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UofH Hilo!!

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  • Re: UofH Hilo!!

    Originally posted by manoasurfer123
    They never even had a soccer team when I was there!

    At least your running in the morning... instead of noon!

    (and wait till you see there Mascot )
    Oh we are running in the afternoon as well. We run more in the morning tho.

    I have a sore achilles so im out for today

    Im getting an ice bath this afternoon. Its gunna be freezing.


    • Re: UofH Hilo!!

      Originally posted by pzarquon
      Good luck, Brandon. The UHH athletics program is modest but earnest. I'm a Manoa alum but cheer for Hilo when they play each other!
      It's been a while since I have been to a Vulcans vs Rainbow baseball game. And in 2006 they played each other in Hilo. *sigh*!


      • Re: UofH Hilo!!

        im on the team...

        look on the website for game schedules.


        • Re: UofH Hilo!!

          Congrats Bro -

          I'm sure you'll have no problem making plenty friends now...

          Remind us at HT know when you have a game coming up on Oahu!


          • Re: UofH Hilo!!

            Originally posted by manoasurfer123
            Congrats Bro -

            I'm sure you'll have no problem making plenty friends now...

            Remind us at HT know when you have a game coming up on Oahu!
            sounds like a plan...should be pretty soon


            • Uhh

              Just a little update on Hilo life...

              Lets see, my living situation is getting a little annoying for the simple fact of the private management here at the University Palms. I smell weed from her (the manager) room along with her significant other and sources tell me there has been drug deals going in and out of that room.

              Moreover, she complains to me that I bought my friends, who happen to be under the age of 21, drinking, and being rowdy "college girls." Now, is this not college where the social activities include drinking and having a good time? Yes, and to make it more safe we have a gate that locks behind it. Nobody drives that I had provided alcohol to, or have I seen a stupid accident yet.

              Im a very ethical person when it comes down to these sort of things. I was ratted out by the resident manager and the owner was called upon and walked straight into my room. His side was if I do this again he will call the cops on me. He also stated that he's got "millions invested in this place" Was this a threat!? haha. Are we going to court or something? Are we comparing social stratifications here?!?

              Correct me if im wrong, but don't I have rights that make sure I get some notice before the owner comes into my room consulting about my illegal act? (he lives in Kona btw!)

              I do know this is a legitimate law (providing alcohol to minors is a crime) but there is also a law that prohibits the use of makes this worse is the resident manager partakes in an illegal act while she rats on me for a very menial deed.

              Sorry for my tone here but what do you all think should happen here?




              • Re: UofH Hilo!!

                Yo brandon... ready for UH MANOA yet?

                let me break this down per your post...

                Lets see, my living situation is getting a little annoying for the simple fact of the private management here at the University Palms. I smell weed from her (the manager) room along with her significant other and sources tell me there has been drug deals going in and out of that room.
                I think PZ mentioned about pot being a regular thing at Hilo....

                I saw deals going on in the dorms on a regular basis... for that matter... I see it a lot on the big island...just because people are more blunt about things then on oahu.... You think that's bad... I was in Kauai this past weekend and kids were smoking weed inside the fairgrounds.... I saw adults drinking beers in front of cops at Football games on government property...etc... it was a trip for me... I also saw a cop tell a group of kids to take their activities off the fair grounds....(and not even attempt to bust them)....

                things are different here in Hawaii with the weed thing... need to relax about that...If you start busting people because of it... you will soon become an outcast... as I found that everyone is connected to eachother in one way or another and if you start outcasting because of what they do... you will find yourself lonely.

                It sucks...the cops don't care... I know... but lighten up on your manager and her weed ting and she might lighten up on you with your friends drinking...etc

                I do know this is a legitimate law (providing alcohol to minors is a crime) but there is also a law that prohibits the use of makes this worse is the resident manager partakes in an illegal act while she rats on me for a very menial deed.
                There are more repercussions in Hawaii for providing alcohol to minors than there are for possession of marijuana. (especially if that minor happens to end up doing something illegal ie; driving, etc..)

                Please be careful sucks... I know you like's your college years...etc...

                my best advice...start looking for a new place that will feed your needs better. ASH housing was a good "loud place" to party late at nights when the curfew at the dorms expired when I was there.



                • Re: UofH Hilo!!

                  Oh I can care less about the bud smokin.

                  I was trying to pull that out of my ass to compare and contrast my own fault. But I guess weed has senority here.

                  shit out of luck then.


                  • Re: UofH Hilo!!

                    Originally posted by Brandon007
                    Oh I can care less about the bud smokin.

