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Know Ye the Fashion Forum?

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  • Know Ye the Fashion Forum?

    Willow Chang. Amy DeFilippi. Tiffany Hsu. Melissa May. Heather Meulemans. Chanel Shiraishi. Sherry Chock Wong. You don't know them? Why, they're members of the Honolulu Advertiser's oft-consulted Fashion Forum, an evolving but apparently authoritative local council of what's cool.

    We know they each have a unique personal style, that they're smart shoppers, not big spenders who act as trend spotters, who assist with story ideas and serve as fashion correspondents, and are also described as advisors or informants.

    But who are they, really? How did they get picked to join this cabal of "everyman/everywoman" fashion arbiters and commentators?

    We first met them in June 2000, and at the time each member got a brief biography. But back then it was Andrea Akeo, Nicole Drumeller, Willow Chang (the only one still around), Tatum and Tanner Henderson, Elisa Junge, Pomai Uphouse and Jennifer Yoshimuri.

    Since then we've also been introduced to Rachel Borg, Leilani Tan Ching, Tanya Harris, Audrey Hoo, and - the few guys - Richard Kuwada, Twan Matthews and Nathan Mochizuki.

    Where do they meet? Do they vote or keep minutes? What are the eligibility requirements... besides being young? Release the records! The public deserves to know!

    Just kidding.

    Still, is this kind of semi-permanent council of not-quite-average folks common? I think I recall the Advertiser also had an informal business roundtable-type thing as well. But you can measure credentials and qualifications for business -- fashion is pretty arbitrary. I don't doubt these people are stylish, but how are they a better gauge of up-and-coming trends than anyone else? Why not just send a photographer to the mall every week with a camera and a pen?

    They could definitely use a wider variety of sizes and ages in the group. As these stories have come up, I keep thinking, "That looks great... if you're 17 years old and weigh 110 pounds..."
    Last edited by pzarquon; September 7, 2004, 02:57 PM. Reason: Missed one!

  • #2
    Re: Know Ye the Fashion Forum?

    I held back for an hour, resisting the urge to reply instantly with a snarky comment, but I guess I can't resist any longer. Paula Rath's fashion articles always make me think of the wealthy, hip, "in-crowd" kids in high school, and these ones are no exception. Boy, those kids annoyed me.

    But back to the question. Knowing the way newspapers work, my guess is that the Fashion Forum are friends of the staff. Or maybe, daughters of friends of the staff, or friends of daughters of the staff.

