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Vanuatu VS Mega-Yacht

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  • lensperson
    Re: Vanuatu VS Mega-Yacht

    Reminds one of the 'Mary Celeste'.

    Probably some kind of intelligence op.

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  • Menehune Man
    Re: Vanuatu VS Mega-Yacht

    Wow! This is pretty intriguing...

    "The “Phocea” affair has been intriguing much of the population of Port Vila since news of the famous mega-yacht’s arrival and subsequent arrest was first made public on July 22. But while there is little doubt that there is more to the yacht’s presence here than at first meets the eye or we are being told, jumping to conclusions that the initial reporting of it being anchored outside the Harbour were politically motivated or some kind of payback is denying the people who took notice and the time to investigate the kudos they deserve.

    The yacht arrived on July 14 but did not immediately request clearance from the relevant authorities as is required by Vanuatu law. Instead it anchored outside the harbour at Paradise Cove on the western side of Ifira Island far away from the designated Quarantine anchorage for vessels arriving from a foreign country as it had done. During the three days and nights it spent at Paradise Cove sans clearance the persons on board came and went ashore at will while other shore based people allegedly did vice versa. It is claimed goods were also moved to and from the yacht via a beachfront house which is now said to be deserted by all those who inhabited it before and during the time “Phocea” was anchored close by..."

    From August 24th, haven't found any new news...
    Vanuatu Daily Post

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  • Kaonohi
    Re: Vanuatu VS Mega-Yacht

    Fleeing Vanuatu?

    Are citizens prisoners there?

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  • Menehune Man
    started a topic Vanuatu VS Mega-Yacht

    Vanuatu VS Mega-Yacht

    From the Pacific Islands Report East-West Center:
    "Phocea Yacht To Be Moved Closer To Shore In Vanuatu
    Court authorizes order to bring yacht to Port Vila

    WELLINGTON, New Zealand (Radio New Zealand International, Sept. 12, 2012) – The prosecution in Vanuatu has got court authorization to move the super yacht Phocea closer to the Port Vila shore.

    It is a precaution after some of those who’d been on board the yacht had fled Vanuatu.

    Police raided the vessel nearly two months ago and have been holding it and most of its crew on a variety of charges including customs offences..."