party member.... i am not ... i vote the issues not the party.
    No I don't assume you are a member, your posts speak for themselves.

    in any group of people there are going to be some flakes, radicals and racists.
    Yes this is true! Here is a picture of Dale Robertson, founder of, in all his patriotic, no name calling glory!

    i think the whole spectrum of american society has had racist elements to it.
    Then join true patriots to stamp out racism in any organization, including the Tea Bagger Patriots.

    we need to get past the name calling and the race card when we cant argue on the merits we should just keep quiet.

    ......................But I repeat myself, which I am allowed to do since I have reached the "Golden Years."

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  • salmoned
    Re: The 2010 Elections

    Oops, the usual double post

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  • salmoned
    Re: The 2010 Elections

    I see a huge fallacy in those numbers in that they measure only the current account numbers and not residual account effects. Bush policies will continue to account for debt accumulation until they are reversed, some of which may never be reversed. It could take a decade or more for the errancy of the Bush administration to be fully recognized and ameliorated. If Obama has continued some bad Bush policies, it may equitably be due to the requirement for continuity in government more than to his own vision for the future. We usually see the accumulated results of a presidency quite a few years after it has ended [except when dramatic policy changes are quickly instituted - which is not the case here]. The wars have been continued, the economic 'sky is falling' threat to confidence has been just recently and barely averted through massive deficit spending. These are policy continuations, not the result of new administration policy. When you board a sinking ship, you must bail water for a while so you can find and repair the damage lest you go down with it.
    Last edited by salmoned; September 19, 2010, 01:58 AM.

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  • escondido100
    Re: The 2010 Elections

    you assume that i am a tea party member.... i am not ... i vote the issues not the party.


    Bush has added to the National Debt more than any other President, including Obama.


    if you believe that you have been drinking the koolaid.

    this link might help sort it out for you.

    i think bush way overspent and the republicans can not be proud of that.
    but obama has set new highs in deficit spending...he has been in office for 20 months now. he owns that debt. its too bad that he stepped into the white house in such troubled times... i would have loved to see him succeed but i am afraid he is a one termer.

    in any group of people there are going to be some flakes, radicals and racists.
    i think the whole spectrum of american society has had racist elements to it.
    we need to get past the name calling and the race card when we cant argue on the merits we should just keep quiet.

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  • matapule
    Re: The 2010 Elections

    Originally posted by escondido100 View Post
    do you realize that by constantly calling people racist you minimize the horrors of true racism. by redifining racism you dishonor all those who have struggled to eliminate it.
    Do you realize that NOT calling racism for what it really is, you give racism the air of respectability.

    Where were you, the TeaBaggers, when Bush was President? Bush has added to the National Debt more than any other President, including Obama.

    You call yourselves, "Tea Party Patriots." What does that mean? Does that mean that if you are not a TeaBagger you are not a patriot? Why not the Republican Party Patriots? Why not the Democrat Party Patriots? Why not the Green Party Patriots? By attempting to co-opt the word "patriot", The TeaBaggers demean what it is to be a true patriot. I am deeply offened by that.

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  • escondido100
    Re: The 2010 Elections

    "except for a little racism thrown in."
    the name calling is a hard habit to break.

    do you realize that by constantly calling people racist you minimize the horrors of true racism. by redifining racism you dishonor all those who have struggled to eliminate it.

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  • matapule
    Re: The 2010 Elections

    Originally posted by escondido100 View Post
    first they were for it then they were against it and now they are for it again.
    How is that different than any other political organization? Same ol', same ol', except for a little racism thrown in.

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  • escondido100
    Re: The 2010 Elections

    the above link if for a video that is trying to reclaim the teabagging word.
    first they were for it then they were against it and now they are for it again.

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  • matapule
    Re: The 2010 Elections

    Originally posted by TuNnL View Post
    As long as mainstreamers like yourself continue this childish namecalling, the Tea Party will continue to grow and fight the status quo.
    Saying the Tea Bagger candidates are inept is "childish name calling"? You can do better than that!

    Originally posted by escondido100 View Post
    Please outline what you find so dispicable about what they stand for, and what you are afraid of.
    I didn't say "despicable", you did. What I find "inept" is lack of a detailed plan to accomplish what they stand for.

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