                    I was trying to pull that out of my ass to compare and contrast my own fault. But I guess weed has senority here.

                    shit out of luck then.
                    Ummm...wasn't it discussed before in this thread: are you attending college to get an education, or for the social and partying opportunities? What are your priorities? You've been there less than a month, and you're having problems like this already? Who's paying for you to attend college?


                    • Re: Uhh

                      Originally posted by Brandon007
                      Sorry for my tone here but what do you all think should happen here?

                      Get one pit bull!


                      • Re: UofH Hilo!!

                        Originally posted by Leo Lakio
                        Ummm...wasn't it discussed before in this thread: are you attending college to get an education, or for the social and partying opportunities? What are your priorities? You've been there less than a month, and you're having problems like this already? Who's paying for you to attend college?
                        This we before school even started.
                        I have financial aid.


                        • Re: UofH Hilo!!

                          Ah so once school started... the party began...

                          Me thinks your gonna be on the 10 year plan!

                          For real though Brandon... I understand where your coming from... Hilo is very slow and quiet at night... Your just trying to have some fun... however, most apartment complexes do have "Quiet Hours/Courtesy Hours."

                          Did you read the Rules of the apartment before you signed up?

                          If you wanna be loud with the girls and stuff... go take em down to the beach and party all night!


                          • Re: UofH Hilo!!

                            Originally posted by Brandon007
                            I have financial aid.
                            Oh, good - public tax dollars to help you party.

                            Seriously, though, I see what you mean - it's hypocritical to come down on you for underage drinking if marijuana use is going to be tolerated in the same building. Or were they busting you for noise, and the alcohol part of the story was peripheral?

                            Is the owner aware/tolerant of the manager's alleged pot smoking? Did you mention to the manager that you are aware of their pot use, and just might find yourself letting that information slip out, if the owner comes out to hassle you again? But you can't be judgemental over someone else's choice of vice, even if it's different from yours. Manoa said to be careful who you hassle, as everybody is more closely interconnected on an island than they are back on the continent.

                            As Manoa also said, check the rules with the lease you signed. Most cities have some level of tenant protection that does require advance notification, before owners/managers can enter your rental unit, and those are usually spelled out in a lease.


                            • Re: UofH Hilo!!

                              Originally posted by Leo Lakio
                              Oh, good - public tax dollars to help you party.

                              Seriously, though, I see what you mean - it's hypocritical to come down on you for underage drinking if marijuana use is going to be tolerated in the same building. Or were they busting you for noise, and the alcohol part of the story was peripheral?

                              Is the owner aware/tolerant of the manager's alleged pot smoking? Did you mention to the manager that you are aware of their pot use, and just might find yourself letting that information slip out, if the owner comes out to hassle you again? But you can't be judgemental over someone else's choice of vice, even if it's different from yours. Manoa said to be careful who you hassle, as everybody is more closely interconnected on an island than they are back on the continent.

                              As Manoa also said, check the rules with the lease you signed. Most cities have some level of tenant protection that does require advance notification, before owners/managers can enter your rental unit, and those are usually spelled out in a lease.

                              Well, this all had to of started 2 weeks ago when the complex started to get loud because everyone was happy that we are all in hawaii and ready to get the year started. Its a normal phase us collegiates go through.

                              The owner must be aware of the use of weed in the complex. I over heard from some exchange students that "betty" - the resident manager, state a couple of places to get the good weed from. Now, how is that okay, but sipping on a few brews isn't?

                              Oh btw, I never got my contract after I signed off my name and no receipts from my credit card either. Nice to see that the "rules" were laid out clear and concise for me to follow.

                              I just think a petition will have to ensue.


                              • Re: UofH Hilo!!

                                Originally posted by Brandon007
                                Well, this all had to of started 2 weeks ago when the complex started to get loud because everyone was happy that we are all in hawaii and ready to get the year started. Its a normal phase us collegiates go through.

                                The owner must be aware of the use of weed in the complex. I over heard from some exchange students that "betty" - the resident manager, state a couple of places to get the good weed from. Now, how is that okay, but sipping on a few brews isn't?

                                Oh btw, I never got my contract after I signed off my name and no receipts from my credit card either. Nice to see that the "rules" were laid out clear and concise for me to follow.

                                I just think a petition will have to ensue.
                                That's not the question at hand...

                                did you read the contract before you signed off on it...

                                Golden rule of thumb... read what your signing! Your lucky you never just signed your life away! j/k

                                You can get a receipt of your credit card bill no problem...and I'm sure if you ask for a copy of your rental agreement...they should be able to give you a copy.

