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Advice help in finding a job....

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  • Advice help in finding a job....

    Hello everyone, I am doing some research for my daughter, she is 19 soon to be 20 and is interested in moving to Hawaii to go first to a Jr College or Community College to get her English abilites up to speed, then move up to a 4 year University.

    Let me back up a bit, I live in Okinawa, Japan and have been here for over 20 years. My daughter was born in the US but has lived here since she was 2, she graduated from a Japanese ES and then went to "Christian" schools here for JHS and HS with the emphasis being on English in her education. All classes were in English. She speaks reads and writes Japanese fluently and is fluent in spoken English but needs work on reading comprehension and writing. She is probably at a 10th grade level in written English. She is currently a dual citizen. She wants to go to college in Hawaii as well. Long story short here.

    Anyway she is looking for information about finding jobs in Hawaii for bilingual, Japanese/English people. Also looking for information about local community colleges that offer assistance in written English. Or offer English as a course of study. She will need to work to support herself as well, so she is looking for locations that may offer night school as well.

    She plans on going to Hawaii in the next month or so to do a bit of background leg work on where she she end up.

    What I would like to know is if there is anyone here that could help point her/us in the right direction?

    Thanks for any and all information or help, much appreciated.