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About Fiji

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  • Menehune Man
    Re: About Fiji

    A tropical cyclone is expected to hit Samoa today with wind speeds over 80km/h.

    Cyclone Evan emerged yesterday when a tropical depression deepened 300km southwest of Apia and moved eastward toward the city.

    The Fiji Meteorological Service said the tropical cyclone would be sitting right over Samoa about midday.

    The Fiji Met Service expects the cyclone to intensify to a category 2 as it changes direction and moves away from Samoa tomorrow.

    Fiji is preparing for the cyclone to arrive on Sunday.

    The New Zealand Herald

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  • Menehune Man
    Re: About Fiji

    Originally posted by Menehune Man View Post
    Mrs. Menehune and I are headed to Viti Levu Fiji tomorrow morning.
    It'll be her (and twin brother's) 50th Birthday celebration in Naimasimasi Village. Their B-day is Aug. 13th.
    So looking forward to this trip! Spending two weeks in the South Pacific?... priceless.

    Will check in when we return with photos of course!
    We had a real blast!
    I took 648 photos but only uploaded 221 to Flickr. What a task that was...
    You can click on slideshow if you wish!
    Took 4 large bags and 3 carry-ons going down. Only one bag and her purse came home with us. Had so much to share with everyone.
    Staying in Nabua(close to Suva City), Naimasimasi Village, and Nadi too.
    Side trips into Nausori Town, Suvavou, Pacific Harbour and sooo much more.
    The birthday party went off well. Maybe 100 showed up. On an average day Fijians eat simply, even sparsely, but at an occasion... no one in the world eats better! Was rainy weather for two weeks up to our arrival and some while there, but cleared nicely. Made for mud between your toes in the village and brown steams though. Got a real surprise checking in to come home... our flight took us to Apia Samoa before heading to Honolulu.

    Great memories and good to be home.

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  • lensperson
    Re: About Fiji

    MM and Family.
    I wish you a very nice voyage.
    The heart of a navigator is large if a big vessel is to be sailed.
    Have a great time!


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  • Menehune Man
    Re: About Fiji

    Mrs. Menehune and I are headed to Viti Levu Fiji tomorrow morning.
    It'll be her (and twin brother's) 50th Birthday celebration in Naimasimasi Village. Their B-day is Aug. 13th.
    So looking forward to this trip! Spending two weeks in the South Pacific?... priceless.

    Here's a link to her village...
    Zoom in to see the village and the waterway through the mangroves to the ocean.

    There are incredibly beautiful beaches in Fiji, but the plus to a mangrove shoreline is seafood. Lots of fish, crabs, sea plants...

    Will check in when we return with photos of course!

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  • kiwidiva
    Re: About Fiji

    Congratz to Waikiki Kui for participating in the netball tourney!

    My Sulu at Center.
    Wow! Sulu must be fit to play Center! Reminds me of when I was a kid and played netball with my mum's team. Mum was a killer goal shooter and I played Center. I was tempted to play in this tourney but I am way too unfit! It was a lot of fun to watch though.

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  • kiwidiva
    Re: About Fiji

    Don't forget the Rugby boys! Marist Hawaii won the Fiji Day USA Rugby Sevens Tournament...

    It was such a great day of sports, camaraderie, curry and roti!

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  • Menehune Man
    Re: About Fiji

    Thanks Jim75!
    Originally posted by Menehune Man View Post
    The team name is Waikiki Kui and the 3 ladies invited any girls that wished to, to play. The 1st girl wearing GD made all the points. A really good player. The next girl wearing WA was upset because they already lost one game. Then Dimiti with the ball was a powerhouse, real quick and even wrestled for the ball once! And the girl wearing GS was a great play organizer and passer too.

    It takes 2 games to be eliminated so that's what they played, but the other teams were cool and it ended up being like Harlem Globetrotters type games!

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  • Jim75
    Re: About Fiji

    Great shot, MM!

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  • Menehune Man
    Re: About Fiji

    The Fiji Club of Hawaii hosted "Fiji Day 2009" in Honolulu this year. Great fun!

