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Manoa's Get-Together

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  • Re: Manoa's Get-Together

    Originally posted by manoasurfer123
    [...]So tutusue...where were you... you was the one person I missed so much I kept seeing you in my mental head!!!![...]
    After spending time at Sharon's in the morning and meeting Alohacandy and CranBeree, et al, Staci and I grabbed some lunch at La Mariana where she went into the big, jetlag yawns. She wanted to get in a quick nap before we did a couple of quick errands then headed to Duke's. I told her to call me when she woke up. When 6p rolled around I knew the evening was lost so called up my twins and placed them around town so it looked like I was out and about! Staci called me at 8:40p!!! She'd just awakened and felt terrible that she'd caused me to miss Duke's. Nah, no problem for me as she really needed to sleep. She was totally burned out from work. I haven't heard yet whether or not her 5 hour nap interfered with her night's sleep. I suspect it did for a few hours anyway!


    • Re: Manoa's Get-Together

      Originally posted by manoasurfer123
      We talked about where was POMAI!
      I know, yeah? Wassup witʻ dat? Also, where wuzʻ Tutusue? The original suggestor of Dukeʻs to begin with!

      Well, neither of us made formal commitments, hence the title was (informally) named "Manoaʻs Get-Together".

      Thanks for the food pics! Mean eh, da waffle-cut spicy Beach Fries?! The Hula Pie is also killahz. Next time, try their Mango-glazed BBQ baby back ribs and the Crab and Mac Nut Wontons. Awesome.
      sigpic The Tasty Island


      • Re: Manoa's Get-Together

        I actually was eating during most of the Football game so I didn't eat at Dukes.

        I ran out of space on HT to post pics of the Calamari and Nacho's that was also served...

        and it didn't look like Dukes had Mt. Dew. Helen got a chance at Mt. Dew as when I ordered a round... she ordered a pepsi...(not sure if that meant they didn't have Mt. Dew as you would think that because Mt. Dew is a Pepsi product they would also serve it...(maybe it's just not used in mixed drinks enough to invest in it? (Gee and for that matter...when you order a Coke and they actually put Pepsi in?)

        (and I didn't even get close to spending $100.00 )


        • Re: Manoa's Get-Together

          Mary and I were dropped off at Dukes by Sharon. AbsolutChaos and Fran met us within a few mintues. AbsolutChaos and I went to the section where Kapena was going to be playing. Tables and Chairs were being set up. We chose the two nearest tables and guarded it with our bodies and bags. No one was going to tell us anything. Eh, I'm a Tita. As for AbsolutChaos, she may be petite but she can hold her own too!

          Fran and Mary soon joined us and we got the chairs. We sat down and waited to be served. We waited and waited. By the time our waitress came, we were "thirsty!" It was the first of many drinks for Fran and I. Mary and AbsolutChaos sat at the opposite end.

          Kelly Boy was setting up. I went up to him and thought he wouldn't remember me. Before I could say anything...he told me, "Hi! Auntie Lynn!" I laughed and told him Leo Lakio and his Alpha Female from Seattle said "Aloha." He told me to tell them, "Mahalo!" I then told him about HT. We were here to listen to Kapena and have an afternoon of FuN together at Dukes.

          The moment had arrived. Manoa showed up! Fran and I looked at each other and didn't know whether to whack whack or gorge the sucker! Nah, Manoa is Manoa. In person, he is the same has Online. We kept telling him to Shut-up!! All kidding aside...he is a warm and friendly person. He brings laughter to a party.

          Helen arrived and ordered a Pepsi. Her cheeseburger looked onolicious too. We talked about USB Cable and other techie stuffs. We also talked about HT things which shall be kept between those who were at Dukes.

          AbsolutChaos' boyfriend arrived. With all the times I've been to gatherings with them, I still forget his name. I hope he did well in the Bike Race today. He always does.

          Kalona808 (Sharon),Cranberry (Mel), and Chris (Mel's hubby) finally showed up. Better late than never. They made it up in no time. They ordered the heavenly dessert Manoa posted and the odda one too.

