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We need Liberal Talk Radio in Hawaii

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  • We need Liberal Talk Radio in Hawaii

    We need a good liberal talk show here in Hawaii, the Fisherman used to be on years ago, I think on KHVH or KGU or how about Mark Goldstien, someone like that, what happen to those guys, and where is Larry Schaffer he was also a good liberal talk host. I cannot listen to all this right wing crap its so boring.

  • #2
    Re: We need Liberal Talk Radio in Hawaii

    Originally posted by b4ru
    We need a good liberal talk show here in Hawaii, the Fisherman used to be on years ago, I think on KHVH or KGU or how about Mark Goldstien, someone like that, what happen to those guys, and where is Larry Schaffer he was also a good liberal talk host. I cannot listen to all this right wing crap its so boring.
    I usually dont post unless I feel its important... Larry Schaffer passed away a few weeks back... I invite you to listen to KUMU AM 1500 next week.. as we complete our format revision.... Jeff J Coelho


    • #3
      Re: We need Liberal Talk Radio in Hawaii

      Originally posted by jeff j coelho
      I usually dont post unless I feel its important... Larry Schaffer passed away a few weeks back... I invite you to listen to KUMU AM 1500 next week.. as we complete our format revision.... Jeff J Coelho

      There was speculation that after Visionary bought you guys out that KUMU AM 1500 would become the an Air America station.

      This came about after one of our readers brought this up on our old message board.
      I'm still here. Are you?


      • #4
        Re: We need Liberal Talk Radio in Hawaii

        Originally posted by jeff j coelho
        I usually dont post unless I feel its important... Larry Schaffer passed away a few weeks back... I invite you to listen to KUMU AM 1500 next week.. as we complete our format revision.... Jeff J Coelho

        HI Jeff,

        Thanks for bringing up Larry as not too many people remember him. I saw his obit in the papers and there wasn't much said about him at all. It's sad because he did make a mark in the Honolulu broadcast market along with the late Bill Morse (who also wasn't recognized) I used to work with both of them either at KORL or KGU.

        By the way I also used to work with your brother at Kaimuki Typewriter back in the early 80's!
        Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


        • #5
          Re: We need Liberal Talk Radio in Hawaii

          Bill Morse?

          The fellow with the wonderful collection of old time radios- he'd been collecting for eons?... I didn't know he'd passed. I worked with him back in the 80's at a Kauai radio station.

          He was all radio... kind easy going, caring and wanted to get the radio station out- to any and all events- it didn't matter if the station was a sponsor or not- for him it was all about community. And connecting the station to it. Grab the mic- charge out with the Marti- whip antenna- it'll do. We're off to the fair.

          Always quick with a smile... His name brought one to my face... I always wondered where he'd gone off to... hmmmm. that's too bad. Good guy.

          Since, you said nothing had been said about him... I thought it a good time to get back on line with you all. I haven't done anything since the change some time ago... content to lurk and must say the reading's been very cordial as of late but hasn't the excitement it once had.

          I'm waiting for more juicy gossip. Sorry-

          That's just me being human.


          • #6
            Re: We need Liberal Talk Radio in Hawaii

            I am soooooo sorry to hear that Larry passed away he was the single best radio guy I ever heard in HAwaii. Jeff, am I correct in understanding you are bringing air america to HAwaii, that would be most awesome, bring back the fisherman and some of the real talkers in this town BACK ON THE AIR!!

            Originally posted by b4ru
            We need a good liberal talk show here in Hawaii, the Fisherman used to be on years ago, I think on KHVH or KGU or how about Mark Goldstien, someone like that, what happen to those guys, and where is Larry Schaffer he was also a good liberal talk host. I cannot listen to all this right wing crap its so boring.


            • #7
              Re: We need Liberal Talk Radio in Hawaii

              Air America has arrived.
              I'm still here. Are you?


              • #8
                Re: We need Liberal Talk Radio in Hawaii

                YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS...................any local talkers planned??? Mel I know you are a right winger but it's nice to have some balance huh??? Anyone got the clock for the new KUMU??


