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  • Curious...

    To those who are planning on moving here...

    So often, I read posts here and on other forums where people are selling everything and planning on moving here without solid job offers. It's not something I would do nor anything I would ever advise anyone else to do.

    Frankly, this amazes me.

    Optimism is a wonderful thing but I can't help but think that some of these people are just setting themselves up for terrible disappointments.

    Just sitting here in Kailua on a rainy morning and wondering...

  • #2
    Re: Curious...

    Sense of purpose

    Set your goals high. For the stronger your sense of purpose, the more energy you will have to follow that purpose.

    Dream big and meaningful dreams with no compromise. The most compelling dreams are the ones that will continue pulling you toward them.

    Live each day with a positive purpose set firmly in front of you. When you have a reason, you will find a way.

    Focused effort will eventually make you tired, and yet after a brief rest you'll be ready to go again. However, the weariness that comes from living with no purpose can be diminished only by directing your efforts toward a meaningful objective.

    There is a powerful, meaningful, compelling vision with which you can personally connect. Choose to open yourself to the things that are the most profoundly meaningful to you, and to fill your moments with powerful purpose.

    A strong sense of purpose will give you energy and keep you going past the challenges, distractions and temptations that come along. It will make a positive difference in everything you do.


    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
    Mark Twain


    • #3
      Re: Curious...

      Well...all that and a hefty trust fund couldn't hurt...


      • #4
        Re: Curious...

        Beyond the mistakes

        Every mistake you've ever made is now behind you. You've learned something from each of them. Though some may have been painful, though some may have brought considerable hardship, you have now moved on past them.

        Those mistakes did not stop you. They may have caused some delays or forced you to take some unexpected detours. You're probably still paying the price for some of them. Even so, you're still here. You've made progress. And the mistakes have even contributed to that progress.

        As you move on ahead, there will be more mistakes. And you'll survive them, too. In fact, you'll do more than survive. You'll learn and grow as a result of those mistakes. Even though you won't make them willingly, when they do happen you'll find a way to learn from them and then move on ahead with more wisdom, experience and determination than ever.

        When you make mistakes, it means you're making the attempt. When you're successfully moving past those mistakes, learning what they have to teach, then you're headed directly for achievement.

        The only way your mistakes will stop you is if you begin to fear them. When you're willing to make some mistakes, and then to move on anyway, then you're moving yourself toward certain success


        "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
        Mark Twain


        • #5
          Re: Curious...

          The value of failure

          Failure is a normal and natural part of achievement. When the failures come, learn from them and then move quickly along.

          Failure is not the worst thing that can happen. The worst thing that can happen is to let the fear of failure prevent you from ever doing anything.

          If your top priority is to avoid all failure, then you will surely fail. For only by accepting and living with the possibility of failure can you succeed and achieve.

          Failure is not the end of the world. It is merely another step on the pathway to fulfillment, wisdom and achievement.

          Though you would never intentionally set out to fail, when failure does come the best thing to do is to gracefully accept what has happened. That will enable you to gain the most positive value from it.

          Then you can move right along to the next step, and soon you'll be a long way past the failure, filled with more wisdom and experience. Let failure be, and achievement will surely come.


          "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
          Mark Twain


          • #6
            Re: Curious...

            Oh my lard...Queenolu has been posessed by "The Daily Motivator" (a/k/a Ralph Marston.)


            • #7
              Re: Curious...

              Originally posted by Leo Lakio
              Well...all that and a hefty trust fund couldn't hurt...
              There ya go.

              I love inspirational motivational messages as much as the next guy but having lived here going on seven years now I never cease to be amazed at the folks who come here after making virtually no plans and are convinced that "it will all work out."

              I guess I am just a die-hard realist. Sparkly-eyed t-shirt messages just don't do it for me.

              I am wondering (here in the if these people don't investigate fully because they think that maybe their illusions might be dashed just a bit? Just musing to myself here---not intending to burst anyone's bubble.

