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Pet Peeve of the Day

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  • 1stwahine
    Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

    Originally posted by ericncyn View Post
    hm. this leads to a thought. i wonder how many of us HTers actually say in real life to people who are right in front of us, the things we say in this forum, as bluntly as we say them here?

    I am what I am. On and "OFF" da screen ~ PUPULE!

    I tell it like it is ~ I no kid ya!

    Auntie Lynn

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  • Keanu
    Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

    Originally posted by ericncyn View Post
    hm. this leads to a thought. i wonder how many of us HTers actually say in real life to people who are right in front of us, the things we say in this forum, as bluntly as we say them here?
    I do but then again, I'm usually pretty cordial. I'm glad I don't vacillate too much between my board persona and my off the board persona.

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  • cynsaligia
    Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

    my pet peeve today...

    people who act all uppity/abrasive/haughty/aggressive/wanna-be-hard on the phone or via email...but once you "interface" in person with them, they're completely different.

    i wish such keyboard/telephone gangsters would either (1) have the balls to be, in person, the effwads they are when protected by distance or (2) consistently use, in telephone or email, the "decent/reasonable" filter they suddenly find when communicating face to face.

    hm. this leads to a thought. i wonder how many of us HTers actually say in real life to people who are right in front of us, the things we say in this forum, as bluntly as we say them here?

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  • 1stwahine
    Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

    Originally posted by Hellbent View Post
    my fridge at work smells like ass. something went horribly wrong and its invisible.
    im probably the one who will give in and clean it, since my cubicle is next to it.

    Sorry...use corn starch first, closed door for about one hour to absorb odor. Wipe clean. Den use regular dish washing liquid with water and scub.

    Auntie Lynn

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  • Hellbent
    Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

    my fridge at work smells like ass. something went horribly wrong and its invisible.
    im probably the one who will give in and clean it, since my cubicle is next to it.

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  • DannyWilliams
    Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

    Work RANTS

    - Working in Garden at Target, I hate when guests picks out a plant and wants us to babysit their yet to be paid purchase while they go inside to shop. I try to say that they CAN take their purchase inside with them.

    - Guests who don't know how to get a cart before coming in or asks me WHERE ARE THE SHOPPING CARTS?
    Just right outside our entrance is carts staring right back at them. Often they are INSIDE and they get flustered in the process.

    - Guests who buy lots of plants that are like 7ft in height and they show up at our entrance door in a (you name it) 4 door car. If it was a mini van or truck would have made sense.

    - Guests asking where are the fresh cut flowers? I really wanna respond, Do You See them?

    - Guests asking me for a bag of soil. I say sure which one because we have up to 4 different brands. They look back at me thinking I have asked them a trivial question. I direct them to follow me to the back where we keep them displayed.

    - Guests pushing shopping carts bolting out of aisles when I am inside the store. HELLO?!?!? Never heard of coming out slowly making sure ya don't hit another person or cart?

    - People walking soooooo slow, taking up the whole aisle or walk space and have no consideration for others? Sure don't mind me while I STARE at you before you actually notice me.

    -Btw, fellow HT users any HATE fellow co-workers that are slobs at Work?
    It's goin on here at work for me........

    - The break room is horrids where co-workers don't clean up after themselves. We have a vending machine and they leave behind empty chip bags, candy wrappers etc. We do have a cleaning crew in the mornings but what the ?!?!? Seems too tiring for you to just take that extra 5 seconds to toss your garbage into the trash bins eh? And don't get me started on our fridges and microwaves.

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  • adrian
    Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

    Originally posted by craigwatanabe View Post
    Okay now let's all go outside for a Breath of Fresh Air (code to push carts)
    Atleast they have a code for push carts. Us, they just call people's names and mention the fact that we need more carts.

    Anyway, tonight's pet peeve is when people complain that they have to carry heavy bags of whatever they bought by hand because they think they're helping us by leaving the carts at the front door. We stand around because we just came back from pushing in 50+ carts into the store people! We're lucky that we can even stand after doing that for a couple of times, let alone a few weeks now.

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  • craigwatanabe
    Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

    Originally posted by doc1456 View Post
    I'm beginning to hate big companies.

    Our cart machines broke down, forcing us to manually push carts into the store. I love manual labor as much as the next poster, but if this will continue for a few more weeks, they better compensate us by giving us a raise or something. Its been a week since it broke down, and a week of aching muscles. Sure, I'm getting my needed exercise, but if you want hell, try working weekends with us. (oh yeah, there'll soon be a few job openings for walmart.)

    Oh, and I hate the rain. Tonight, I went out to take some night shots and remember what I learned in photography class - I was in my car half the time waiting for the rain to stop!
    Oh quit your Home Depot we have to push carts the manual way everynight IN THE RAIN (this is Hilo). PLUS!!! the parking lots in Hilo have a mean angle to drain off the deluge so we end up pushing carts uphill.

