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So what's up with the Weekly?

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  • #31
    Re: So what's up with the Weekly?

    conspiracy theorists time!


    • #32
      Re: So what's up with the Weekly?

      Which is why I read the dailies on Fridays... you get just as good, and usually better, coverage of arts and entertainment in TGIF and Weekend these days than you do in the Weakly.


      • #33
        Re: So what's up with the Weekly?

        Earlier this evening I paused to read through the Weekly.

        I was dismayed to see a quarter-page ad announcing that someone named "Linda Rondstadt" would be performing soon in Honolulu. This wasn't a brief mention in the listings -- it was a huge advertisement, which some poor sucker(s) paid for.


        (For you youngsters reading this ... Oh, never mind. Look it up.)
        Last edited by MadAzza; March 26, 2006, 12:40 AM.


        • #34
          Re: So what's up with the Weekly?

          Originally posted by Palolo Joe
          you get just as good, and usually better, coverage of arts and entertainment in TGIF and Weekend these days than you do in the Weakly.
          Very true. The Weakly doesn't do a very good job in updating their listings. If something gets added to the list it seems to stay there for six months without any followup. I've seen clubs that have closed but they stayed listed forever, and bands that had broken up but stayed listed forever, etc. I learned to call a venue to confirm info before going!

          That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


          • #35
            Re: So what's up with the Weekly?

            Please tell me there wasn't a reference to Gerry Browne in that ad!


            • #36
              Re: So what's up with the Weekly?

              Hee! Good one. I was beginning to worry that I was the only one outraged that Linda Ronstadt's name was misspelled in a huge ad.

              The woman is an *icon*, for God's sake!

              I'd better put on some Moatsart and calm down.


              • #37
                Re: So what's up with the Weekly?

                Liki Nui, that mid-sentence disappearing act that I was refering to was in the Rent Control article. I'm no fan of the Weakly and their liberal agitprop, but I don't like any statement I make to be misinterpreted, especially from a guy who's avatar is a rip off of a Van Halen cover. Yngwie Malmsteen can outshred Eddie Van Halen anyday.

                Gotchew, I get where you're coming from. Plenty of weeklies run extremely long stores. The Village Voice and the Reader come to mind. That doesn't change my opinion of young readers. They're too busy text messaging and downloading Nsynch or Backstreet boys or whatever it is that the Ritalin tells them to listen to.

                Erika, I've learned not to trust any letter to the editor. If it isn't some mad lib form letter from Peta or Planned Parenthood, it's from some geriatric who does nothing more with their time than complain, play Sudoku and searching for their misplaced teeth. It's all worthless.


                • #38
                  Re: So what's up with the Weekly?

                  Originally posted by Marshall Field
                  Yngwie Malmsteen can outshred Eddie Van Halen anyday.
                  apples and oranges


                  • #39
                    Re: So what's up with the Weekly?

                    obviously, you folks on Oahu don't have a clue as to what's happening on the BI. So what's new. My question was wether the ownership of the BI alternative Weekly would be affected by the Oahu Weekly. Specifically, would one affected the other, particularly since they are now owned by Lauri Carlson.

                    So much for trying to find real dialogue regarding the BI on Oahu. And also, so much for trying to find any intellect on the BI. To hell with both of you.


                    • #40
                      Re: So what's up with the Weakly?

                      Originally posted by Kawika
                      My question was wether the ownership of the BI alternative Weekly would be affected by the Oahu Weekly. Specifically, would one affected the other, particularly since they are now owned by Lauri Carlson.
                      Gee, ya waited three whole weeks after your original post to check back in? Guess you weren't in any hurry for an answer. And in any case, what you stated above is not what your original question was. Your message #1 in this thread said (in its entirety):
                      "Just want to know your opinion as to the status and quality of the Weekly. You all knew that the Weekly bought the Big Island's alternative, right? There's money to be made there, indeed. But more importantly, is the Weekly doing its job of providing an alternative view? Just wondering."
                      So no, you didn't ask wether (sic) ownership of one would affected (sic) the other.
                      Anyway, you tell us -- has there been any change in the Big Island paper?

                      So much for trying to find real dialogue regarding the BI on Oahu. And also, so much for trying to find any intellect on the BI. To hell with both of you.


                      That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


                      • #41
                        Re: So what's up with the Weekly?

                        Originally posted by Kawika
                        So much for trying to find real dialogue regarding the BI on Oahu. And also, so much for trying to find any intellect on the BI. To hell with both of you.

                        Taking your ball and going home, huh?


                        • #42
                          Re: So what's up with the Weekly?

                          Alas, the Weekly has frittered away its niche by becoming boring and shrill in its fascist agenda. I really enjoyed the Weekly when it first started. Every town needs something like it, if only to keep the big dogs on their toes.
                          Burl Burlingame
                          "Art is never finished, only abandoned." -- Leonardo Da Vinci


                          • #43
                            Re: So what's up with the Weekly?

                            I was the office manager for an alternative news weekly for about 5 years. It's interesting that there is a revolving door with your weekly, as the same thing seemed to be going on where I used to work as well. Had the paper treated its employees with more respect, perhaps people would have stayed.

                            It sounds like your weekly doesn't do much for arts and entertainment...which is a shame, as generally they're great papers for that. Ours was great for almost all of its content, even the political stuff, as our writers were damn good. The paper won loads of awards. Haven't really read it since I left in 2004, only because I don't have the nose is buried in school books, and when I actually have a chance to read for pleasure it tends to be magazines (i.e.-Wired, National Geographic, etc) or books (nonfiction/fiction). I basically get my news from the tv (Lovelovelove Brian Williams, before that it was Tom Brokaw) or online.


                            • #44
                              Re: So what's up with the Weekly?

                              Originally posted by Marshall Field
                              ... Erika, I've learned not to trust any letter to the editor. If it isn't some mad lib form letter from Peta or Planned Parenthood, it's from some geriatric who does nothing more with their time than complain, play Sudoku and searching for their misplaced teeth. It's all worthless.
                              *I'd better put on some Moatsart and calm down.*

                              This thread was joyous reading. LOL, LOL!

                              Marshall -- thank you ... and Maddie -- I'm either going to put(s) "on Sinatra and start(s) to cry" or, hold my breath until the next time Wayne Harada writes about Rex Nockengust -- I've not yet decided.
                              I know a lot less than what there is to be known.


                              • #45
                                weekly excuse for a noosepepah

                                so. Burl Burlingame writes an entertaining article on the Merrie Monarch event...for the masses, (as, who else reads the papers?) and gets slagged for it.
                                As far as i know, a reporter's job is to bring a view of something fairly unknown, to the fairly uninitiated. In wording they may be able to relate to. In a manner which doesn't talk down to them. Or assume they know all about the subject. Cuz many don't. I read the article and he did the job. Fairly well, as he seems to do most alla time. The form it was presented would help the clueless to understand the ways and means of this mileau.
                                Also, as Hula is seen as nothing more than a Kootchie Kootchie hula-hula lascivious cartoonish source of entertainment on the mainland at the weekend maitai soaked tiki party for many, the way the article was presented, would help draw in this faction as well as those wanting to learn more of the hula who haven't a clue.... and educate them, all and sundry. Mission accomplished. What's the problem.

                                but now, we see this reportage is labelled
                                but this from a paper that shows us an old sewer cover on the street with a manufacture date of the 20's or so. and sez this is the reason why we need to have an updated sewage system.

                                Last edited by kimo55; May 3, 2006, 02:06 PM.