                • #9
                  Re: We need Liberal Talk Radio in Hawaii

                  There are enough spots on the dial to accomodate almost everyone.
                  I'm still here. Are you?


                  • #10
                    Re: We need Liberal Talk Radio in Hawaii

                    Very true Mel, but talk radio has been totally dominated by the right wing, pick any talk market in the country and you have the same IMHO boring lineup, morning drive, local right wing host, followed by dr laura (or any numer of the several Mikes that are out there) ,followed by another Mike, ( why are there so many right wing mIkes anyway?) followed by the old Ar bell crowd show. They al sound the same and havet he same whacky idology. I hawaii up until now we have all these religous freekazoid owners like Salem radio, look at the mess they truned KGU into...........


                    • #11
                      Re: We need Liberal Talk Radio in Hawaii

                      Well as you probably well know I enjoy most of the talk shows on Clear Channel's stations. I don't listen to them every day. I like to make time to listen to music too. But when I do listen to talk radio, yes, it is Rick Hamada, Rush Limbaugh and usually Art Bell on the weekends. I like Mike Savage, but don't listen to him as often as I used to since the reception of KHBZ is not very clear in the building I work in. I'm not a big fan of Dr. Laura or any type of show like that, so I never listen.

                      I like Kim Komando, but I don't think she's conservative. Her show is just fun and informative to listen to because so many PC users have problems, often the same kinds of problems every week.

                      I listened for a very brief time this morning to KUMU AM, but they had some kind of consumer talk show on at the time. I'll try back later just to sample what the programming is like.

                      As for local talk talent showing up on KUMU AM, I can't see that happening too soon unless Mr. Coelo already has someone in mind. For now I think it would be cheaper for Visionary just to carry Air America without having to pay a local on-air person.

                      As for why there are so many "Mikes" in conservative radio... that I have no answer for. Perhaps it is just guys with the name "Mike" are conservative. Who knows.

                      Finally as for Salem... well I am sure you know they are a Christian operation nationwide. There is an audience for safe, family oriented programming. Some of it is interesting though a lot of it too preachy... but then again, KGU, KAIM and other Christian stations are just that... somewhere where God's word can be broadcast.
                      Last edited by mel; June 11, 2004, 06:59 PM. Reason: just fixing it!
                      I'm still here. Are you?


                      • #12
                        Re: We need Liberal Talk Radio in Hawaii

                        ALoha Mel, thanks for the thoughtful response. Excuse the caustic sarcasm think what I am hearing partly from you is that perhaps if you had more "liberal" choices you would give it a try and tune in. The label I pinned on you was a bit unfair, I really don't even know you at all. I think part of the problem that has occurred in talk radio is that good thinking folks like yourself have not had the opportunity to really hear good liberal talkers who are entertaining. Please keep trying to tune in when you can, especially to Al Franken, I think you will find him to be informative and evertaining, he is beating Rush in the ratings in New York so he can't be all that bad!! Al is actually turning into a ratings buster to some degree in all the markets he is in right now.

                        As far as religious programming is concerned, sure it's free speech and there are people out there that support it, but attaching commercial benifit and ratings to justify proliferating religon on TV and radio is disingenuous. It would be one thing if this was a diverse group of people, it turns out they are all very connected to one single ideology and very connected to government (especially on the local level) which blurs the lines between church and state. Clear Channel has gone this route too.


                        • #13
                          Re: We need Liberal Talk Radio in Hawaii

                          FYI - KUMU AM's website is online with a complete schedule of their daily and weekend line-up. Besides O Franken Factor they have another Air America Show and also snagged Larry King Live from K108 radio. They air CNN News on the hour. The one remaining music program continuing in a new time slot is Norm Winter's "Long Lost Oldies" moved to Saturdays 1 - 4 pm. This according to their website:

                          KUMU AM 1500 Website
                          I'm still here. Are you?


