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Moving to Oahu

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  • Moving to Oahu

    I just got a job offer to work on Oahu, I am looking for advice (obvious if I am postin here) on living in Honolulu, getting around without a car, any advice on getting an apartment, what to do when I first get there, should I line up a hotel for a few days until I can get a place, stuff like that. Any help at all is would be great! I am moving from Maine so this is going to be a big move for me.

  • #2
    Re: Moving to Oahu

    Originally posted by dostoy View Post
    I just got a job offer to work on Oahu, I am looking for advice (obvious if I am postin here) on living in Honolulu, getting around without a car, any advice on getting an apartment, what to do when I first get there, should I line up a hotel for a few days until I can get a place, stuff like that. Any help at all is would be great! I am moving from Maine so this is going to be a big move for me.
    BIG is to be a major understatement.

    First of all, leave all your winter clothes behind and only bring your light spring/summer wardrobe.

    Others who live on Oahu can give you advice on what areas you can find suitable living arrangements. I know I, for one, would not want to make any commitments to living in a place without having seen the place first and knowing whether or not I like the neighborhood I'd be living in. It would also depend on the location of your work. If it was me, I wouldn't want to hassle with a long commute (and amazingly enough, even for an island the commute on Oahu from outlying areas can be as bad as being on I-95 during rush hour.)

    Definitely plan on staying in a hotel for the first week or so if you can, so you can get the lay of the land. Or better yet, if you could crash with friends or people you know in Honolulu, that would be even better, because then you'd have somebody from the area able to show you and tell you where to go and what to do.

    Good luck. At least you have the advantage of already having a job locked up. Some people move to Hawai'i with neither a job nor a place to stay, and that can be tough.

    Also bear in mind that the cost of living will be quite a bit more than what it costs you to live in Maine (for food, housing, and gasoline especially). On the West Coast, the differential might be 20% more to live in Hawai'i, but it would probably be even more great for you coming from Maine, which is more affordable. Is the company in Hawai'i willing to pay for your move too?

    "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


    • #3
      Re: Moving to Oahu

      I am really looking forward to the move, as right now we are in a blizzard here in Maine, zero visibility, 3 inches of snow an hour and -4 windchilll.

      Maine is not as affordable as some would think though rents are a bit lower here than in Oahu. I am planning on getting a hotel for a week or so, I don't know anyone currently in Oahu. I don't have a moving allowance from the company I wont have a car either, how easy is it to get around without one? I may have to work at Hawaii Kai as well.


      • #4
        Re: Moving to Oahu

        Aloha and Welcome to HT! Tell a us a bit about you and may be surprised to find new found friends who can show you all about Oahu!

        Auntie Lynn
        Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
        Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


        • #5
          Re: Moving to Oahu

          Originally posted by dostoy View Post
          I am really looking forward to the move, as right now we are in a blizzard here in Maine, zero visibility, 3 inches of snow an hour and -4 windchilll.
          Yeah, the novelty of lots of snow and windchills in the minus range does eventually wear thin, doesn't it? I lived in Boston for 10 years so I know what you're saying. My last winter in Boston, the temperature around Christmas was -25 with the windchill. So I was relieved to be out of there and moving to Seattle. I'd MUCH rather have too much rain than too much least you don't have to shovel rain.

          "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


          • #6
            Re: Moving to Oahu

            speaking of shoveling I have to go shovel out my car so I can move it (in the middle of a storm) because we have a parking ban

            A little about myself, I am in my 30's have lived in Maine most of my life, brief stints in Eugene Oregon and Stowe Vermont, have done a lot of travel on the mainland but have never been out to the islands. I have dont most of my work in resturants and the like though I am now working in the natural resouces field working with state and federal agencies in mapping and conserving natural resources. I brew my own beer, and am hoping to be able to in Hawai'i though that wont happen untill i get settled in. I don't surf, we don't have much for waves here though I do paddle and look forward to some kayaking around the islands. I am a bit of a country boy so living in the city seems kinda scary to me, the population of Honolulu is just about the same as the whole state of Maine. the town I grew up in was less that 1500 people.

            I do want to thank everone for being so nice, I didn't expect so many replies so fast


            • #7
              Re: Moving to Oahu

              Hawaii Kai ROCKS! Nice paddling and kayaking community here. Good luck with the relocation and with the finding a place to stay. Your new employer should be able to provide some insight as well...and really, that might mean there's someone at work who will look out for you as you figure out settling down.
              Aloha from Lavagal


              • #8
                Re: Moving to Oahu

                If you haven't done a search of this site for other moving to Hawaii threads already, you may find some interesting help that way.

                Many find the Honolulu Craigslist helpful.

                Try to read this book if you can:
                "So You Want To Live in Hawaii" (the 2005 ed)

                The Honolulu Advertiser's Newcomer's Guide to Hawaii

                Hawaii Government site for Hawaii newcomers:

                Another newcomers link:


                • #9
                  Re: Moving to Oahu

                  Originally posted by dostoy View Post
                  I brew my own beer, and am hoping to be able to in Hawai'i though that wont happen untill i get settled in.
                  You should have no probs with that. I know someone on the Windward side likes to do that...his license plate even says "Hophead."


                  • #10
                    Re: Moving to Oahu

                    Awesome! thanks for all the links!

                    I am looking forward to the paddling! not much paddling weather here right now.


                    • #11
                      Re: Moving to Oahu

                      Welcome to hawaii. Boy it's been getting really cold lately...musta dropped to the lower 70's last night
                      Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                      • #12
                        Re: Moving to Oahu

                        I've put on a zip-up sweater and long jammie pants the last few nights...tis cold indeed.


                        • #13
                          Re: Moving to Oahu

                          Chilly indeed! I had 2 blankies over the top sheet last night and no fan or
                          a/c running! That means it musta got down into the 60s!

                          Dostoy...Oahu has an excellent bus system...The Bus.


                          • #14
                            Re: Moving to Oahu

                   think you can handle our cold weather?

                            Imagine that. And to think we're selling air conditioning units right along side our ceramic space heaters. Which do you think is being restocked faster?
                            Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                            • #15
                              Re: Moving to Oahu

                              You should hear the ice pelting on my window right now, it is down right inhospitable out there. -14F with the windchill right now. I just confirmed my job and I will be starting around the middle of march Now I have to make flight plans and find a place. well and pack and say good bye and everything, it seems so overwhelming.
                              Last edited by dostoy; February 14, 2007, 02:19 PM. Reason: spelling :)

