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From DC to HI

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  • Queenolu
    Re: From DC to HI

    Originally posted by manoasurfer123
    different people have different opinions...

    I myself think Kapolei is starting to really take off as a second option to the Honolulu, Waikiki, etc... style...

    Businesses and bars that start out there now are going to benefit greatly once UH West Oahu is built....

    I was just out there a couple weeks ago... and I think a single lady will do just fine....

    Hey how old you??? I get single guy friends.... j/k!

    Hummmmm I am taking notes..... I am single too... and could use a few guy friends.... hint hint... lol....

    Just don't forget this after I get there.... afterall... I am your sistah.....

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  • Adri
    Re: From DC to HI

    Originally posted by reineke
    Hello to everyone from DC

    Bickskeller was alive and well, the last time I checked. I will probably go there, tomorrow, to drown my sorrow that I am not in Hawaii. Almost made a haiku there I was sifting through older posts to see if I can find any good ideas on how to move to this beautiful place. I am glad to find DC people here.

    I will introduce myself properly in the appropriate area of this very friendly message board.
    Welcome to HT. Glad to hear the Brickskeller is still around

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  • damontucker
    Re: From DC to HI

    different people have different opinions...

    I myself think Kapolei is starting to really take off as a second option to the Honolulu, Waikiki, etc... style...

    Businesses and bars that start out there now are going to benefit greatly once UH West Oahu is built....

    I was just out there a couple weeks ago... and I think a single lady will do just fine....

    Hey how old you??? I get single guy friends.... j/k!

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  • anapuni808
    Re: From DC to HI

    Originally posted by va2hi2008
    First things first ... I love this website. Everyone is very friendly and encouraging. It makes me so excited to move.
    I am a young, single female moving to Oahu to work for a non profit in Kapolei. I have not been to Oahu (only to Maui) and do not know my way around (to say the least). I've been researching and reading up on the culture, cost of living etc. I think I am somewhat prepared. (Living in DC can be very expensive!) My main concern is finding a cheap living situation that works within my small budget. (nonprofits don't pay much - I already know I will need a part time job on the side to stay afloat). I wasn't planning on buying a car and I hope I can get around via bike and bus. Should I budget for a car? What neighborhoods should I check out? I hope you can help me.

    Hi Jen, just a comment here: if you are as you say a young single female, do not expect to find much "single" social life in Kapolei area. That is a very family oriented area for housing. however, closer in to town a few miles, you will find Waikele area & Pearlridge area. Lots of restaurants, shopping, bars & lots of young servicemen on the prowl for young singe females and you might get lucky & find someplace to live close to the buses - we have an excellent bus system here. I've been told by folks who live/work in that area that it's much easier to commute against the rush hour traffic - you're moving west, they are all heading east. or the reverse when you come home from work.

    out of curiousity - what kind of work does this non-profit do? not asking for the name of where you will be working so don't publish it here on HT.

    Good luck.
    Last edited by anapuni808; September 12, 2006, 07:18 PM.

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  • reineke
    Re: From DC to HI

    Hello to everyone from DC

    Bickskeller was alive and well, the last time I checked. I will probably go there, tomorrow, to drown my sorrow that I am not in Hawaii. Almost made a haiku there I was sifting through older posts to see if I can find any good ideas on how to move to this beautiful place. I am glad to find DC people here.

    I will introduce myself properly in the appropriate area of this very friendly message board.

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  • Adri
    Re: From DC to HI

    heh, I didn't expect all the places to still be there but these seem to be:

    Tiber Creek (serves beer by the yard and half-yard. Darned fragile glasses *g*):

    Garret's (where I learned about pub shoes. Plus, Tequilla Tuesdays.):

    The Dancing Crab (where they put butcher paper on the table and dump a pile of crabs on with a bucket for the shells):

    The Tune Inn (odd and interesting mix of students, political types, military, homeless, etc. Beer used to be $3 a pitcher but we didn't get to say what kind of beer. Whatever came out of the tap. Also, where I first had "wet fries"):

    Two Quail (spot for a first date, place where a friend proposed to his bride-to-be and place where headhunters took us out for an extended interview. Sort of like eating dinner at someone's home):

    The Brickskeller (used to be able to get a brown paper bag of assorted beer "from around the world" for $5. Dunno if they still do that. I recall being surprised by opening a bag to find among the beer a bottle of Primo. Immediately made me suspicious about how old their beer was. *g*):

    Also, Steak and Egg on Wisconsin Ave. Good place for breakfast at 4 a.m.

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  • Queenolu
    Re: From DC to HI

    Originally posted by Adri
    Jen said she lives/works in D.C. Those are all places of food/drink/fun that were in D.C.

    Yes, I know that... what I mean is..... I have never heard of any of them.... I don't think they are still there. I live in MD/DC.... and have never heard of any of those places...

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  • Adri
    Re: From DC to HI

    Jen said she lives/works in D.C. Those are all places of food/drink/fun that were in D.C.

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  • Queenolu
    Re: From DC to HI

    Originally posted by Adri
    It has been a while since I've been to D.C. Have you been to The Dancing Crab, the Tune Inn, Two Quail, Garrett's, Tiber Creek or The Brickskeller? Are any of those places even still open?

    Hummmmm say what??? and what are those places?

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  • Adri
    Re: From DC to HI

    It has been a while since I've been to D.C. Have you been to The Dancing Crab, the Tune Inn, Two Quail, Garrett's, Tiber Creek or The Brickskeller? Are any of those places even still open?

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  • va2hi2008
    Re: From DC to HI

    Thank you so much everyone for your advice. I am so anxious to move, I wish I was leaving tomorrow. The move is overwhelming and it helps to have a great resource like this I can turn to.


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  • tutusue
    Re: From DC to HI

    Hi Jen,
    Search in Google images for "Makaha Surfside". It's less than 20 min. from Kapolei and you can take the bus. Please don't ride your bike!!!

    The Waianae Coast has a less than stellar rep, and on the mainland it would be known as 'the other side of the tracks', but I love it. It's an economically deprived area and the people are so full of aloha. It's old Hawaii with a coastline full of beautiful beaches. It's also probably the least expensive area on Oahu to live. That's not saying much, of course, but every little bit helps.

    If you decide to research the Waianae/Makaha area and would like more info please feel free to PM me. Also, do a search in this forum on the word "Makaha" and you'll learn a bit more.

    You might also research Makakilo. It's very close to Kapolei; on the hill on the other (mauka) side of the freeway.

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  • Queenolu
    Re: From DC to HI

    Aloha Jen, welcome to the board. We live in the same area. I too will be moving to Hawai'i from MD in a few months. We should get together and share info.

    You can email me from my profile or send me a Private Message.

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  • Whitepoint3rchum
    Re: From DC to HI

    Aloha Jen, I'll let the other more qualified members address your questions but welcome.

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  • Linkmeister
    Re: From DC to HI

    One thing's for sure, the summers are a lot more pleasant here than in DC or its surroundings. I lived in Northern Virginia all through high school, and the humidity and heat are killers.

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