          Fran told me to try the Calamari. I already had it in my mouth when Manoa stood up and said, "That's tutusue!" Fran told me, OH! Look Manoa going to tutusue!" I simply said, "No!" I couldn't say anything else cause the calamari was half down my throat.heheheh But by the time Manoa found out it wasn't tutusue, I swallowed the calamari and joined Fran in one big hilarious laugh!!!!

          Good things come to an end so fast. We paid our tabs and everyone didn't spend the dreaded $100.00. Infact, mine came to $25.50 including tip.

          I once again went to Kelly Boy and asked if could take some pictures with us and he said of course. We all posed for the many cameras everyone had. It was awesome. Kelly Boy is truly an Entertainer who shows Love and Aloha.

          Fran, Manoa and I headed for Chinatown. Fran wanted to hear me sing. Although my voice is not up to par, I figured with Karaoke, I can fake it. Singing with Kapena is a big No! No! Any entertainer will tell you the same. If you feel you can't perform 100% ~ don't perform. Your audience deserves 100%.

          I chose Club Kekai's. I didn't tell Manoa or Fran it was a Gay Bar. I assumed they knew cause they read my Blogg.heheheh

          In closing. It was another lovely day to meet and spend time with members of this wonderful Forum. We may differ on issues and grumble. Eh, We Ohana. All Families fight. We've got different personalities. We come from different backgrounds. Many times we tend to make others angry by what we think may be right in our opionion. We must all remember we are entilted to post our opinions within the rules and regulations of this forum. Yes, I am guilty of offending many times. Heck, I'm PuPule!!! Don't take me serious.

          Love & Aloha

          Auntie Lynn

          Btw: I am a BITXH!!
          Last edited by 1stwahine; September 3, 2006, 10:53 AM.
          Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
          Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


          • Re: Manoa's Get-Together

            Originally posted by 1stwahine
            AbsolutChaos' boyfriend arrived. With all the times I've been to gatherings with them, I still forget his name. I hope he did well in the Bike Race today. He always does.
            As always, I had a great time hanging out with some of the HT people and enjoying great music! Thanks for the round of drinks Mr. M!

            Ah, the bike race...I guess there was a big bike pileup behind my boyfriend today, and it ended up with someone hitting his rear wheel and damaging it beyond repair. By the time the repair car got him the proper size replacement wheel, he was pretty much out of the race. Think he was 63rd overall. It's gonna hurt financially to replace that expensive Zipp wheel--ouch. He has to get a new one before October's Ironman.


            • Re: Manoa's Get-Together

              Originally posted by AbsolutChaos
              As always, I had a great time hanging out with some of the HT people and enjoying great music! Thanks for the round of drinks Mr. M!

              Ah, the bike race...I guess there was a big bike pileup behind my boyfriend today, and it ended up with someone hitting his rear wheel and damaging it beyond repair. By the time the repair car got him the proper size replacement wheel, he was pretty much out of the race. Think he was 63rd overall. It's gonna hurt financially to replace that expensive Zipp wheel--ouch. He has to get a new one before October's Ironman.
              Wow! I knew, I should've remembered his name! Give him a hug foa me. I promise to remember his name the next time. I'll wear it on my sleeve or sumting. It's always great to see both of you. I still have your Spinach Bowl from the HT Picnic.

              Love & Aloha

              Auntie Lynn
              Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
              Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


              • Re: Manoa's Get-Together

                For the off island members on HT... I wish you could have come.

                If you are someone that regularly communicates with me and are coming in to Oahu and would like to have a get together... the next time it will be named after you!

                Just give us all a heads up and you know us in Hawaii... were always needing some sort of a reason for a party.


                • Re: Manoa's Get-Together

                  Hey Manoa...the Youtube was toooooooooo funny!! That poor guy! It was great meeting those of you that I hadn't met before. I guess I was on one of 3 trips to the lua when the group photo was taken... The nachos were great and so was the cold beer. Thanks Manoa for the drink! Still wish that I could have heard Aunty Lynn sing...maybe when she takes Hawaiidreaming (from the UK) on her Chinatown tour.


