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Ron Mizutani Jumps Ship

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  • #16
    Re: Ron Mizutani Jumps Ship

    Ron is a good guy and I know he'll be okay.

    I'm sure he has lots of family and friends and a great support system.

    If anything, I would advise him to maybe try for a more secure job like a government job.

    No worries about cutbacks, etc. Go for it Ron you can do it man.


    • #17
      Re: Ron Mizutani Jumps Ship

      Originally posted by Kimo View Post
      Fun to speculate . . . I'm wondering whether his non-compete would come into play if he were to go work with his former co-anchor at (noncommercial) PBS Hawaii?
      Like filling in for Ms. Wilcox in the Hawai'i's original Long Story Short series?
      Beijing 8-08-08 to 8-24-08

      Tiananmen Square 4-15-89 to 6-04-89


      • #18
        Re: Ron Mizutani Jumps Ship

        I thought non-compete clauses weren't legal in Hawaii. Ron might have a chance to fight it and win if he really wanted to.


        • #19
          Re: Ron Mizutani Jumps Ship

          Originally posted by Composite 2992 View Post
          I thought non-compete clauses weren't legal in Hawaii. Ron might have a chance to fight it and win if he really wanted to.
          Would that you were right. In PR, you have to sign a non-compete clause, and you cannot work for clients until several months after employment is terminated. So there's Ron, out of a TV job and now out of a PR job. I do not know if Hawaiian-Tel would have such a clause. Sometimes you cannot go to a competitor right off the bat. Would Oceanic be a competitor of Hawn-Tel? Would Ron even want to do PR? Maybe not!
          Aloha from Lavagal


          • #20
            Re: Ron Mizutani Jumps Ship

            hi this is sansei and in response to random, the only one's i dislike are all the one's with the exceptions of Leslie and Tina and jade moon that they all used the hawaiian language while doing the news cast and with NKT,he's as the other's who left were and these are the one's i truly dislike and Jai and Tannya and Joe M and Grace L and Steve U and Jeff B and HDicus and MDudley and these are the one's i dont mind is they dont have to use much Hawaiian Language in their news cast's and i myself would never speak hawaiian is i was born an American of Japanese Ancestry so I self taught myself to speak Japanese and American which i was brought up to speak.

            Well thank's for your time


            • #21
              Re: Ron Mizutani Jumps Ship

              Originally posted by sansei View Post
              ...that they all used the hawaiian language while doing the news cast ... the one's i dont mind is they dont have to use much Hawaiian Language in their news cast's and i myself would never speak hawaiian is i was born an American of Japanese Ancestry so I self taught myself to speak Japanese and American which i was brought up to speak.
              Forgive me if I don't understand you correctly, sansei - are you saying that you don't like it when newscasters in Hawai`i use the Hawaiian language (and that it is because you don't speak it)?

              P.S.) The language you were brought up to speak is likely "English," not "American" (though I know many people from England who would argue that point). Is English your primary language, or Japanese?


              • #22
                Re: Ron Mizutani Jumps Ship

                hi this is sansei and in response to leo lakio,it's true on what i posted and i do dislike the newscaster's who use hawaiian language and when I was very young.i didnt hear the hawaiian language used in any of the newscast's and i do speak english and not hawaiian and i grew up speaking this way and i do speak not fluent japanese only i can somewhat speak the dialect so and english is my Primary langugage so I hope this may help with your thought's?

                Well thank's for your time


                • #23
                  Re: Ron Mizutani Jumps Ship

                  So. Back to you, Ron.
                  Aloha from Lavagal


                  • #24
                    Re: Ron Mizutani Jumps Ship

                    People quit or lose their jobs every day. Mizutani is no different ... nor more special. I feel a lot more sorry for the 50 Hawaiian Telcom employees who were laid off. At least Mizutani had a choice.


