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Lingle Snubs Obama, Again!

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  • oggboy
    Re: Lingle Snubs Obama, Again!

    So I guess with all the warning signs she got from Aloha Exec. weren`t enough?, just like Hawn`tel with the red light blinking, "warning". Now she wants to act like she care, too dam late!

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  • Amati
    Re: Lingle Snubs Obama, Again!

    Originally posted by TuNnL View Post
    By now all of us have read Lingle’s detailed agenda for the next week, and the PUC isn’t on it.
    Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
    The peoples' business (that IS the point of government in this country, ain't it?) ought not to be conducted "behind closed doors," particularly in such a critical matter as this one.
    Instructions for anyone who don't know that major decisions in government, the legislature, and business are often done "behind closed doors", and the topics are not always put on a "public agenda": pull head out of the sand.

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Lingle Snubs Obama, Again!

    Originally posted by Amati View Post
    What is going on behind closed doors we'll never know, but I'm sure our Hawaii government has its hand in this major PUC matter.
    The peoples' business (that IS the point of government in this country, ain't it?) ought not to be conducted "behind closed doors," particularly in such a critical matter as this one.

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  • TuNnL
    Re: Lingle Snubs Obama, Again!

    Originally posted by Amati View Post
    I'd be willing to bet that at least one of those "must keep" meetings are related to this problem. What is going on behind closed doors we'll never know, but I'm sure our Hawaii government has its hand in this major PUC matter.
    Oh, pleez. By now all of us have read Lingle’s detailed agenda for the next week, and the PUC isn’t on it. I would have been happy if Lingle had even paid more than lip-service to what has been going on at the PUC since she was first elected, but clearly, that hasn’t been the case.

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  • Amati
    Re: Lingle Snubs Obama, Again!

    Originally posted by lavagal View Post
    Does her staying in Hawaii make a difference regarding this news? Honestly. I'm asking this question w/o facetiousness.
    I'd be willing to bet that at least one of those "must keep" meetings are related to this problem. What is going on behind closed doors we'll never know, but I'm sure our Hawaii government has its hand in this major PUC matter.

    Mind you, I'm not saying that she does not have the option to travel and still be involved in home matters by utilizing some high-tech equipment [except a land phone might be iffy about now, ha], if she chose to do business that way, but her preferences might be that "in person" keeps better control.
    Last edited by Amati; December 1, 2008, 10:55 AM.

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  • lavagal
    Re: Lingle Snubs Obama, Again!

    Originally posted by Amati View Post
    As the Governor, Lingle has to have previously had a heads up that Hawaii's only land line phone company was going to file bankruptcy today. The potential of our phone company going under demands her attention. What would happen if the phones stopped working like Aloha stopped flying. [Or, as happened with another PUC, think about Molokai Ranch's recent threat to stop supplying water.]

    Perhaps she stayed put in order to oversee this problem headed towards Hawaii residents and businesses.

    [See HT's thread: Hawaiian Tel declares for bankruptcy]
    Does her staying in Hawaii make a difference regarding this news? Honestly. I'm asking this question w/o facetiousness.

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  • Amati
    Re: Lingle Snubs Obama, Again!

    As the Governor, Lingle has to have previously had a heads up that Hawaii's only land line phone company was going to file bankruptcy today. The potential of our phone company going under demands her attention. What would happen if the phones stopped working like Aloha stopped flying. [Or, as happened with another PUC, think about Molokai Ranch's recent threat to stop supplying water.]

    Perhaps she stayed put in order to oversee this problem headed towards Hawaii residents and businesses.

    [See HT's thread: Hawaiian Tel declares for bankruptcy]
    Last edited by helen; December 1, 2008, 10:36 AM. Reason: adding the URL to this post

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  • Ron Whitfield
    Re: Lingle Snubs Obama, Again!

    Like she has or will be putting serious focus on getting anything right, here at home. She's just another 2 term do nothing Gov., whom in this case is putting her efforts towards furthering her extremely biased political career elsewheres and never to think of Hawaii again.

    The sooner she's gone the better. I hear her main squeeze Bush is looking for a boot licker in Crawford...

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  • Random
    Re: Lingle Snubs Obama, Again!

