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Is Aloha Dead Here????

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  • Troubleshooter
    Re: Is Aloha Dead Here????

    With a mature recipient, yes, more than likely. With the younger generation, I have my doubts about a few of them. The more you give, the more they take and expect This was evident with the at-risk juveniles. They live minute to minute with little to no goals for the future. There was no other regard for anything except themselves, their needs, and wants. They didn't foresee that far. I've seen both sides of the coin as I had a job dealing with it and them.

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  • Robbos
    Re: Is Aloha Dead Here????

    Aloha isn't something we should expect to find and take. I think you'll find that the more you give, the more you get.

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  • Troubleshooter
    Re: Is Aloha Dead Here????

    As with me, I moved to Indiana in 2004. I retired and returned in 2017. In less than a generation, much Aloha had vanished. Drivers are like any city, they don't use their turn signals and turn without concern for other drivers. Criminals shoot law enforcement and think nothing of it, committing suicide to avoid punishment. My neighbors don't know their other neighbors and don't care. I did notice Aloha is alive and well in a store's checkout line. The "talk story" with an older stranger is alive and well. I enjoy it.

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  • Karen
    Re: Is Aloha Dead Here????

    There was plenty Aloha as of the time we moved away, in early 2016! Life was good, but then I didn't live it the sixties or seventies. My 22 years on Oahu were a blessing in many ways, though nuttin's perfect.

    One of our daughters and her hubby live in Tennessee and I did enjoy visiting a couple of weeks.

    I'm native Texan and would never choose Tennessee or Hawaii over my native land. I would think we could all feel that way no matter where we were from.
    I would hope so, for everyone.

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  • mp3jockey
    Re: Is Aloha Dead Here????

    Originally posted by scrivener View Post
    I've spent a fair amount of time in Tennessee, and in fairness, a lot of what he or she writes is true. At least in Nashville, the people are friendly and (mostly) tolerant. With at least two good universities in the city (Vanderbilt and Belmont), there's a fair amount of diversity. I got along really well with people there.

    And if anyone wants to live there because of the cost of living, God bless him or her. But dang. I'd live there if I had to; I'd never choose it over Hawaii.

    In general, towns on the mainland just fly flags more. Not just US flags but all kinds of flags on street poles and from the eaves of houses. It certainly doesn't make Tennessee more patriotic than any other place.
    Well, I feel like George Carlin on this "flag- patriotic" thing: For me flags are symbols, and I'd rather leave symbols, to the "symbol" minded.....all the best from Anahola!

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  • Robbos
    Re: Is Aloha Dead Here????

    Aloha Abunaitoo. No hard feelings for your friend. The cost of living and housing got to me too, and I left. I had the big house and all, and loved it at first. But after a while, reality sets in. No beaches in Tennessee, no sound of waves, no musubis in 7-11. Sure Hawaii has its problems, but everywhere does. I wish I had understood that before I left, and I hope your friend will figure it out much more quickly than I did.

    It may be true that paradise is in our heads and hearts rather than a place, but damn, some places touch our heads and hearts pretty deep.

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  • scrivener
    Re: Is Aloha Dead Here????

    I've spent a fair amount of time in Tennessee, and in fairness, a lot of what he or she writes is true. At least in Nashville, the people are friendly and (mostly) tolerant. With at least two good universities in the city (Vanderbilt and Belmont), there's a fair amount of diversity. I got along really well with people there.

    And if anyone wants to live there because of the cost of living, God bless him or her. But dang. I'd live there if I had to; I'd never choose it over Hawaii.

    In general, towns on the mainland just fly flags more. Not just US flags but all kinds of flags on street poles and from the eaves of houses. It certainly doesn't make Tennessee more patriotic than any other place.

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  • Walkoff Balk
    Re: Is Aloha Dead Here????

    Didn't Tennessee just celebrate the KKK? The only brown people you see in Tennessee plays for the Titans.

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  • Ron Whitfield
    Re: Is Aloha Dead Here????

    lol kakafonicate? if that's your version of Aloha then feel free to leave Hawaii for Tennessee where the toothless revere trump as their new Jesus.
    without kakafonicate carrying over half the Nation on it's $6TRILLION surplus economic back even the dumbest persons would know the Nation's economy is booming for only those it's always good for, the rich. the Obama years saw the most historic economic recovery ever after W had us on the verge of total collapse and it's limited rebound is still reverberating today as everything goes back into the toilet under the fraudulent racist-in-chief.

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  • abunaitoo
    started a topic Is Aloha Dead Here????

    Is Aloha Dead Here????

    As far as I can see, Aloha is almost gone in hawaii.
    It's becoming more, and more, like kakafonicate.
    More, and more locals, are moving away to the mainland.
    Better jobs, cheaper cost of living, cheaper housing, less traffic, less damacrat, and more Aloha.

    A good friend just moved to Tennessee.

    He could afford to BUY a house there.

    Big house.

    Two story, four bedrooms, big kitchen, large enclosed patio, big yard.

    Could have bought three, or more, of them for the price of one tiny house here.
    He got there just before the 4th of July.
    AMERICAN FLAGS all over the place.

    On almost every pole along the highway. At almost every business. Almost every house. Even most cars had AMERICAN FLAGS flying on them.

    Not a protester in sight.
    He couldn't believe how people are so friendly to strangers.

    Drivers are so courteous.
    Everyone uses turn signals.

    No one speeding through stop lights.
    Everyone pulls over for emergency vehicles.

    No one following after emergency vehicles, to get ahead of others.

    Stops to let cars backing out of parking.

    Even the cops are nice and friendly.
    Government is how they should be.

    Leave the people alone, to live their lives with as little government interference as possible.

    Friend had lived here for over 30 years.
    Was heart broken to leave all his close friends.
    He said Tennessee is like how hawaii used to be 30 years ago.

    People there reminded him of of how Aloha was in hawaii.

    hawaii is becoming just another kakafonicate, and it seems the people here are OK with it.

    Even encouraging/embracing it.
    By becoming just like another state, we are destroying the Aloha that made hawaii special.
    There is still little glimpses of real, from the heart Aloha from time to time.

    But it is becoming so rare that it's big news when it happens.

    Think about it.....If Aloha was as common as it was in the past, it wouldn't be reported as being big news. Being something special.

    It would just people living Aloha.