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New smoking ban

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  • Palolo Joe
    Re: New smoking ban

    Originally posted by Brad White View Post
    If you want to smoke, fine... just do it where no one but yourself has to endure it. I am not going to feel sorry for you.
    Which is why I wouldn't feel sorry about lighting up and blowing smoke in your face... in public.

    It should be up to individual businesses to decide whether or not to allow smoking. Not the government.

    I'm not a smoker. But I don't think government should be meddling in free enterprise, either.

    Want to get rid of smoking? Get the government to outlaw tobacco. But guess why ($$$$$) they never will...

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  • WindwardOahuRN
    Re: New smoking ban

    Originally posted by Brad White View Post
    I am also glad to be able to breath air without smoke... I put up with smoke in public places for decades. I dreamed of the day that this would come to pass. I never thought it would. I was held hostage to those smelly fumes for too long. You would come home from a restaurant or a gig and your clothes stank from the smell of cigarettes. I would have to change my clothes and wash my hair to be rid of it. Finally, finally we can go out and breath air free of smoke. For almost 6 decades I had to put up with rude smokers imposing their smelly bad drug habit. Sitting on an airplane with smokers!!! There were times I was ready to go up and pull their dam cigarettes right out of their mouths, I was so fed up with it. Yes I got angry about it. I began calling those organizations to find out what we could do to change it. Things did change... it was slow, but we did it. People have come around. It is like being liberated!!! .. the smokers are dying out.

    If you want to smoke, fine... just do it where no one but yourself has to endure it. I am not going to feel sorry for you.
    What he said. >HIGH FIVE<

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  • Brad White
    Re: New smoking ban

    I am also glad to be able to breath air without smoke... I put up with smoke in public places for decades. I dreamed of the day that this would come to pass. I never thought it would. I was held hostage to those smelly fumes for too long. You would come home from a restaurant or a gig and your clothes stank from the smell of cigarettes. I would have to change my clothes and wash my hair to be rid of it. Finally, finally we can go out and breath air free of smoke. For almost 6 decades I had to put up with rude smokers imposing their smelly bad drug habit. Sitting on an airplane with smokers!!! There were times I was ready to go up and pull their dam cigarettes right out of their mouths, I was so fed up with it. Yes I got angry about it. I began calling those organizations to find out what we could do to change it. Things did change... it was slow, but we did it. People have come around. It is like being liberated!!! .. the smokers are dying out.

    If you want to smoke, fine... just do it where no one but yourself has to endure it. I am not going to feel sorry for you.

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  • AlohaKine
    Re: New smoking ban

    Originally posted by Serenity View Post
    The best part of this "new smoking ban"...

    Is that I can actually breathe & I don't have to end up being so smelly coming out of Rumors & able to enjoy the food & drinks for once!!.

    Knowing the fact (just for health reasons) that I will continue to live for another day.

    It is really tough back in the day (for me), before the "smoking ban" came into the law. I use to go to night clubs once in a while, then I would really have the hardest time breathing, my chest would hurt, so I couldn't stand being in that area for a long time without having to hyperventilate & go out to get a breath of fresh air each time (that's why I haven't gone to night clubs since then).

    This is how it is. There are a few bars in my area that allow smoking just like the old days. Their clientele is now 80%-90% smokers with the remainder being non-smokers that see it as no big deal. Nobody really complains about this because there are plenty of options for non-smokers. Tell me way this has to be illegal, some places have made a successful go at non-smoking despite the "illegal" competition? If it was made legal, little would change. The bars that are hurting shouldn't have to make the choice between allowing law braking and going out of business. Why would bars or clubs that had success with non-smoking want to pay good money to get a smoking license?

    I am so glad that they made that new smoking ban, & knowing that I can fully enjoy myself with my hubby going into night clubs when we can.

    I'm happy for you that you have non-smoking venues to go to. I can tell you that I DON"T go to clubs any more because it is so unconfortable for my friends and I. I miss alot of the fun, always want to leave, have to fight my way outside, stand in the rain like a leper, 10 times a night ,get harassed by cops at the door, fight my way back inside, and when I get back in side, my drink and or seat is taken and it's a pain to refind your friends in the crowd.
    All I can smell now without the smoke is sweat and stale beer spills.

    Nothing was ever stopping a club or bar from going non-smoking voluntarily and some did including many restuarant-bars and things like Zanzabar's weekly smoke-free Latin nights. There IS a market for this with folks like you, and the Coalition for Tobacco Free Hawaii quietly admitted the key to success with this is simply a little advertising of the fact. Nothing was ever stopping smoking loathers from starting their own smoke free club - nothing. The anti-smoking groups have millions and could have easliy took one or more clubs over for you guys.
    I'm all for this idea as long a the MARKET decides. It's a free country.

    On the flip side my people have NOWHERE to go to be happy in a legal way and can't even make just one private club for us. 100% and happiness for the non-smokers and 0% for smokers and a new assignment as second class citizens.

    And no, I can't just quit - It's too hard and I enjoy it too much. The fact that the concept is being socially engineered on me by involuntary force of law only hardens my resolve to fight back. The "man" isn't going to inflict mind control on me, I call my own shots in life and everyone else should to as long as it is a legal substance.
    Last edited by AlohaKine; June 24, 2007, 04:16 PM.

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  • Serenity
    Re: New smoking ban

    The best part of this "new smoking ban"...

    Is that I can actually breathe & I don't have to end up being so smelly coming out of Rumors & able to enjoy the food & drinks for once!!.

    Knowing the fact (just for health reasons) that I will continue to live for another day.

    It is really tough back in the day (for me), before the "smoking ban" came into the law. I use to go to night clubs once in a while, then I would really have the hardest time breathing, my chest would hurt, so I couldn't stand being in that area for a long time without having to hyperventilate & go out to get a breath of fresh air each time (that's why I haven't gone to night clubs since then).

    I am so glad that they made that new smoking ban, & knowing that I can fully enjoy myself with my hubby going into night clubs when we can.


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