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Unsettled Economy & The Bailout

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  • I'll tell ya who I do feel sorry for. I do feel bad for those segments of the population that are most at risk to be directly impacted by these turn of events. Esp. younger people. They're going to have the toughest time trying to get student loans to pay for college. They're going to have the toughest times trying to find jobs in a time when many businesses are downsizing with the credit contraction. They're going to have the toughest time trying to come up with the financing to pay for their first home. It's a shame. The president has failed them. Congress has failed them. Washington D.C. is broken.
    Last edited by Frankie's Market; September 29, 2008, 04:18 PM.
    This post may contain an opinion that may conflict with your opinion. Do not take it personal. Polite discussion of difference of opinion is welcome.


    • Re: Unsettled Economy & The Bailout

      Originally posted by Frankie's Market View Post
      I'll tell ya who I do feel sorry for. I do feel bad for those segments of the population that are most at risk to be directly impacted by these turn of events. Esp. younger people. They're going to have the toughest time trying to get student loans to pay for college. They're going to have the toughest times trying to find jobs in a time when many businesses are downsizing with the credit contraction. They're going to have the toughest time trying to come up with the financing to pay for their first home. It's a shame. The president has failed them. Congress has failed them. Washington D.C. is broken.
      Don't forget the retirees with 401k accounts or other kinds of retirement accounts. They are getting hammered too.Overall this travesty is going to
      affect everyone-young,old,middle aged.
      Check out my blog on Kona issues :
      The Kona Blog


      • Re: Unsettled Economy & The Bailout

        Originally posted by Frankie's Market View Post
        The president has failed them. Congress has failed them. Washington D.C. is broken.
        For that, you get a Gold Star!
        Peace, Love, and Local Grindz

        People who form FIRM opinions with so little knowledge only pretend to be open-minded. They select their facts like food from a buffet. David R. Dow


        • Re: Unsettled Economy & The Bailout

          Hey guys, if the economy tanks, it will hurt Hawaii more than the mainland.

          Fewer people will vacation, layoffs will follow, and it will affect almost all of us. We will lose hundreds of local companies.

          The plan might be flawed, but no one has put a serious alternative on the DC table.

          We don't have time to fiddle while Rome burns.


          • Re: Unsettled Economy & The Bailout

            Originally posted by Creative-1 View Post
            The plan might be flawed, but no one has put a serious alternative on the DC table.
            Actually, you are correct, no politician has put a serious alternative on the DC table. However, many professional economists in the US are recommending the Swedish Model as the solution to the financial crisis. The Paulson proposal is nothing more than a bailout (socialized welfare) for wealthy Wall Street investors. There are other, more equitable solutions that have yet to be explored. Don't be stampeded into a decision that will only make matters worse.
            Peace, Love, and Local Grindz

            People who form FIRM opinions with so little knowledge only pretend to be open-minded. They select their facts like food from a buffet. David R. Dow


            • Re: Bailout fails, stocks fall

              Originally posted by Random View Post
              You already have three houses? Might as well get one more and make it a seasonal thing (Winter home, Spring home, Summer home, and Autumn home).
              no. two houses. one in kapolei that's being rented for no profit to "family." we take an annual loss of app. 5k. the other is this kailua home which is our primary residence. we want to retire on the big island and work the land.

              for various reasons, we would not even dream of selling either property TODAY. it's a buyer's market if one can qualify for a mortgage. and, i am not, "holding my breath." if the offer is accepted and we get the loan, then so be it. if it doesn't happen, then no big deal.
              Last edited by kani-lehua; September 29, 2008, 06:24 PM.
              "chaos reigns within.
              reflect, repent and reboot.
              order shall return."

              microsoft error message with haiku poetry


              • Re: Unsettled Economy & The Bailout

                Originally posted by matapule View Post
                Don't be stampeded into a decision that will only make matters worse.
                Are you kidding???

                I lost over $100,000 from my retirement account in the last week.

                Tomorrow looks to be pretty bad too.

                The plan won't make things worse, from my point of view. We need liquidity in the credit markets this week.

                I liken what happened to a heart attack. The heart of our economy is our major banks. Money is their blood.

                The money has stopped flowing and the patient (the whole US economy) is going to suffer unless it is restarted quickly.

                If I had a heart attack, I'd want CPR immediately, not an argument from those standing over me that there are better solutions.


                • Re: Unsettled Economy & The Bailout

                  Originally posted by matapule View Post
                  Actually, you are correct, no politician has put a serious alternative on the DC table. However, many professional economists in the US are recommending the Swedish Model as the solution to the financial crisis. The Paulson proposal is nothing more than a bailout (socialized welfare) for wealthy Wall Street investors. There are other, more equitable solutions that have yet to be explored. Don't be stampeded into a decision that will only make matters worse.
                  You're a little behind. The Paulson no-strings proposal, commented on in the article you referenced, is not what was just voted down in the House. There were plenty of strings in the Congressional version, including warrants that would have given the government an ownership stake in firms from whom toxic securities were purchased. That seems to make it like the "Swedish Model".