    Glad she skipped those ridiculous Gov's Ass. and concentrate on Hawaii's state affair.

    So what he's the US Prez? He should come back to Hawaii and talk to Lingle on how he can help our state (instead of Illinois), eat Spam Musubi, and make Kalua Pork and Poi his daughters' favorite food.

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  • oggboy
    Re: Lingle Snubs Obama, Again!

    I need to stay here where I`m needed because of our economy, so I won`t be attending the Gov. convention. OH REALLY!!!!! But it was okay to move your okole back and forth during the election process.YEAH RIGHT... You did good as a Mayor for Maui County, I figured you`d do even better as Gov. of Hawaii, boy was I wrong. Thanks for nothin Linda.Sorry I made a bad decision on this Gov..........

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  • Frankie's Market
    Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
    Check out the organization known as the Log Cabin Republicans - a gay and lesbian G.O.P. organization, gaining in influence each election. Homosexuals don't have a "natural" political affiliation.
    No, they most certainly don't.

    I think Democrats have gotten the reputation as being the political party favored by gays because most members are more open-minded about same sex marriage. There's also Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank, who was the first openly gay member of Congress.

    Say what you will about gay marriages and an openly homosexual Democratic congressman. At least the Democrats are more liberal and accepting of alternative lifestyles, unlike closet gay Republicans who feel pressured to lead double lives and resort to furtive behavior. They are out there, folks. And when they are "outed," the results can sometimes be ugly.

    Exhibit A: Sen. Larry Craig, arrested for lewd conduct in a men's airport restroom.

    Exhibit B: Rep. Mark Foley, resigned in disgrace for sending sexually explicit e-mails to underage male Congressional pages.

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  • Frankie's Market
    Re: Lingle Snubs Obama, Again!

    Originally posted by craigwatanabe View Post
    Her name is Governor Linda Lingle, name calling should be limited to those too young to understand that teasing has no place in a civilized world. She couldn't make it but man look at all the presumptions that were made prior to princessdiz's posting of Lingle's schedule for next week, some outright demeaning to fellow human beings.
    You're certainly entitled to your viewpoint, which gives Lingle the full benefit of the doubt that her absence from the governor's conference is not a manifestation of a "dog in the manger" attitude.

    Of course, it was only just a few days ago that you didn't do the same for Barack Obama, making a cynical comment about his "good deed" helping out a woman in a Miami airport 20 years ago.

    Your partisan stripes are showing.

    Been talking with folks at my company the last couple of days. I was surprised. Even those who don't normally care much for politics all have comments to say about this little brouhaha. And not a single one of them had any kind things to say about our governor. Even a couple of guys I know who voted and campaigned for Lingle were really disappointed with her.

    Lingle can say whatever she wants. But there's little doubt that this was a bad P.R. misstep.

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Lingle Snubs Obama, Again!

    Originally posted by craigwatanabe View Post
    Gay and Lesbian Republican convention? I think that was a pretty low blow to the many Homosexuals out there who I think are primarily Democrat.
    Check out the organization known as the Log Cabin Republicans - a gay and lesbian G.O.P. organization, gaining in influence each election. Homosexuals don't have a "natural" political affiliation.

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  • Seeking Penance
    Re: Lingle Snubs Obama, Again!

    Originally posted by craigwatanabe View Post
    Yes I have a bone to pick with those who tease others by their name-calling. It's immature and totally unneccessary, and that goes for Rush Limbaugh as well.
    duly noted and duly respected

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  • craigwatanabe
    Re: Lingle Snubs Obama, Again!

    Originally posted by Seeking Penance View Post
    granted it was over the apology...but it was not in anyway name name calling

    as oppose to other governors' with their list of schedule's for next week.......put aside to attend the governor's meeting?

    The name calling was aimed at others who believe that a person's given name isn't good enough to address them so they have to result to name calling to exact their point. Sorry that one wasn't meant for you.

    I can't defend the other governors, only the one that's important to me and the rest of the state of Hawaii. Heck maybe the other 40 governors really felt Obama was more important than their work back home.

    Yes I have a bone to pick with those who tease others by their name-calling. It's immature and totally unneccessary, and that goes for Rush Limbaugh as well.

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