              Why on earth wouldn't a person want to take all the necessary practical steps possible to insure success (for example, the basic step of securing at the very least some solid leads for employment)?


              • #8
                Re: Curious...

                Originally posted by Leo Lakio
                Oh my lard...Queenolu has been posessed by "The Daily Motivator" (a/k/a Ralph Marston.)
                I googled Ralph Marston. YIKES. I'll get my daily dose of motivation from my bran flakes, thanks.

                For deep inspirational thought I prefer the powerful messages of Jack Handy. Much more applicable to real life, IMHO .



                • #9
                  Re: Curious...

                  Originally posted by WindwardOahuRN
                  For deep inspirational thought I prefer the powerful messages of Jack Handy.
                  The website's not yet up, but I read a recent interview with Mr. Handey (yes, he does exist; yes, that is his real name) that said he is developing a new "Deep Thoughts" website.


                  • #10
                    Re: Curious...

                    Originally posted by WindwardOahuRN
                    There ya go.

                    I love inspirational motivational messages as much as the next guy but having lived here going on seven years now I never cease to be amazed at the folks who come here after making virtually no plans and are convinced that "it will all work out."

                    I guess I am just a die-hard realist. Sparkly-eyed t-shirt messages just don't do it for me.

                    I am wondering (here in the if these people don't investigate fully because they think that maybe their illusions might be dashed just a bit? Just musing to myself here---not intending to burst anyone's bubble.

                    Why on earth wouldn't a person want to take all the necessary practical steps possible to insure success (for example, the basic step of securing at the very least some solid leads for employment)?

                    I agree with you about making preparations.... but you can only prepare but sooooooo much.....

                    You can sit around all your life making and making preparations ....for just in case... and still everything falls apart..... no matter how prepared you were...... that person that just died few minutes ago..... is now saying...boy I wish I did this.. I wish I did that........ so what if something did not go as plan.... then you get back up..... and count your blessings to be alive to experience it....

                    Sorry but HI may be expensive... may be a someone different culture than what most mainlanders are used to...... but goodnesssssssss it is just another place to live in this big world we call EARTH.

                    All the material things in the world can be replaced... yes.. it may take some time to get them back.... but God gave us life to live as we see fit and do as we wish while on earth.... so please live it....

                    As a Recruiter and I deal with many people that are hopeful that they can be in another state and job search in a state further away.... the first thing I tell them is...... you will be better served to move to where you want and job search....after you get there..... otherwise...... honestly ... as a recruiter....... I don't waste my time with someone that lives in Cali and applies for a job here in MD... because... they often can't come for interview when you need or better yet... they change their mind about moving........ it has happened over and over again......... Unless it's a job that is hard to recruit for........ Executive level positions... in particular fields....... Nurse positions......... and such... then I will consider them....

                    I myself as a person in the HR/Staffing/Recruiting industry knows that I will not get a job in HI until after I am there for sure.......... nobody will hire a HR Specialist without seeing them ...... so I will not waste anyone's time by sending my resume out there now..... just as I don't like people wasting my time when I have 1000's of resumes to read weekly.... so, when I have that plane ticket in hand and I can say on my cover letter that I will be there on so so date...... then I will send my resume out.... at least that is something definate.....

                    Based on what I know from personal experience.... and read so far.. most companies will not even give your resume a look in HI when you are not there...... and I don't blame them.... I do the same thing..... why waste energy on someone that may not make it over..... I was sending my resumes out before....against what I tell others... because I was listening to people like you....OahuRN....... but what do I get.... let us know when you are here..... ha ha ha.....

                    If we all wait and see to get a job line every up just right..... we will never get anywhere in life....... and surely not to HI....