                          • #14
                            Re: We need Liberal Talk Radio in Hawaii

                            Originally posted by mel
                            FYI - KUMU AM's website is online with a complete schedule of their daily and weekend line-up. Besides O Franken Factor they have another Air America Show and also snagged Larry King Live from K108 radio. They air CNN News on the hour. The one remaining music program continuing in a new time slot is Norm Winter's "Long Lost Oldies" moved to Saturdays 1 - 4 pm. This according to their website:

                            KUMU AM 1500 Website
                            I'm happy to hear that Sheriff Norm's "Long Lost Oldies" show is still on KUMU AM 1500 albeit a different time slot. I will be a faithful listener to that show. So much for having Adult Standards 24/7.


                            • #15
                              Re: We need Liberal Talk Radio in Hawaii

                              Being in talk radio for eons, and being both a staunch Democrat and a born again Republican, to me the reason why Liberal talk radio won't work (for long) is simply due to Reaganomics or the trickle down theory.

                              Democrats are for subsidies which in itself is commendable, take care of those less fortunate than others by increasing taxes on the wealthy (rich takes care of poor)

                              Republicans are for business, meaning increasing the tax pool without raising taxes.

                              Both parties want tax dollars to subsidize the needy that's no arguement there.

                              But in a liberal talk format, the bottom line remains, "who will pay for those subsidies?" If you tax the rich (to death) you slowly eliminate the hand that feeds the poor, because now the rich become poor.

                              So who pays? The rich. Fine let them pay but lets keep them rich so they CAN pay. How do you do this? Let the rich keep their money in their pockets so they can keep the rest of us poor saps employed. More people in the tax base, less people on welfare, more tax dollars by virtue of volume of taxpayers. Trickle down economics.

                              The goals of both parties remain the same, MORE TAX DOLLARS to fund government spending. With more Americans working, we increase those tax dollars without raising taxes. With more Americans paying higher taxes to cover those subsidies, there are less rich taxpayers to pay those taxes. END OF STORY. You simply run out of taxpayers to cover government spending.

                              This is why Liberal talk radio would eventually fail because when you do the dialog on how to raise monies, you discover that by raising taxes on the rich is simply biting the hand that feeds you.

                              The simple moral holds true: Better to teach the peasant how to fish than to keep simply feeding him. It's better to train a person to work for a living rather than to keep him on welfare and not learning to be self-sufficient.

                              Since most rich people donate to worthy causes for either of two basic reasons: 1) to truly help the poor (I donate quite a bit of my time and money to charitable organizations) and 2) for that hefty tax break.

                              Aha! so its not good intentions but preservation of wealth! Yes it is, but by donating to have that tax break, the rich provide much needed revenue to those organizations that otherwise would fail. And when churches, and other non-profits cannot get donations, the needy look towards the government for help.

                              So if the rich is feeding the poor thru donations, then why do we need to get more tax dollars? To pay for all governent activity such as salaries, pensions, and the biggest chunck, defense spending.

                              Even when there was a Democratic president, subsidy spending represented a very small portion of government spending. The truth is, and here is my right wing bias coming, Democrats want to control government spending by means of using subsidies as a way of justifying it. Once those tax dollars are justified, it's easy to pork-barrel it to each state to be spent in ways that justify spending. You can also skim some of those funds for more personal causes to help promote other issues. Such as PETA, GREENPEACE, Rainbow Coalition, you name it. These organizations support democrats because democrats support them. And they do it this way.

                              Republicans want private industry to keep our economic engine going to provide the tax dollars to fuel government spending. But in doing so democratically-supported organizations don't get the congressional support to fuel there causes.

                              It's nice to protect the wetlands from progress...until its your property that has become an instant natural habitat for the Mexican Jumping Bean. Suddenly you'll march to a different tune as well. You can't stop progress and that's why the democrats are slowly losing their place in government. We all want to keep what's ours and not let someone else meddle into our own affairs Republicans and Democrats alike.

                              And that's why Liberal talk radio won't work!

                              It's just a flash in the pants radio with NO ENTERTAINMENT VALUE just a bunch of upset liberals, nobody likes to hear anyone use that pathetic victim card.

                              When Republicans point out the failings of Democrats, they say wasteful government spending. When Democrats point out the failings of Republicans, they call them every hate word in the english language. Where's the intelligence in those remarks? None because even the staunchest Democrat realizes you need trickl down economics to fuel our American Dreams Period.

                              Okay I'm open for flaming
                              Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.

