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I'm back!

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: I'm back!

    Aloha e `Alika.

    No, the signature line is a play on the cultural reference "jumping the shark." In the TV series, "Happy Days," many people felt the quality of the program was clearly heading downhill when they aired an episode that had the character known as The Fonz jump his motorcycle over a shark tank - hence, when a series (TV, film, any franchise) starts getting clearly poorer in quality writing, it's referred to as "jumping the shark."

    Since the "Jaws" movies are about sharks, I liked the idea of suggesting that when the films started dropping in quality, it should be called "jumping the Fonz."

    No "Sopranos" reference intended whatsoever, sorry!

    (And if anyone reads this someday in the future, after I next change my signature line, it will make no sense whatsoever - unless you know that the line I used at the time was: "Jaws 3 was where the series really jumped the Fonz.")

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  • akrauth
    Re: I'm back!

    Aloha no!

    Leo, is the qhote in your signature referring to The Sopranos? I love that song btw. Every time I sing it and play it on the piano all my peers go nuts and sing along with me, especially before choir rehearsals start. So epic!

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: I'm back!

    Originally posted by akrauth View Post
    Anybody know when Kamaka Fernandez' CD is coming out?? I heard on a youtube interview from one of the TV news stations in Hawai'i that it was set to come out in March of 2008, and still no sign of it.

    And also, I don't know why Auntie Marie isn't selling Allison Chu's full-length Hawaiian CD. I've been dying to get a copy. Any way I could?

    As far as I've been able to find out, Allison's full-length CD still isn't out - just her Christmas single of "Ave Maria/Christmas Island," and that's just available for downloading (through CDBaby). FWIW, Auntie Maria is no longer running; she sold it to Fred Krauss earlier this year.

    Kamaka's CD still isn't out either; not sure what the holdup is with that.

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  • Menehune Man
    Re: I'm back!

    Howzit and welcome back Alika!
    Had to check out 'Moku O Keawe' Real Cool.

    All the bestest in Uni and have fun too...

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  • akrauth
    Re: I'm back!

    Yes, actually. As for new groups who made their debut recordings in 2008, I love Kupaoa and the Manoa Voices. I can't wait to hear some of the new traditional Hawaiian artists from this year if there are any. And I also cannot wait to hear the newest releases from some of my old faves like Natalie Ai Kamauu, Na Palapalai and so on.

    Anybody know when Kamaka Fernandez' CD is coming out?? I heard on a youtube interview from one of the TV news stations in Hawai'i that it was set to come out in March of 2008, and still no sign of it.

    And also, I don't know why Auntie Marie isn't selling Allison Chu's full-length Hawaiian CD. I've been dying to get a copy. Any way I could?


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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: I'm back!

    Hey, welcome back, `Alika! Since I hadn't seen any posts from you (here or on TP) for a while, I figured college was keeping you busy!

    No worries about any past pilikia; we all go through stages of growing and stumbling - glad you learned from it (not every one of us does).

    Made any exciting new discoveries in Hawaiian music lately?

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  • Kaonohi
    Re: I'm back!

    WTF! Welcome back!

    I never met you, but I cherish HT persona who can contribute, add to our knowledge, and fight off the evil influences that always wish to take over our HT paradise.

    So... Wassup? What news you got for us????


    (BTW: step lightly, there may be a war ongoing!)
    You know the drill, trust no one until they have proven themselves, trust them lightly, CYOA (pm me if this is unclear), and be true to yourself.

    Happy HOLIDAYS!

    Watch out for the umbuwac.

    Otherwise, feel the love.............................................. ...

    Last edited by Kaonohi; December 16, 2009, 04:44 PM. Reason: umbuwac!

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  • akrauth
    started a topic I'm back!

    I'm back!

    Aloha! How has everybody been doing?

    For those of you who don't know me yet, this is Alex, or 'Alika. Please call me by my Hawaiian name. I'm happy to report that I'm going to Moku O Keawe in January for a week! Yay!

    For those who do know me, I just wanted to apologize for everything I've said during my eighth grade and freshman years that maybe I shouldn't have said. I've grown up a lot and learned more about Hawaiian protocols since then. That was also a time when I didn't know too much about Internet safety and what to do and what not to do on it. I truly feel that if you would meet me in person, I would seem different from the person you thought I were.

    I may not post as much as I have back then because I'm a freshman in college this year, and it's a lot of work to be a Music Ed major, but I just wanted to say aloha. Write me one back and malama!