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Who have you met or who do you want to meet in the Hawaiian music industry?

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  • Palolo Joe
    Re: Who have you met or who do you want to meet in the Hawaiian music industry?

    Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
    Thank you - that's all it was meant to be, before some people came by to piss on the thread and twist the tone into something negative (and it preceded your comment, MW.)
    Funny, because it was MW's comment that contained the name-calling.

    Piss on the thread? That's what you were doing by rattling off all the people you know. Taking part in the pissing contest.

    Go ahead, forget the modesty and be proud of all the people you know. Feel good about it.

    Us local folks will just hang back, with the knowledge that we're cool with pretty much all the same people... AND WE DON'T NEED TO BRAG ABOUT IT.

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Who have you met or who do you want to meet in the Hawaiian music industry?

    Originally posted by Keanu View Post
    Maybe it's just me, but this is the kind of thread that one expects to find on a message board like Like Lei Liko mentioned, many of us are either related to or are friends with Local musicians...I guess it just gives us a different perspective as it relates to these types of threads.
    I'm sure it's not just you, although I do think you're making a bit of a presumption here about what belongs on HT.

    akrauth is a big fan of Hawaiian music, and doesn't happen to live in Hawai`i, but likes to discuss something that is important to him; is Hawaiian music something that should be kapu to mainlanders? (And if you really think so - pose that question to those musicians who presently tour or would like to tour outside Hawai`i.) I would expect that many of you have strong connections of one sort or another to Island musicians, likely stronger and more enduring ones than those of us who are off-island - who ever said you didn't? How did this thread get such an "I'm better friends with them than you'll ever be" tone, just based on the simple question of the thread title? (And please note - it was not the mainlanders who steered it in that direction...)

    I would also expect you to have a different perspective to "these types of threads" - just as those of us who make our living in entertainment professions have a different perspective; sorry if mine doesn't resonate with you, but that doesn't make it any less in value.

    Originally posted by Mahi Waina View Post
    The 'topic of conversation' was a positive discussion about who people have met in the music industry.
    Thank you - that's all it was meant to be, before some people came by to piss on the thread and twist the tone into something negative (and it preceded your comment, MW.)

    Originally posted by Lei Liko View Post
    Sure, I can name drop -- but what good would that do? It doesn't make me more special just because they're in my circle of friends. Besides, they're entitled to privacy.
    I'm sorry...have I disrupted the privacy of performers I've worked with by mentioning their names here? Again, I know some will look at my list as "name dropping," simply by virtue of the number of names I listed in response to the question asked by the thread. I could do a similar list if you asked about jazz musicians, or Canadian musicians, or folk musicians, or authors, or political figures - but they aren't relevant to this thread. Many of you could do the same.

    I ask you this: should I be ashamed of the careers I chose, the paths I've followed? Should I hide my light under the proverbial bushel? If someone asks me the question "who have you met...?", I will do them the courtesy of answering. Anyone who thinks I'm trying to play some sort of "mine's bigger than yours" game has esteem issues of their own that I do not care to address.

    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
    Iz even gives a shout out to his cyber ohana in the liner notes of one of his CDs. His audiences were full of his internet friends.
    I had heard how much IZ enjoyed communicating via the internet; the new "IZ: Voice of the People" book addresses that as well. He's certainly someone that would be up there on my list of those I would have loved to meet. From a mainland p-o-v, it was sad that his passing happened just as music fans outside Hawai`i were really starting to pay attention to what he had to say, and he opened the doors (and ears) for many of us into other Hawaiian music.

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  • Palolo Joe
    Re: Who have you met or who do you want to meet in the Hawaiian music industry?

    Originally posted by Lei Liko View Post
    Sure, I can name drop -- but what good would that do? It doesn't make me more special just because they're in my circle of friends. Besides, they're entitled to privacy.

    While I won't speak for them, I can imagine that they'd find some of the comments in this thread downright creeptastic.
    That pretty much sums it up... and I like that word you used. It's CREEPTASTIC.

    Originally posted by Mahi Waina View Post
    The 'topic of conversation' was a positive discussion about who people have met in the music industry. The 'load of crap' was when Pakalolo Joe twisted the topic to a negative rant about name-calling and who's is bigger.
    Hey Mahu Whiner, it was your post that was a load of crap. You getting your panties in a bunch because you don't agree with me doesn't bother me at all, nor does it change my opinion.

    Most local musicians are professionals, and understand the importance of being accomodating to their fans.