    My Sulu at Center. The only team with kids! They had a good time.
    Link to flickr photos

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  • snowbird
    Re: About Fiji

    Originally posted by Jim75 View Post
    I'm curious about this. When I first moved here, I heard it a lot. People yelling it across the street at me. I'm fairly certain I was the intended recipient. .......Is it my race or something I'm doing or not doing? I honestly don't know.

    I've lived in South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Kansas, Oregon, and Georgia at different times and I've never encountered anything like this.
    Jim, you make a point that is a fear of mine: will I also encounter this type of reaction in Hawai'i? I especially have noticed a lot more of the sovereignty type postings on boards, and the anti-haole sentiment it can invoke.

    I left California in my early 20's and moved to New Jersey, Penna., and Missouri, respectively. In each of these places, I met with non-acceptance. My accent was all wrong, I didn't fit in someway, and there was a new culture to assimilate into. No matter that I was caucasion, and mainly around other whites...

    In fact, I used to dye my hair dark brown, and my eldest is black-haired, and olive-skinned, so it was sort of eye-opening when someone in the Ozarks asked him and myself if we were Mexicans. We said no, we were hippies. We moved back to California soon after that, and once again, we didn't fit in. Maybe it's just us?

    I hate to think that I will have to deal with much of this when I move to paradise. Perhaps Fiji would be a better fit for me. I'm more into giving to a community, than taking from it anyway.

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  • snowbird
    Re: About Fiji

    Originally posted by Menehune Man View Post
    Time difference between Fiji and Hawaii. Fiji is 22 hours ahead, so easiest way to figure it is to minus 2 hours but add a day.
    22 hours minus the 3 that I am ahead of you here in Cali, right? Ooooh, that hurts my head to figure out right now; need sleep.

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  • Menehune Man
    Re: About Fiji

    Originally posted by Jim75 View Post
    I'm curious about this....
    It seems that some think of others as 'haves' opposed to 'have nots' though it's truly displaced aggregation because it's against just plain 'others'. Sad. Have felt it here in Hawaii.

    Glad it's not like that and I never felt it in Fiji.

    Human beings - Planet Earth
    One Planet - One People

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  • Jim75
    Re: About Fiji

    Originally posted by Menehune Man View Post
    We do get along fairly well here, but you don't hear "Go home (blankety blank) to fellow citizens of Fiji.
    I'm curious about this. When I first moved here, I heard it a lot. People yelling it across the street at me. I'm fairly certain I was the intended recipient. Then eventually it cooled off. Over time I'd hear it kind of in spurts. Now "go home" or "fuck him" have been pretty frequent as of late. "Give up" will appear occassionally.

    The people in the house next to me are a family of Japanese descent, a couple and their two daughters. I only mention that they're Japanese as I've tried to figure out, over time, what this is about. Is it my race or something I'm doing or not doing? I honestly don't know. Anyway this guy will say, half-way under his breath, "go home". They seem like nice people, but . . .

    I've lived in South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Kansas, Oregon, and Georgia at different times and I've never encountered anything like this. It's completely outside of my frame of reference. Some of it is with no emotion. Some is clearly angry. I'd say much of it seems to me like people are enjoying the opportunity to be mean spirited. I get the impression that for some it's something of a game to see if they can push somebody out. They treat you like your an object, rather than a human being.

    I'll say this, there's no "Aloha" in any of it.

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  • Menehune Man
    Re: About Fiji

    Snowbird shared this with me and I am passing it on...

    Time difference between Fiji and Hawaii. Fiji is 22 hours ahead, so easiest way to figure it is to minus 2 hours but add a day.

    I loved the Mamanuca Cam the best!

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  • snowbird
    Re: About Fiji

    Originally posted by Menehune Man View Post
    We had an incredible time visiting friends, family and of course enjoying all that Fiji offers! I figured the best way to share photos was to blog it.

    WOW!!! Thank you for allowing me to travel to Fiji via your blog and photos. Please post more to the blog when you get a chance, and if you could help me understand what I'm seeing, with some more captions, I'd love that. Such a true paradise there; it has most of the things about Hawai'i that I love, and also has more South Seas character. I can see why you are so excited about Fiji!

    I especially loved the photos showing the art of the craftswomen... Island arts and handiwork is always a treat to view.

    Thanks, MM, and I look forward to seeing lots more of Fiji.

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