                  • Re: Manoa's Get-Together

                    Originally posted by alohacandy
                    Still wish that I could have heard Aunty Lynn sing...maybe when she takes Hawaiidreaming (from the UK) on her Chinatown tour.
                    Hui! AlohaCandy!!! Go to my Blog. Manoa when Youtube me at Kekai's last night so you can still hear me sing. Not all that great cause of my cold but passable. hahahahaha

                    Get pictures of our Get together too!


                    Auntie Lynn
                    Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                    Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                    • Re: Manoa's Get-Together

                      Originally posted by 1stwahine
                      Hui! AlohaCandy!!! Go to my Blog. Manoa when Youtube me at Kekai's last night so you can still hear me sing. Not all that great cause of my cold but passable. hahahahaha

                      Get pictures of our Get together too!


                      Auntie Lynn
                      Very nice.


                      • Re: Manoa's Get-Together

                        Originally posted by 1stwahine
                        Hui! AlohaCandy!!! Go to my Blog. Manoa when Youtube me at Kekai's last night so you can still hear me sing. Not all that great cause of my cold but passable. hahahahaha

                        Get pictures of our Get together too!


                        Auntie Lynn
                        LOL---soulful rendition. Once again, with feeling!!

                        You got guts, Auntie. I wanna say something like "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din" but I'm not sure that fits.


                        • Re: Manoa's Get-Together

                          Originally posted by WindwardOahuRN
                          LOL---soulful rendition. Once again, with feeling!!

                          You got guts, Auntie. I wanna say something like "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din" but I'm not sure that fits.
                          It fit's. I guess I'm considered "Gunga Din" to some many a times.heheheh

                          or "Of all da Nerve!"

                          Yee Haaah!

                          Don't listen to me ~ I'm pUpule!

                          Auntie Lynn
                          Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                          Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                          • Re: Manoa's Get-Together

                            Originally posted by 1stwahine
                            Hui! AlohaCandy!!! Go to my Blog. Manoa when Youtube me at Kekai's last night so you can still hear me sing. Not all that great cause of my cold but passable. hahahahaha

                            Get pictures of our Get together too!


                            Auntie Lynn

                            Thanks for sharing the pics....

                            Manoa... good to see my braddah from another father..... lol...

                            Auntie Lynn..... beautiful... just beautiful singing......

                            Can't wait to be in Hawai'i.

                            FINALLY HOME IN HAWAI'I!

                            "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
                            Mark Twain


                            • Re: Manoa's Get-Together

                              Originally posted by manoasurfer123
                              So what HT members missed out on as I followed the Drunk dude out of dukes!

                              Make sure your volume on your speakers is up!


                              Manoa...that was CLASSIC !!!! Great camera guy on the spot work!

                              Jeez, I feel for you guys living there who have to suffer these kinds of fools every day.
                              Need a place to stay in Hilo ?
                              Cue Factory - Music for your Vision


                              • Re: Manoa's Get-Together

                                Originally posted by Surfingfarmboy
                                I will be in Kailua from December 1 to December 16, 2006. While in Hawaii, I will be making a couple of day trips to (for sure) the Big Island...gotta get down to Naalehu for a little while...and most likely, Kauai. Last year's trip over, I was fortunate to meet many of the members of Hawaii Threads, and with any luck, I'm hoping to meet up with even more members this year's trip over. Perhaps some of us can get together for a nice dinner somewhere, or if that doesn't sound good, maybe a casual plate lunch somewhere. Or a Jamba Juice!

                                And don't forget: The Honolulu Marathon is on December 10...5AM from the corner of Ala Moana and the Queen St. extention....any of you running the race this year? If so, I'll see you there!

                                Funny, I"m going to be in Kailua then too, from the 4th to the 10th, then the BI from the 10th to the 14th. I will be hitting up Auntie for a Chinatown tour as well.
                                Need a place to stay in Hilo ?
                                Cue Factory - Music for your Vision

