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Hawaiians Are Haole when on the Mainland?

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  • PoiBoy
    Re: Hawaiians Are Haole when on the Mainland?

    Originally posted by Ecntrc View Post
    ive been told im haolefied now that ive been living in wa state. which is untrue. i have a local girls mouth. mean kine. even though i went from rich dark brown skin to basically white skin dosent mean im full blown haole. im half haole half samoan. born and raised in hawaii youll always be local even though im not hawaiian im hawaiian at heart.. even though duh i am samoan too.
    : Kanaka Maoli in Hawai'i,
    : Tangata Maori in Rarotonga,
    : Tangata Maori in Aotearoa,
    : Tangata Maori in Rapanui,
    : Ta'ata Maohi in Tahiti,
    : Tagata Mao'i in Samoa.

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  • Ecntrc
    Re: Hawaiians Are Haole when on the Mainland?

    ive been told im haolefied now that ive been living in wa state. which is untrue. i have a local girls mouth. mean kine. even though i went from rich dark brown skin to basically white skin dosent mean im full blown haole. im half haole half samoan. born and raised in hawaii youll always be local even though im not hawaiian im hawaiian at heart.. even though duh i am samoan too.

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  • i-hungry
    Re: Hawaiians Are Haole when on the Mainland?

    Originally posted by kalanikane View Post
    Isn't it ironic that Haole is a name given to a foreigner to the islands and it has been used as a derogatory slang against white foreigners these last 40 years.
    Yet, when we(I) move to the mainland, we(I) are treated with respect and kindness in every city from San Francisco to Las Vegas and Minnesota.
    No one (okay 1) has every reported hearing of a racial slur or a derogatory name used to identify Kama'aina or Kanaka Maoli from the islands, when they move to the mainland. This message should get back to the islands that not every non-Hawaiian is responsible for the problems of Hawai'i.
    On behalf of all my brothers and sisters of all races, I wish you Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!, and Aloha kakou.
    I agree.

    Its a good thing there is no racism in the mainland US too!

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  • DannyWilliams
    Re: Hawaiians Are Haole when on the Mainland?

    Hawaiians living on the mainland are still Hawaiian no matter what........
    Ya may lose a few things but I myself still hold onto a few things like when I am NOT working I like to walk around in SHORTS even when its FRICKIN cold during the winter months here in Bay Area. My Beeg Hawaiian Legs can handle down dea

    It is scary when some turn HAOLE fo real like my half brother who came home when I was still in Hawaii and the way he carries on ya feel like I don't know him. But then again its been awhile since he has been back home.

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  • Kahalu'u Kid
    Re: Hawaiians Are Haole when on the Mainland?

    Originally posted by kalanikane View Post
    Isn't it ironic that Haole is a name given to a foreigner to the islands and it has been used as a derogatory slang against white foreigners these last 40 years.
    Yet, when we(I) move to the mainland, we(I) are treated with respect and kindness in every city from San Francisco to Las Vegas and Minnesota.
    No one (okay 1) has every reported hearing of a racial slur or a derogatory name used to identify Kama'aina or Kanaka Maoli from the islands, when they move to the mainland. This message should get back to the islands that not every non-Hawaiian is responsible for the problems of Hawai'i.
    On behalf of all my brothers and sisters of all races, I wish you Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!, and Aloha kakou.
    Brada Kalani, are you implying that since your mainland haole friends are cool, we tend to "over"-blame haoles here for a lot of our problems? Doo-doo, ka-ka. What kinda problems are you're talking about? For example, if you're talking about homeless Hawaiians, then I think EVERY non-Hawaiian is responsible. If not, Hawaiians would still be living in Waikiki, Kahala, and almost every neighborhood that they used to live in before haoles (haoles as in foreigners to Hawaii; not the native people) came here. If you're talking about small-kine, manini problems in present day Hawaii, I can't think of anything off the top of my head that haoles are typically responsible for. Oh, maybe, "Brah, da haole guy tail-gating me." Or maybe, "Brah, da haole guy wen just cut in line." But I never heard of, "Da haole guys went take all da tako." Or, "Da haole guys wen rip off my Honda Civic."

