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Honolulu Weekly does it again!

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  • Honolulu Weekly does it again!

    In the latest Honolulu Weekly, we have a book review by Meda Chesney-Lind, wherein we are told in this one review, the book in question, "Honor Killing" is both "an excellent read" and "a great read".
    (Why must we be subject to people hacking up journalistic standards? Why must we be forced to see verbs arbitrarily and then redundantly turn into nouns?! And this time, from a "professor" at the U of H! ...who inexcusably, also uses that damned worthless throwaway fad phrase; "that said".)

    In the review, appearing beneath the disproportionate and whimpy title: "Something awful has happened"... Meda performs an extreme disservice to all native islanders by claiming Thalia Massie, who created a firestorm of racial hatred across the islands as well as nationally (through America) in the 1930's.... is being treated unfairly...

    Meda utilizes the unfortunate and very pernicious excuse that Thalia was the haunted product of an oppressive society. Through this, the latest book on the sensational "Massie Affair", we are told Mrs. Massie is DEMONIZED, but...ok, get this: "Talia Massie deserves better"...

    oh, and in case you are not shaking your head in disbelief by this point, due to some nonfamiliarity with the Massie case, let me remind you Massie, (along with all the other atricities one has learned from this case), caused the unfortunate and of course completely unjust murder of an innocent Hawaiian boy, one of the four innocent bystanders unjustly accused by Massie of her supposed rape.
    Last edited by kimo55; June 8, 2005, 06:16 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Honolulu Weekly does it again!

    Agreed. The review commits the classic error of focusing on what the reviewer wishes the work had been about, not the work as it is. And Lind's view of Massie whitewashes the atrocities in which she was complicit.

