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Flashing light in sky near Orion

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  • dick
    Re: Flashing light in sky near Orion

    This site has an interesting database of UFO reports from around the world:

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  • Kaonohi
    Re: Flashing light in sky near Orion.

    Originally posted by GeckoGeek View Post
    Unlikely. Geostationary orbit is high enough that I don't think things like boosters will end up there. Not being an astronomer, is this over the equator? That's the only place objects can truly be geostationary.

    My guess is that it was a satellite. Some I think are spin stabilized.
    I checked. Orion is bisected by the equator. I have no doubt it was man-made, but curiosity gets to me.

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  • Kaonohi
    Re: Flashing light in sky near Orion

    For real. We are lucky here, plenty places where not much 'light pollution.'

    I've sat out on my back lanai and watched one W to E satellite pass close by a N to S satellite. They looked like dim, moving stars.

    My neighbor claimed he saw a huge UFO hovering over the ridge behind our houses... he described it as a "chandelier" cause it has numerous lights arranged in a circular pattern. But, it may have been his good friend Jack Daniels talking... rest their souls.

    But this thing was different. I've seen the blinking colored lights of planes and high altitude choppers, but I have never seen a stationary (or nearly so) light flashing as bright as the brightest star (Sirius) but not as bright as Venus, in a seven-second cycle. I checked the time the ISS disappeared, and this vanished later, so it must have been higher, as a geosynch would have been, and entered shadow later.

    Still no word from NASA.

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  • cyleet99
    Re: Flashing light in sky near Orion

    Coming home from occasional late shifts, I get a treat when I head up towards home...I try to pull over where it is dark so I can get out and look at the stars. (I also do my best to be safe. You never know.)

    It's so great to see such a beautiful display, and the longer you stay out and look, the more stars you see!

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  • lavagal
    Re: Flashing light in sky near Orion.

    Originally posted by Kaonohi View Post
    Have not seen it the past two nights (Tuesday night I was late, and tonight was cloudy till 8:10).

    I did explore other websites, and on ATS (Above Top Secret) people in Africa, Texas and Finland described EXACTLY what I saw. Who knows how many others?

    Brothers and sisters, thank you for your references to other sites where I could get information. I don't know enough, but I know some, and this was a genuine "anomaly." It wasn't the space station (but I would have loved to see it - I'll follow that link. Thanks Leo!) Thanks all.

    Although 'technically' it was a UFO, I'm sure we can get it ID'd so it won't be for long! I understand NASA has a catalogue of space junk and I have asked them - they said "We'll get back to you within 2-3 weeks. Reasonable...

    It was exciting - as if I may have found something new (fat chance), and for sure I wanted to share it with my online family.

    I think it is wonderful that you saw something in the sky, and that other people around the world validated your sighting! My favorite thing to do at night is to gaze at the stars and watch for any kind of space-related movement. But most of the time I see birds fly by, the jets, and last night too many loud helicopters circling in my Hawaii Kai neighborhood for who knows what reason! I need a spacesuit.

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  • Kaonohi
    Re: Flashing light in sky near Orion.

    Have not seen it the past two nights (Tuesday night I was late, and tonight was cloudy till 8:10).

    I did explore other websites, and on ATS (Above Top Secret) people in Africa, Texas and Finland described EXACTLY what I saw. Who knows how many others?

    Brothers and sisters, thank you for your references to other sites where I could get information. I don't know enough, but I know some, and this was a genuine "anomaly." It wasn't the space station (but I would have loved to see it - I'll follow that link. Thanks Leo!) Thanks all.

    Although 'technically' it was a UFO, I'm sure we can get it ID'd so it won't be for long! I understand NASA has a catalogue of space junk and I have asked them - they said "We'll get back to you within 2-3 weeks. Reasonable...

    It was exciting - as if I may have found something new (fat chance), and for sure I wanted to share it with my online family.
    Last edited by Kaonohi; January 21, 2009, 07:48 PM. Reason: Name Game

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  • GeckoGeek
    Re: Flashing light in sky near Orion.

    Why do I get the feeling that if I asked about ISS QSL cards, at least one person here would have one?

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Flashing light in sky near Orion.

    On Monday night, it was the International Space Station. A group of us who were gathered for an activity Monday night knew it was passing over, so we stepped outside (on a rare, clear January night in Seattle) to watch it. We first saw it just below, then to the "left" of Venus, and watched as it vanished overhead a few seconds later, when it entered Earth's shadow.

    At this website, you can track these kinds of things, based on your location.

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  • GeckoGeek
    Re: Flashing light in sky near Orion.

    Originally posted by Kaonohi View Post
    My best guess is a rocket booster that became geostationary
    Unlikely. Geostationary orbit is high enough that I don't think things like boosters will end up there. Not being an astronomer, is this over the equator? That's the only place objects can truly be geostationary.

    My guess is that it was a satellite. Some I think are spin stabilized.

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  • lavagal
    Re: Flashing light in sky near Orion.

    I saw a satellite go through Orion last night, about the same time, but it was moving from a northwest to southeast direction. I watch for satellites, too. This morning at 540 I watched ISS (International Space Station) go by from southeast to northwest. It is very distinct, doesn't blink, but travels close enough and at a speed that distinguishes it from smaller geo-type satellites. DOn't know what you saw, but know that I'm watching as well.

    There are two sites I observe:

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  • Kaonohi
    started a topic Flashing light in sky near Orion

    Flashing light in sky near Orion

    Monday, Jan 19 about 7:45. It was a cloudless night here in Eastern Oahu, Hawaii. I had been looking at Venus, then looking for the Milky Way.
    When I looked up at Orion, I saw a flash of light. I waited, and soon it flashed again. It was positioned "above" Orion's Left "shoulder" (West-North-West+-) or the right side of Orion as you look at it (Orion was lying on his right side).

    When it blinked again I began to count. I counted to seven between blinks, some were dimmer, some brighter. I went inside to try to find a place to report it or look it up if it was a satellite, to no avail, for half an hour. When I went back outside it was no longer visible (8:15). It did NOT appear to be moving, or, it may have been moving VERY slowly. I've watched satellites before, seen them traveling West to East and North to South. I know there are geostationary satellites. but I've never seen a blinking one before.
    My best guess is a rocket booster that became geostationary (since others have seen it in the same position) and as it turns end-over-end it also spins and some sides may reflect better. Then perhaps it 'disappeared" as it entered Earth's Shadow?

    Does anyone know where we can find out more? Ask questions?

    I'm fascinated!

    I'll look again tonight.