                    So, I pursue my dream and my goals......... just as I pursue my dream to travel the world.....I joined the Navy...... lived all over the world..... I experienced different cultures and people.......... and I am full of culture myself because I am african by birth...... I got out of the Navy..... .with NOTHING....... was able to come out... find a job... find a place..... and make a life for myself..........

                    So, this toooooooooo shall pass......... just another thing I can add to my book of life.......

                    I have friends that live in HI and I have been there several times....... so maybe.... it's different to actually live there...... but that's everywhere..... in the world....... not just HI..... goodness... it's hard to live in the DC area.... it's kill or get killed out here in the DC area.....

                    If I have the opportunity...... I will move to Hong Kong.... Australia.... or back to Guam.... but for the moment.... HI is where I want to be....... if in a few years... I decide to pack up and move again........ then I move again....... IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD...

                    Yes, I am selling everything...... I worked for it..... and I will work for it again.... I am alive...... and as long as I have life in me.... I refuse to be paralized by the thought of failure........ that is not the way to live....and surely not my life......

                    NOthing is promised to anyone and tomorrow is surely not promised nor is tonight promised to you.... live your life... let others live theres....

                    As long as I have life in me......... I can not fail....... if you live your life thinking you will fail... or thinking of all the what if's...... then you are basically a dead man walking.... If I make it to see tomorrow and the day after and day after that.......... that is success in it's self.

                    I have been thinking and preparing for this move now for 3 yrs... no point to go into details on what I have done to prepare myself....... but it's not a overnight thing for me....... this is something that is just coming to an end... after years of preparing...... I bought my house 3 yrs ago... because of this move... so I will have the equity when I need to move.... just one of many things I have done to prepare......... so... just because we don't all come here and say everything that is going on does not mean we are just packing up and moving...... at least not me..... I have a big Ohana of friends...waiting for me in HI already....and will support me where I need....

                    Last edited by Queenolu; September 18, 2006, 11:05 AM.

                    FINALLY HOME IN HAWAI'I!

                    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
                    Mark Twain


                    • #11
                      Re: Curious...

                      I really really despise platitudes and recitations of "soothing" inspirational psychobabble. Reminds me of when people address concerns by saying "there, there" (accompanied by a pat-pat-pat on the head) and walk away.

                      I shall toss in my most-hated "soothing" quote here:

                      "What does not kill you only makes you stronger."

                      BS. Sometimes it leaves you on the side of the road, broken and bleeding, with no feeling from the neck down.


                      • #12
                        Re: Curious...

                        Originally posted by Leo Lakio
                        Oh my lard...Queenolu has been posessed by "The Daily Motivator" (a/k/a Ralph Marston.)

                        LOLLLLLLLL..... just one of my favorite things.....

                        FINALLY HOME IN HAWAI'I!

                        "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
                        Mark Twain


                        • #13
                          Re: Curious...

                          Originally posted by Queenolu
                          LOLLLLLLLL..... just one of my favorite things.....
                          Not a problem to me - I just like to see credit where it's due. I got the vibe that these weren't things you had written yourself, based on what you say in your own voice on HT.


                          • #14
                            Re: Curious...

                            Originally posted by Queenolu
                            I agree with you about making preparations.... but you can only prepare but sooooooo much.....
                            Well, good luck to you.

                            Perhaps you don't fall into the category of one who has not investigated or planned sufficiently---the question was not aimed at you specifically, BTW.

                            I guess being in HR you'd be familiar with the job market in that particular field and satisfied that the job you'll get here will supply you with a paycheck that will be sufficient for your needs.

                            It's the ones who do virtually NO investigation or planning that amaze me.


                            • #15
                              Re: Curious...

                              Originally posted by Leo Lakio
                              Not a problem to me - I just like to see credit where it's due. I got the vibe that these weren't things you had written yourself, based on what you say in your own voice on HT.
                              Ohhh I see your point....... surely not taking credit.... I was just getting it out there....

                              FINALLY HOME IN HAWAI'I!

                              "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
                              Mark Twain