    I can understand waiting in line for an autograph and a picture at a concert. But walking up to and and bugging the hell outta Uncle XXX or Auntie YYY while they're "off the clock" and just trying to unwind? And I'm not talking about just an autograph. I've seen people try to sit down and make house, spending upwards of 15 or 20 minutes blabbing away about how big a fan they are.

    Sure, the artist will probably smile and tolerate the intrusion, but I've been the drinking buddy who gets to hear how they really feel after you've walked back to your table.

    Like I said before: The reason they seem so nice and accomodating? That's local style. But just because they're smiling at you, it doesn't mean they're happy that you're bugging them.

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  • tutusue
    Re: Who have you met or who do you want to meet in the Hawaiian music industry?

    Originally posted by MadAzza View Post
    And framing an e-mail and hanging it on your wall doesn't?

    But yeah, I agree ... Akrauth's request is a little out there.
    Originally posted by Pomai View Post
    A framed eMail. Gotta' admit, that's a new one.

    But hey, Tutusue, you know we love you!

    **Tutusue now pauses in deep thought as she stares at that framed piece of Hawaii History on her wall**
    It's such a sweet that makes me smile everytime I see it. And, in reality, it's not hanging on a wall (ok..ok...I lied!!!); it's on a bookcase shelf, framed to protect it from the humidity! The original email went up in cyber smoke with a hard drive failure!

    Then there's the framed print hanging above the loo that makes me laugh out loud! Ah, that's a subject for another thread!

    But, if both of you stop by my office I'll show you a framed photo of Don Ho hanging on a wall! The Beamer Bros., too. And, a few others! <ggg>

    At the risk of redundancy...I sure like this new multi-quoting feature!!!

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  • tutusue
    Re: Who have you met or who do you want to meet in the Hawaiian music industry?

    Originally posted by akrauth View Post
    I'm not doing anything like sharing it with a bunch of folks or anything... I promise you that! Isn't curiosity legal? Lots of people can ask others what certain people say in e-mails, on the phone, etc. At least that's what a couple of my hoaloha do to me and I do to them. We can all be hoaloha on this board, can we not? Not hoaloha who go out with each other or anything, just hoaloha who chat with each other like this. Am I making sense? I hope so. And one more thing: if there's something you want to leave anonomous, I can be flexible all the time. As I said, it's just curiosity for you. I never get to Hawai`i Nei that often so it's good to be curious about what some artists have to say sometimes. That's how I think about it.
    I understand your curiosity. I understand your desire. And I also understand talking story with your close friends and family members. I don't understand curiosity coupled with a request that seems to me to be a bit on the obsessive side such as in your post #12. And, I really don't understand making a very public offer to people you don't know (with a few exceptions we're all just screen names and avatars on HT) to give out info from a private phone conversation you had with, in this case, a local musician (your post #1). That's how I think about it and I'd guess my thinker is a lot older than your thinker!

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  • Pomai
    Re: Who have you met or who do you want to meet in the Hawaiian music industry?

    A framed eMail. Gotta' admit, that's a new one.

    But hey, Tutusue, you know we love you!

    **Tutusue now pauses in deep thought as she stares at that framed piece of Hawaii History on her wall**

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  • MadAzza
    Re: Who have you met or who do you want to meet in the Hawaiian music industry?

    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
    With all due respect, this sounds a bit obsessive.
    And framing an e-mail and hanging it on your wall doesn't?

    But yeah, I agree ... Akrauth's request is a little out there.

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  • Lei Liko
    Re: Who have you met or who do you want to meet in the Hawaiian music industry?

    Originally posted by Mahi Waina View Post
    How many people were discouraged from posting about their experiences with musicians because of the negativity of your replies?
    That's of no concern to me. I really could care less.

    If they feel compelled to refrain from posting because I don't necessarily agree with some of the things said in this thread, then my suggestion would be to grow a thicker skin.

    If someone feels strongly about a topic, they should post it regardless of whether or not it'll be accepted by the majority.

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  • Mahi Waina
    Re: Who have you met or who do you want to meet in the Hawaiian music industry?

    Originally posted by Lei Liko View Post
    people should be allowed to post their opinions as long as the post isn't in violation of the terms laid out in the ToS, even if you might not agree with it.
    How many people were discouraged from posting about their experiences with musicians because of the negativity of your replies?

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  • Keanu
    Re: Who have you met or who do you want to meet in the Hawaiian music industry?

