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Donating juror's pay to a non-profit organization

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Donating juror's pay to a non-profit organization

    Originally posted by Nords View Post
    Meth Project it is. Thanks for the affirmation about the director and the rest of the staff. It's reassuring to learn that it's more than a one-hit wonder, and that's difficult to determine from just websites & tax returns.
    Good on ya, Nords, and very generous. And thanks also to turtlegirl for the original suggestion.

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  • honobob
    Re: Donating juror's pay to a non-profit organization

    Possibly for future reference. MATT. 6:2-4 2 ''So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you

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  • Nords
    Re: Donating juror's pay to a non-profit organization

    I'm not implying anything about the donations and support which have already been given over the years. My comments were intended as a fundraising matching challenge grant.

    Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
    Please Stop.
    Got it. Enough said on everyone's behalf already.

    Meth Project it is. Thanks for the affirmation about the director and the rest of the staff. It's reassuring to learn that it's more than a one-hit wonder, and that's difficult to determine from just websites & tax returns.

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  • LikaNui
    Re: Donating juror's pay to a non-profit organization

    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
    If I had been the OP this response would've caused me to do some back peddling. It appeared to me that Nords' mind was made up for him (emphasis above is mine) and he was being told where to donate!
    Sorry to those people who didn't catch the tongue in cheek in my comment. Obviously I should've used a smiley of some sort.

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  • tutusue
    Re: Donating juror's pay to a non-profit organization

    I kinda thought I wouldn't chime in any further on this thread because what needed to be said was...said! I'm gonna chime in anyway!!!
    Originally posted by Nords View Post
    Any other suggestions?
    Originally posted by Nords View Post
    [...]but the whole point of this thread was to turn the jury "pay" into a positive experience by using it to help someone else avoid the drug courts.[...]
    Nords...can you see why we didn't stay with suggestions involving drug related non-profits?
    Originally posted by LikaNui View Post
    Auntie Lynn, can you please post the link to the Slippah website so Nords can make his contribution? (I can't find my link to it and I've gotta run back out the door now.)
    If I had been the OP this response would've caused me to do some back peddling. It appeared to me that Nords' mind was made up for him (emphasis above is mine) and he was being told where to donate!

    Nords, others have already commented on donations that have come from HT members. I'm already in the 4 figure category as I'm sure others are. My yearly donations are made in the names of my clients in lieu of Christmas gifts. Another 3 figure Christmas donation will be made later this year.

    By all means, donate to whatever non-profit you'd like to see benefit. I commend you for your willingness to donate that money. I think what a couple of other folks wanted you to know is how important Lynn's charity is to HT and to not assume that we suggest something that we haven't financially supported in the past. And, it's tax deductible now!

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Donating juror's pay to a non-profit organization

    I think there's been some confusion here, and there's no need for us to berate anyone further. Nords clearly wanted to be generous and to follow the suggestion turtlegirl made, regarding donation to a program helping meth addicts recover, and even asked us for thoughts about several programs.

    Nords, we failed to make it clear that our suggestions regarding the Slippah Project were indirectly connected to such programs. Many of us know Lynn & her history (as a recovered addict herself), and know that her project grew out of a desire to assist children in housing projects - a grassroots effort to make a small improvement in the lives of those at-risk for heading down addictive paths themselves. "Heading 'em off at the pass," as it were, by trying to help their lives before they become addicts, rather than assisting with recovery efforts afterwards.

    Since you likely didn't know the history of Lynn or the project, you also likely didn't know that those of us you singled out have contributed much more than the amount you mentioned, over the course of several years (even before it became a registered non-profit). I hope you can see why some of us might have seen that as an insulting attack, and became defensive.

    If you do feel an apology from you is in order because of that misperception, I think those of us "wronged" would all agree that a contribution to the Slippah Project would soothe our bruises. Feel free to keep researching additional programs to receive the benefits of your generosity as well, although I think Mike_Lowery has offered up an excellent suggestion.

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  • 1stwahine
    Re: Donating juror's pay to a non-profit organization

    Please Stop.