    PLUS PLUS!!! Walmart doesn't have these heavy metal carts.

    Okay now let's all go outside for a Breath of Fresh Air (code to push carts)

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  • adrian
    Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

    I'm beginning to hate big companies.

    Our cart machines broke down, forcing us to manually push carts into the store. I love manual labor as much as the next poster, but if this will continue for a few more weeks, they better compensate us by giving us a raise or something. Its been a week since it broke down, and a week of aching muscles. Sure, I'm getting my needed exercise, but if you want hell, try working weekends with us. (oh yeah, there'll soon be a few job openings for walmart.)

    Oh, and I hate the rain. Tonight, I went out to take some night shots and remember what I learned in photography class - I was in my car half the time waiting for the rain to stop!

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  • blueyecicle
    Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

    2 dogs broke my fence and came in and humped my dog and she is in heat!!
    That is my pet peeve!!
    I want to really strangle somebodys dog!

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  • craigwatanabe
    Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

    I hate it when my wife has to leave for Honolulu to go back to work on a Sunday afternoon when the sun's all grey and dreary. I can't wait until we go back to Honolulu so our family can be together again.

    I hate it when because you're all depressed that your wife has to leave you go to a Cheveron Mini Mart to get some comfort food and the Icee machine is OUT OF ORDER! WHY ME!!!!

    I hate it when you're all depressed because your comfort food is non existant so you can't get over the depressed feeling of a grey and dreary Sunday afternoon because your wife had to go back to Honolulu and you console yourself into reheating the leftovers for dinner and the leftovers have somehow managed to spoil.

    So I went to Malama Market in Pahoa and bought some bananas, apples, milk and two pounds of hamburger on sale and just made it past the minimum $25 dollar purchase to get my Malama Market gas card punched.

    I'm happy now, but I do wish I could see my wife again soon, she's my foundation.

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  • Lei K
    Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

    Today I felt all cute. I took a looong shower, blow dried my hair pretty and straight. I put on light blue drawstring pants (dressed comfy to lounge around the house on a cold day) with a royal blue colored shirt and cardigan. I go downstairs and kiss my husband and smile at him. He looks at me, studying me, the first thing he says to me... "You look like a tall Asian Smurf."

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  • Menehune Man
    Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

    Originally posted by LeiKaina View Post
    I understand where you are coming from Mr. Menehune but with all due respect we are supposed to live in more pono times where people are supposed to have rights. Why should indigenous peoples have to live like the people who took over their land? Where are their rights to be who they have always been? Why do they have to evolve into who we are to make us happy?

    I'm no expert on Fijians, Tahitians or other Polynesians but don't many of them still live traditionally in their own land. Their numbers are still strong in their own land, yes or no?

    And by Indian I'm assuming you don't mean from India? First People, Native Americans, (not sure which is the most right title) they have government programs and such and nation within a nation status, do they not deserve that?

    As for ancient history I would like to think that humans have become a lot more compassionate, learned from the past and would like to stop making the same mistakes.
    I'm not upset with anyone in particular, just the "mindset" of that's not fair. And BTW I like you too!

    Here's the Could, Should and Would of that mindset.

    "They could've been better to me and should've been too, so I would've been happier now.

    We could live in more Pono times... but don't. People right now today are living surrounded by war and scared for their lives. Others are living in poverty or outright starving due to another's greed. Some, if they drink the water they die if they don't they die. Then on a smaller scale... My house was broken into years ago and all my most prized possessions stolen, my car recently also broken into and messed up. Life ain't fair. Period.

    Most Fijians still own their land. True. It was their luck of the draw. They are going to work to get the dollar and living this easier modern style life as does everyone else that gets a taste of it.

    Both types of Indians. India was once governed by Great Briton also.

    "As for ancient history I would like to think that humans have become a lot more compassionate, learned from the past and would like to stop making the same mistakes." But have we? My point is throughout history and right up to today there has been injustice. So it's not just something in ancient history. Did you know there's still slaves (sex trade and otherwise). Forced servitude is really something to complain about. Having to work to pay the rent and buy food in this little beautiful, comfortable spot of the world is not. Being Pacific Islander, Oriental, European, African, or... whatever.

    Because bottom line "What is, is." Make the best of the hand your dealt and enjoy as much as you can your time on this earth.

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

    Originally posted by LeiKaina View Post
    First People, Native Americans, (not sure which is the most right title)
    And "First Nations" is the term preferred in Canada, since, of course, they wouldn't call themselves "American." It's also more reflective of their pre-Canadian nationhood.

    A majority of the Native Americans I know are quite comfortable with the word "Indians." However, they usually are more specific in calling themselves by their tribal affiliation instead, such as Suquamish, Muckleshoot or S'Klallam, or whatever the word in their language might be for "people."

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  • blueyecicle
    Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

    I am annoyed that yesterday I was asked if the easter Bunny pooped on my head!

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