    Not that it matters but I'll have to side with Palolo and echo his sentiments. Maybe it's just me, but this is the kind of thread that one expects to find on a message board like Like Lei Liko mentioned, many of us are either related to or are friends with Local musicians...I guess it just gives us a different perspective as it relates to these types of threads.

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  • Lei Liko
    Re: Who have you met or who do you want to meet in the Hawaiian music industry?

    Originally posted by Mahi Waina View Post
    The 'topic of conversation' was a positive discussion about who people have met in the music industry. The 'load of crap' was when Pakalolo Joe twisted the topic to a negative rant about name-calling and who's is bigger.

    Possibly we enjoy discussing who we met because we are impressed with their talent and want to share our enthusiasm for the genre.
    Topic of conversation aside, people should be allowed to post their opinions as long as the post isn't in violation of the terms laid out in the ToS, even if you might not agree with it.

    If you don't agree with what he or anyone has to say, fine -- but personal insults (READ: your 'azzhole' comment) are unnecessary. You can make your point loud and clear without resorting to that kind of behavior.

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  • akrauth
    Re: Who have you met or who do you want to meet in the Hawaiian music industry?

    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
    With all due respect, this sounds a bit obsessive. Sorry, I just don't understand your need to know things like this...or your offer to disclose private phone conversation info in a PM.

    Iz didn't specifically request that I not share that email with the world. But private email is just that...private. Hanging it on a wall does not take it public! At least in a gated condo in Makaha it doesn't!

    I'm not doing anything like sharing it with a bunch of folks or anything... I promise you that! Isn't curiosity legal? Lots of people can ask others what certain people say in e-mails, on the phone, etc. At least that's what a couple of my hoaloha do to me and I do to them. We can all be hoaloha on this board, can we not? Not hoaloha who go out with each other or anything, just hoaloha who chat with each other like this. Am I making sense? I hope so. And one more thing: if there's something you want to leave anonomous, I can be flexible all the time. As I said, it's just curiosity for you. I never get to Hawai`i Nei that often so it's good to be curious about what some artists have to say sometimes. That's how I think about it.

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  • Mahi Waina
    Re: Who have you met or who do you want to meet in the Hawaiian music industry?

    Originally posted by Lei Liko View Post
    The fact that you resorted in name calling made your post lose any sense of validity. I hate it when people have a hard time disagreeing with the topic of conversation because they feel the need to make things personal.
    The 'topic of conversation' was a positive discussion about who people have met in the music industry. The 'load of crap' was when Pakalolo Joe twisted the topic to a negative rant about name-calling and who's is bigger.

    Possibly we enjoy discussing who we met because we are impressed with their talent and want to share our enthusiasm for the genre.

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  • tutusue
    Re: Who have you met or who do you want to meet in the Hawaiian music industry?

    Originally posted by akrauth View Post
    So what did he say in that e-mail? Tell me please! I've gotta know! If you don't want to post it, you can send me an e-mail or a PM.

    With all due respect, this sounds a bit obsessive. Sorry, I just don't understand your need to know things like this...or your offer to disclose private phone conversation info in a PM.
    Originally posted by SouthKona View Post
    Gee, Akrauth, he might have said, "since this is a private email, I'm sure you won't go plastering it all over in the internet".

    (Of course, framing it and hanging it on your wall would be ok. )
    Iz didn't specifically request that I not share that email with the world. But private email is just that...private. Hanging it on a wall does not take it public! At least in a gated condo in Makaha it doesn't!

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  • Lei Liko
    Re: Who have you met or who do you want to meet in the Hawaiian music industry?

    Originally posted by Mahi Waina View Post
    What an azzhole!

    Nobody's holding a gun to your head to participate in this otherwise positive thread. And don't put words in their mouths, I've talked to them also and know that they are delighted to have the support of their fans.
    The fact that you resorted in name calling made your post lose any sense of validity. I hate it when people have a hard time disagreeing with the topic of conversation because they feel the need to make things personal.

    Originally posted by Palolo Joe View Post
    Yes, call me names. It won't stop me from having the opinion that this thread is just about the equivalent of a pissing contest.

    I never said I was putting words into anyone's mouth. I didn't name names when I referred to conversations I've had with local artists, so for you to say you've "talked to them also" is a load of crap.
    Palolo Joe, I agree with you 100%. I've met practically the same amount you have in my line of work, and I drink with at least 6 of them on a weekly basis. Sure, I can name drop -- but what good would that do? It doesn't make me more special just because they're in my circle of friends. Besides, they're entitled to privacy.

    While I won't speak for them, I can imagine that they'd find some of the comments in this thread downright creeptastic.

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