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Who's doing soundcloud?

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  • Who's doing soundcloud?

    What are the pros/cons with this?

  • #2
    Re: Who's doing soundcloud?

    Originally posted by Ron Whitfield View Post
    What are the pros/cons with this?
    Ron, for Buddha's sake (or God's, or Christ's or Marduk's or anyone else's), can you at least give us a FOOKING HINT as to what we are about to open???????

    I don't like opening blind urls, and I don't and won't. Soundcloud - WTF is that????? Give us some explanation about what we are opening, or suffer the consequences of fewer people opening your messages. DIG?

    It's not rocket science. Give us a hint, and you may get a better response.
    Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Taken!
    ~ ~
    Spreading the virus of ALOHA.
    Oh Chu. If only you could have seen what I've seen, with your eyes.


    • #3
      Re: Who's doing soundcloud?

      Yeah I hate that too, so I Google it first.

      Here is what Wikipedia has to say.
      "Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. Do not count on them. Leave them alone."
      Ayn Rand


      • #4
        Re: Who's doing soundcloud?

        Thanks for the Wikipedia link.
        I'm still here. Are you?


        • #5
          Re: Who's doing soundcloud?

          Sheesh, think I'm posting links to a bomb or what? I've never had anyone else grumble about this.


          • #6
            Re: Who's doing soundcloud?

            I am not doing soundcloud, as to why not, well I didn't know that this thing existed until seeing this thread. I haven't click on any the links that have been presented in this thread so I still have no idea what soundcloud is all about.


            • #7
              Re: Who's doing soundcloud?

              Everybody loves a good mystery...


              • #8
                Re: Who's doing soundcloud?

                Originally posted by Ron Whitfield View Post
                Sheesh, think I'm posting links to a bomb or what? I've never had anyone else grumble about this.
                I found that when I open links that I know nothing about, I either get downloaded viruses, phishing, an increase in SPAM emails and/or weighty cookies that slow down my computer.

                I hate mysteries.
                Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Taken!
                ~ ~
                Spreading the virus of ALOHA.
                Oh Chu. If only you could have seen what I've seen, with your eyes.


                • #9
                  Re: Who's doing soundcloud?

                  That's just part of the www, unavoidable unless you're limiting your use to next to nothing. I've had hardly any problems and I open plenty of stuff, but I'm not posting just any links without some inspection as tho I don't care.


                  • #10
                    Re: Who's doing soundcloud?

                    Originally posted by Ron Whitfield View Post
                    That's just part of the www, unavoidable unless you're limiting your use to next to nothing. I've had hardly any problems and I open plenty of stuff, but I'm not posting just any links without some inspection as tho I don't care.
                    That's cool Ron, but at least give us a hint re: what it's about. I didn't know if soundcloud was an American Indian chief or a CIA plan to stifle thunder noise.
                    Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Taken!
                    ~ ~
                    Spreading the virus of ALOHA.
                    Oh Chu. If only you could have seen what I've seen, with your eyes.


                    • #11
                      Re: Who's doing soundcloud?

                      Originally posted by Ron Whitfield View Post
                      Sheesh, think I'm posting links to a bomb or what? I've never had anyone else grumble about this.[???]
                      Originally posted by Ron Whitfield View Post
                      Everybody[?????] loves a good mystery...
                      Guess you kinda forgot about this infamous HT thread you started.

                      Useful links, me thinks.

                      Nope, this isn't the first time that people here have complained about your naked links. And while you had a few supporters coming to your side the last time, those mystery links weren't appreciated by everyone.

                      Just settin' the record straight.
                      This post may contain an opinion that may conflict with your opinion. Do not take it personal. Polite discussion of difference of opinion is welcome.