                    • #25
                      Re: Ron Mizutani Jumps Ship

                      Originally posted by sansei View Post
                      hi this is sansei and in response to random, the only one's i dislike are all the one's with the exceptions of Leslie and Tina and jade moon that they all used the hawaiian language while doing the news cast and with NKT,he's as the other's who left were and these are the one's i truly dislike and Jai and Tannya and Joe M and Grace L and Steve U and Jeff B and HDicus and MDudley and these are the one's i dont mind is they dont have to use much Hawaiian Language in their news cast's and i myself would never speak hawaiian is i was born an American of Japanese Ancestry so I self taught myself to speak Japanese and American which i was brought up to speak.

                      Well thank's for your time

                      Crap. Here we go again.

                      I may not have Hawaiian blood but I was born here. Kids who grew up in Hawaii usually learned a little Hawaiian language during elementary [public] education. I was the fortunate few who was taught by Clayton Hee when he lived on Moloka'i. Though I may not be thoroughly fluent in Hawaiian, it makes me feel comfortable hearing them. It also makes local news more personable. Though I'd rather here a pidgin version, I understand the need for a decorum of professionalism in television journalism. Speaking a little Hawaiian (though some have mangled in their attempts) doesn't diminished their decorum.

                      If you want to hear Japanese, then perhaps you should request KIKU have their own version of a local news program, like KBFD have their own Korean version.
                      Beijing 8-08-08 to 8-24-08

                      Tiananmen Square 4-15-89 to 6-04-89


                      • #26
                        Re: Ron Mizutani Jumps Ship

                        hi this is sansei and in response to random,.i do watch On Kiku in the morning a Japanese News and even though im not korean,i do watch Korean Drama's and i would rather hear newscaster's speaking english rather than use Hawaiian Word's is that i was brought up in that manner and i dislike To much change's in our newscaster's and if it happen's that the newscaster's spoke only hawaiian.i would mute all the channel's and this is the truth and no humor in it so I hiope this may help with your thought's?

                        Well thank's for your time Ps;I would use my Closed Caption to read the newscast's.


                        • #27
                          Re: Ron Mizutani Jumps Ship

                          Originally posted by sansei View Post
                          hi this is sansei and in response to random,.i do watch On Kiku in the morning a Japanese News and even though im not korean,i do watch Korean Drama's and i would rather hear newscaster's speaking english rather than use Hawaiian Word's is that i was brought up in that manner...
                          In what manner? To ignore Hawaiian words? No offense, but you're in the wrong state.
                          Beijing 8-08-08 to 8-24-08

                          Tiananmen Square 4-15-89 to 6-04-89


                          • #28
                            Re: Ron Mizutani Jumps Ship

                            So Sansei, aside from the fact that most, if not all of your posts make little or no sense, you're calling out newscasters for their use of Hawaiian words? You seem to have little or no command of the English language (for whatever reason -- I'm really wondering if there's something I don't know) yet you're nitpicking about language use.

                            I'm a little confused.

                            And I'd like to know where, when, and by whom "the Hawaiian language" was used by newscasters. Was it an entire story done in Hawaiian (which I seriously doubt) or did they say something like (god forbid) "pau?"

                            Geez, if you have such a disdain for Hawaiian, A) you're living in the wrong state (like Random said), and B) don't ever read the S-B; we run a column in Hawaiian every week -- -- something that would likely mortify you.


                            • #29
                              Re: Ron Mizutani Jumps Ship

                              Anyone staying or living in Hawaii can't escape the Hawaiian language or at least numerous Hawaiian words. Place names, street names, slang, greetings, etc... many Hawaiian words for those. Inescapable... newscasters and everyone else can try their best to get them pronounced correctly... more so newscasters since they are out there in public on TV almost every day / night.

                              Now let's move this topic back to Ron Mizutani. Anyone want to speculate what his next gig will be? Looks like not with another local channel for the time being, but then again, the mainland could always use a good on-air talent like him.
                              I'm still here. Are you?


                              • #30
                                Re: Ron Mizutani Jumps Ship

                                Originally posted by mel View Post
                                Now let's move this topic back to Ron Mizutani. Anyone want to speculate what his next gig will be? Looks like not with another local channel for the time being, but then again, the mainland could always use a good on-air talent like him.
                                With all due respect .... screw the mainland.
                                Beijing 8-08-08 to 8-24-08

                                Tiananmen Square 4-15-89 to 6-04-89

