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Obama v. The Birthers

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  • Vanguard
    Re: Now the truth can be told about Barack Obama!

    Even Chuck Norris requested the birth certificate in an open letter to the President.

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  • TuNnL
    Re: Now the truth can be told about Barack Obama!

    Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
    Yeah, and there are people who, three weeks after the election, are still moping over the loss of their candidates, and are still trying to find ways to dump on their next President.
    Actually, it’s been not weeks, but months for the birthers. Amazingly, these bitter loons continue to keep the urban legend of Obama’s “unnatural born citizenship” alive...

    'Birther' files Kenyan document with court

    SANTA ANA, Calif., Sept. 6 (UPI) -- A California lawyer who says President Obama was born in Kenya has filed in federal court a copy of what she claims is his birth certificate.

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  • Amati
    Re: Why do these Hawaii birth certificates look different?

    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
    Hawaii officials declare Obama birth certificate genuine
    (Not that we didn't already know it!)
    How appropriate that the news release from the department that handles birth certificates was on a Friday, the day of the week that department is now closed.

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  • tutusue
    Re: Why do these Hawaii birth certificates look different?

    Hawaii officials declare Obama birth certificate genuine
    (Not that we didn't already know it!)

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  • Amati
    Re: Why do these Hawaii birth certificates look different?

    Originally posted by Adri View Post
    As I understand it, "race of father" and "race of mother" was filled in with whatever the parents self-identified race was and also that the birth certificates of adopted babies were sometimes changed to match the race of the adoptive parents.
    Yes, that happened in our family.

    And as I recall, wasn't that one of the issues with Kamehameha Schools, that if a child was adopted by a Hawaiian, the birth certificate would say Mother &/or Father: Hawaiian, even though there was no actual Hawaiian koko?

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  • Kelly0040
    Re: Why do these Hawaii birth certificates look different?

    Kind of a funny story about my son's birth certificate from April 08. Well, it makes me giggle when I think about it. When we were in the hospital, the lady who does gathers info for the certificates came by and made me repeat my race and spell it out several times (I'm half Japanese, half Assyrian). A few weeks later, I got two more calls to confirm my race and its spelling.

    Maybe they didn't believe me. Or maybe they just wanted to make sure I really really was what I said I was. Or maybe they just wanted to make sure I really wanted "Assyrian" on there lol.

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  • Adri
    Re: Why do these Hawaii birth certificates look different?

    As I understand it, "race of father" and "race of mother" was filled in with whatever the parents self-identified race was and also that the birth certificates of adopted babies were sometimes changed to match the race of the adoptive parents.

    eta: Just to clarify ~ I am not saying that Obama was adopted. Just adding that "race" on the birth certificate could be listed differently for different reasons.
    Last edited by Adri; October 26, 2008, 09:03 PM.

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  • Amati
    Re: Why do these Hawaii birth certificates look different?

    Originally posted by timkona View Post
    Hawaii used to list the "race" of the parents

    For goodness sake, I hope the answer is HUMAN.

    Gawd, I hate racism.
    Got a birth cert in front of me right now, issued by the Territory of Hawaii, Item #9 "Race of Father", item #14 "Race of Mother". Neither space is filled in with "human" as the answer.

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  • timkona
    Re: Why do these Hawaii birth certificates look different?

    Hawaii used to list the "race" of the parents

    For goodness sake, I hope the answer is HUMAN.

    Gawd, I hate racism.

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  • Adri
    Re: Why do these Hawaii birth certificates look different?

    Berg's lawsuit over Obama's birth certificate dismissed for lack of standing and stated that Berg's attempts to gain standing to pursue his claim that Obama is not a natural-born citizen were "frivolous and not worthy of discussion."

    Berg says he's appealing to the US Supreme Court but since he's a lawyer, he should be wary and consider it a warning that a court already deemed his attempts to be frivolous. Lawyers can be court sanctioned for bringing frivolous actions.

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  • escondido100
    Re: Why do these Hawaii birth certificates look different?

    if mc cain is going to win, and the latest cycle of polls show him gaining ground in the battleground states, i wouldnt want him to win on a technicality like this. if there was a problem with obama's nationality it would have come up before now.

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  • kani-lehua
    Re: Why do these Hawaii birth certificates look different?

    visit the department of health online and you can order vital records.

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  • Amati
    Re: Why do these Hawaii birth certificates look different?

    A couple of decades ago, Hawaii used to list the "race" of the parents. Later, they started omitting the information from Birth Certificates that were issued. (The originals of my son's showes that info, but later copies do not). If needed (say, for Kamehameha School admission) you request the race to show, I believe you can still access it.

    By the way, don't bother visiting the Health Department for a birth certificate on Fridays. That building is now closed on Fridays, but has extended hours M-Th. Or so the news says.

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  • kani-lehua
    Re: Why do these Hawaii birth certificates look different?

    Originally posted by Adri View Post
    Well, happy belated birthday kani-lehua!
    mahalo, adri. i don't look my age, may not even act it at times, but the body is feeling it!

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  • Lei K
    Re: Why do these Hawaii birth certificates look different?

    I just looked at that second link. For what it's worth my birth certificate is nearly identical to the one that guy posted except race of parents is at the bottom of the form on mine. I was born when Jimmy Carter was president, if that makes a difference.

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