    Nords, FYI, The total you suggest is manini in the amount
    that has been given over the years by them. In fact, Mikey
    who is suggesting the Meth Project took care of our Kauai
    distribution in 2008. My daughter also is involved in the Meth
    Project. Any Non Profit would welcome a donation in these
    hard times. The Slippah Foundation services the Homeless and Public
    Housing Keiki and their Ohana. Those who know my story will tell you.
    My passion is to help the Keiki, the Hungry and the Homeless.

    Last edited by 1stwahine; August 18, 2010, 07:32 AM.

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  • Mike_Lowery
    Re: Donating juror's pay to a non-profit organization

    I've done some work with the Hawaii Meth Project. Pretty cool organization, and their executive director got things together pretty well.

    They do a lot of work with other non-profits, so whatever $ they get helps a lot of people directly and indirectly.

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  • LikaNui
    Re: Donating juror's pay to a non-profit organization

    WOW, what a cold -- and rude -- post, Nords. It's nice of you to want to donate your check, but the attack above was uncalled for. Totally.

    Originally posted by Nords View Post
    the whole point of this thread was to turn the jury "pay" into a positive experience by using it to help someone else avoid the drug courts.
    I hadn't realized you specifically wanted it to go to an anti-drug program. There's nothing about that in the thread title. When I read your first post, I didn't scan that whole list of programs you were asking about. Your own comment in that post merely said "charity" and it asked for suggestions, which I gave and others agreed with.
    [Late added comment here:] And yes, I DO believe strongly that it's far more important to help kids in need than to help drug addicts. The kids didn't ask to grow up in needy circumstances, while the drug addicts made their own choices.

    If you feel so strongly that this takes priority over a drug program then let's put your money where your mouth is-- it's for a good cause! When the three of you have ante'd up then I'll do the same.
    Then go sit down and write a check to the Slippah Project, because all four (Craig, Tutu, Leo and I; that's four, not three) of us have been active financial supporters of it ever since it came into existence.
    Let us know when you've mailed the check.
    Last edited by LikaNui; August 18, 2010, 07:01 AM. Reason: Added comment about needy keiki vs. addicts.

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  • Nords
    Re: Donating juror's pay to a non-profit organization

    Originally posted by LikaNui View Post
    Donate it to Auntie Lynn's Slippah Project, a fantastic benefit for the keiki and she started it right here on Hawaii Threads.
    Originally posted by craigwatanabe View Post
    YES! I second that motion!!
    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
    I third it!!!
    Oh c'mon, guys, I'm a hardened serial discussion-board hijacker myself, but the whole point of this thread was to turn the jury "pay" into a positive experience by using it to help someone else avoid the drug courts.

    Surely someone on this board has had some experience with one of these organizations, or knows someone who's had an experience with them. All I've learned about them so far comes from the various charity & state tax websites, along with the organization's websites and maybe a media hit or two. I'm hoping someone has a more personal story to relate, good or bad, to help me make a decision. If you don't want to discuss it on the board then feel free to send me a PM or an e-mail.

    But before we move back to topic, let's talk about the Slippah Project for a bit. If you feel so strongly that this takes priority over a drug program then let's put your money where your mouth is-- it's for a good cause! When the three of you have ante'd up then I'll do the same. Lynn, when you've received at least $257.22 in donations from these posters, please PM me and I'll donate another $85.74.

    Now let's get back to the original $85.74 question. Anyone have any comments about the organizations I've listed above, or some other facility or program that assists recovering meth addicts and their families?

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  • tutusue
    Re: Donating juror's pay to a non-profit organization

    Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
    [...]And how it's
    grown over the years. [...]
    It sure has. And it's even an official non-profit now!

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  • 1stwahine
    Re: Donating juror's pay to a non-profit organization

    Mahalo LikaNui, Craig, TutuSue and LeoLakio for spreading the
    the word about "Our" Slippah Foundation! Yes, it belongs to HT
    because it started here as LikaNui stated earlier. And how it's
    grown over the years.

    Love and ALOHA,

    Auntie Lynn

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Donating juror's pay to a non-profit organization

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  • LikaNui
    Re: Donating juror's pay to a non-profit organization

    Auntie Lynn, can you please post the link to the Slippah website so Nords can make his contribution? (I can't find my link to it and I've gotta run back out the door now.)

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  • tutusue
    Re: Donating juror's pay to a non-profit organization

    I third it!!!

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