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  • kumukulanui
    Re: Hawaiians Are Haole when on the Mainland?

    Originally posted by Menehune Man View Post
    Ni sa yadra Peter!
    I've had the opportunity to live and visit many times in Fiji. My wife is Fijian and from Tailevu. I've been the only kaivalagi(haole) myself for miles in every direction. Never been disrespected there.

    Though the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly are everywhere, eh?!
    Ah - Bula vinaka Menehune Man!

    I was thinking of adding more about my experience of Fiji, but apart from that starting to move off-topic, it occurred to me that they have such a sensitive situation there between the various ethnic groups that I wouldn't want to say anything that might be misinterpreted if any Fiji Islanders were reading this. So I'm not going to say any more about that.

    Great to hear that your wife is from Tailevu. During the events of 2000, I went with a group of colleagues to Tailevu North school to interest the students in that area to come to the university I worked for. We had a great time - the people were really hospitable and were keen for us to encourage others to visit that area. They made us very welcome. So I am happy to encourage anyone thinking of visiting Fiji to step off the traditional tourist routes and visit Tailevu!

    Okay - that's enough about Fiji - Ni sa moce

    Peter F
    Last edited by kumukulanui; December 28, 2006, 05:58 AM.

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  • craigwatanabe
    Re: Hawaiians Are Haole when on the Mainland?

    Originally posted by LeiKaina View Post
    People are always trying to call my father (who is a beeeg, tan, tall, local kine kane) "Big Kahuna."

    He has also been called pineapple, coconut, etc. here in the CONUS @ his workplace.

    When we first came up to Southern California we went to a drive in theater in a predominately "haole" town and no one would serve us at the food counter or talk to us because they thought we were Mexican. I won't even begin to go into the issues I had in jr high/high school. Oh yeah, they treat us REALLY well on "da mainland."
    That reminds me of when my family went to Knotts Berry Farm back in 1974 and we waited forever for service at a restaurant there. The waitress at first seemed too busy to wait on us but after almost an hour of waiting and her serving other "white" customers and then seeing them leave, my dad in his very samurai voice yelled, "What da hell is going on here!"

    With a hushed restaurant and a crying waitress we finally got served a free meal from the manager on duty. Yep my dad could make a drill sergeant weak in the knees.

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  • Hope
    Re: Hawaiians Are Haole when on the Mainland?

    All races and cultures inherently want the same things:

    A loving family
    good friends
    a roof over our heads
    good food
    acceptance from others
    recognition for achievements
    a prosperous lifestyle
    time for reflection
    personal interests

    There are many more to this list, but we basically all want certain things in our lives.

    When our children are small, they will preach what we teach. It all begins in the home and schools. If we teach our children racism and hate, they will be racist and hateful. Racial and cultural slurs are ugly things to teach an impressionable child.

    If we teach them acceptance and wonder for the richness that other races and cultures have to offer, they will be accepting and wonder at all the things that other races and cultures have to offer.

    Over the years, racism has improved, however we have so much work to do to end it! It begins with the individual. When I experience it, I ignore it, or become even NICER to the person who does it. I hope that they will realize that I want the same things they want in life. Maybe their ignorance will melt away, as they learn that we, as people, are inherently, no different than them.

    Some will never learn acceptance, and that is sad, because they are passing up the greatness and richness of all of us. They will pass up possible meaningful, and possible lifelong friendships.

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  • Lei K
    Re: Hawaiians Are Haole when on the Mainland?

    People are always trying to call my father (who is a beeeg, tan, tall, local kine kane) "Big Kahuna."

    He has also been called pineapple, coconut, etc. here in the CONUS @ his workplace.

    When we first came up to Southern California we went to a drive in theater in a predominately "haole" town and no one would serve us at the food counter or talk to us because they thought we were Mexican. I won't even begin to go into the issues I had in jr high/high school. Oh yeah, they treat us REALLY well on "da mainland."