                  • Re: Unsettled Economy & The Bailout

                    Today on O'Reilly, John Kerry and Bill O'Reilly were in total agreement about the bailout. Both support it completely. Just goes to show you that O'Reilly is not the partisan that so many of you make him out to be.

                    And that Ron is not the total liberal he claims to be, after disagreeing with the great John Kerry.
                    Energy answers are already here.


                    • Re: Unsettled Economy & The Bailout

                      Originally posted by timkona View Post
                      . . . O'Reilly is not the partisan that so many of you make him out to be.
                      You've got a good sense of humor, Timkona.


                      • Re: Unsettled Economy & The Bailout

                        Originally posted by Creative-1 View Post
                        We don't have time to fiddle while Rome burns.
                        Apparently, Pelosi have all the time in the world.

                        Sorry, but I believed she baited them to kill the bill. She's not entirely at fault though. Republicans should have ignored her.
                        Beijing 8-08-08 to 8-24-08

                        Tiananmen Square 4-15-89 to 6-04-89


                        • Re: Unsettled Economy & The Bailout

                          Originally posted by Creative-1 View Post
                          If I had a heart attack, I'd want CPR immediately, not an argument from those standing over me that there are better solutions.
                          "Hmm. Should we give him CPR, or should we find a defibrillator?"

                          "I don't know. Shocking the heart could make things worse."

                          "True, but if I give CPR and crack the rib, I might be liable."

                          Hang in there, Creative-1. We're coming to a solution ... Thursday.
                          Beijing 8-08-08 to 8-24-08

                          Tiananmen Square 4-15-89 to 6-04-89


                          • Re: Unsettled Economy & The Bailout

                            Kerry agrees with O'Reilly.
                            Ron Whitfield agrees with O'Reilly.
                            Pelosi voted yes, and yet somehow helped to defeat the bill.
                            33% of Reps voted NO. 40% of Dems voted NO. Somehow Reps are to blame for it not passing. The difference is 23 votes.
                            The "people" don't want the bailout, and are willing to risk economic collapse, to send Wall St. fatcats, and their parents living on 401k's, to the poor house.
                            Gold is soaring. Oil is falling.

                            If it sounds a little twisted, that's cuz it is.

                            I'm totally against the bailout because I believe in laissez-faire and caveat emptor. Plus, I have nothing invested in stock. Wall St. is a total Vegas crapshoot-house-of-cards-make-believe-horse-manure-figment-of-the-imagination anyway. With great marketing, just like Vegas. The only difference is, in Vegas, the house never loses. I can get you a much better return on your money if you help float my sports bookmaking operation.

                            Cash flow real estate is the name of the game. Rent to government agencies whenever possible.
                            Energy answers are already here.


                            • Re: Unsettled Economy & The Bailout

                              Originally posted by Random View Post
                              "Hmm. Should we give him CPR, or should we find a defibrillator?"

                              "I don't know. Shocking the heart could make things worse."

                              "True, but if I give CPR and crack the rib, I might be liable."

                              Hang in there, Creative-1. We're coming to a solution ... Thursday.


                              • Re: Unsettled Economy & The Bailout

                                Originally posted by timkona View Post
                                Kerry agrees with O'Reilly.
                                Ron Whitfield agrees with O'Reilly.
                                Pelosi voted yes, and yet somehow helped to defeat the bill.
                                33% of Reps voted NO. 40% of Dems voted NO. Somehow Reps are to blame for it not passing. The difference is 23 votes.
                                The "people" don't want the bailout,
                                Let's put the brakes on your soapbox speech right there.

                                The "people" don't want the bailout. Which people? On what basis are you making this statement? Or is this just an assumption that you think everyone here on HT are gullible enough to swallow without question?

                                Got news for ya. The Gallup poll contradicts your assumption. Big time.


                                Americans overwhelmingly favor Congress' passing a plan that would help fix the current Wall Street economic crisis, but a Wednesday night USA Today/Gallup poll (conducted before Thursday's high-level negotiations between President Bush and congressional leaders on a new plan) shows that by more than a 2-to-1 ratio, Americans would like to see Congress pass a different plan rather than the $700 billion plan proposed by the Bush administration.

                                In fact, only 11% of those polled wanted Congress to take no action. Those "people" you talk about wanting no bailout appears to be a very small minority.

                                Like Secretary Paulson, you better go back to the drawing board on this one, Tim.
                                This post may contain an opinion that may conflict with your opinion. Do not take it personal. Polite discussion of difference of opinion is welcome.