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  • craigwatanabe
    Re: Hawaiians Are Haole when on the Mainland?

    Not even being a native Hawaiian, on the mainland I've been called, Pineapple, Nip, Jap whatever. When Ssgt Diggs called me a pineapple I called him, "Eh Popolo". "What's that?" he said.

    I told him, "It means Brother", so go tell the rest of your friends that and spread the word.

    Later that week he came up to me and said, "You got me bro". I told him that that was okay but don't ever call me bro cuz we ain't.

    Pineapple...sheez now if he said Tofu that would have been more appropriate!

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  • Menehune Man
    Re: Hawaiians Are Haole when on the Mainland?

    Originally posted by kumukulanui View Post
    When I lived in Fiji and was visiting an outer island or a remote area of the main island, I would sometimes find myself the only white guy in town. As you say, you get the whole range of tolerance and intelligence wherever you are.

    Peter F
    Cheltenham, England
    Ni sa yadra Peter!
    I've had the opportunity to live and visit many times in Fiji. My wife is Fijian and from Tailevu. I've been the only kaivalagi(haole) myself for miles in every direction. Never been disrespected there.

    Though the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly are everywhere, eh?!

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  • Palolo Joe
    Re: Hawaiians Are Haole when on the Mainland?

    Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
    Palolo Joe, kalanikane started dis thread. PZ was referring to him.
    Originally posted by pzarquon View Post
    Indeed, PJ, methinks you got your kalanikane and kumukulanui confused. Kumukulanui, a.k.a. Dr. Peter Forster, is a brilliant fellow I've known online for over a decade, and he's made several thoughtful posts here at HT since joining only a month after we opened our doors. He was actually making the same point you and I were, rebutting kalanikane's basically ridiculous initial assertion.
    *rubbing eyes*

    Maybe I shouldn't have had that eighth glass of eggnog last night.

    My bad Kumukulani. I was referring to Kalanikane, not you. Makes my previous post in this thread pretty pointless.

    Thanks Auntie and PZ.

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  • lurkah
    Re: Hawaiians Are Haole when on the Mainland?

    Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post

    Palolo Joe, kalanikane started dis thread. PZ was referring to him.
    Good eye, Auntie. Merry Christmas!

    Originally posted by kalanikane

    Yet, when we(I) move to the mainland, we(I) are treated with respect and kindness in every city from San Francisco to Las Vegas and Minnesota. No one (okay 1) has every reported hearing of a racial slur or a derogatory name used to identify Kama'aina or Kanaka Maoli from the islands, when they move to the mainland.
    kalanikane, I think it would be better if you just spoke for yourself and your own experiences instead of making such sweeping statements on behalf of other locals living on the mainland. You need to know that racism is out there waiting right around the corner, or the day will come when you'll get false-cracked by a devout skinhead when you least expect it. I've experienced it, and I haven't been living on the mainland all that long, either. You just learn to deal with it and move on.

    We also need to not confuse the word "haole" with "malihini".

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  • pzarquon
    Re: Hawaiians Are Haole when on the Mainland?

    Indeed, PJ, methinks you got your kalanikane and kumukulanui confused. Kumukulanui, a.k.a. Dr. Peter Forster, is a brilliant fellow I've known online for over a decade, and he's made several thoughtful posts here at HT since joining only a month after we opened our doors. He was actually making the same point you and I were, rebutting kalanikane's basically ridiculous initial assertion.

    Frankly, I think he and Aunty Lynn had the best instinct in this silly thread, and I'll follow suit and bow out after this: Merry Christmas, all!

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  • 1stwahine
    Re: Hawaiians Are Haole when on the Mainland?

    Originally posted by Palolo Joe View Post
    So you're a white guy in England, trying to speak on the experiences of Native Hawaiians?

    I thought it was bad enough that we have people here armchair-quarterbacking from thousands of miles away on the mainland. But you take the cake.

    PZ was right. You are a troll.
    Palolo Joe, kalanikane started dis thread. PZ was referring to him.

    Auntie Lynn

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