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Obama v. The Birthers

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  • Bobinator
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
    Bob, you've put into words exactly how many of us here on HT feel about you. Exactly. I couldn't have said it any better I sit in my living room staring at the hospital in which Pres. Obama was born.
    You mean you're in Kenya? Heck. I was born at Kapiolani, and they gave me a long form birth certificate, which I posted for everyone to see. Nobody else had the courage or conviction to do it. I back up my positions with action and articles provided by various sources. So far, all I've got from alla you anti-Constitutionalists are nasty jabs and adolescent smears.

    Anyone see this article by Jerry Coffee in the latest MidWeek? Try addressing these questions with an educated replies... If you have any!

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  • Bobinator
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by buzz1941 View Post
    World Net Daily collects money from gullible people to "pay" for birther billboards. What a scam! Anyone believes stuff on is just asking to be taken.
    Why? Because they want to know the truth too?

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    I almost quoted ya on that, so he'd see it ... but I then realized that I think he's blocking me, too! I'm glad to be on the same team as you, anapuni808!

    Just in case he's NOT ignoring me:
    Last edited by Leo Lakio; April 14, 2010, 01:21 PM.

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  • anapuni808
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    it's kind of fun for me since I can say whatever I want & he doesn't see it! ?That's what he gets for blocking me.

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
    Bob, you've put into words exactly how many of us here on HT feel about you. Exactly.
    Originally posted by Kaonohi View Post
    Believe what you want, Bobby, ... Just don't knock on my front door.
    Originally posted by matapule View Post
    So when the Bob comes aknockin', just don't answer the door and ignore him. Maybe he'll get on his bicycle and go to some other neighborhood.
    What I can't figure out is why so many of you are still engaging with the guy; some of you even convinced me that he wasn't worth it. Just do as matapule-the-wise has suggested, and let him fester in his own puddle of ignorance.

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  • matapule
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Bobinator View Post
    Here's Lt. Col. Lakin's letter to Obama that's causing quite a stir.
    Terry Lakin, Birther, to be court martialled by Army

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  • matapule
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Kaonohi View Post
    Just don't knock on my front door.
    Bobinator has now become the JW knocking on the HT door. He keeps trying to hand out his "tracts" that he finds on goofy websites. He has a right to believe whatever he wants, but it doesn't look like he has made a single convert here on HT. But he just keeps knockin' on the door. There's a word for this, it is called harrassment. So when the Bob comes aknockin', just don't answer the door and ignore him. Maybe he'll get on his bicycle and go to some other neighborhood.

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  • Kaonohi
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Bobinator View Post
    C'mere! I'll give you a vulcan mind mill.
    That's a "Vulcan Mind Meld."
    Thanks, been there, done that.

    Frankly, I'm often wrong, and often right, but that doesn't stop me from calling them like I see them.

    There is adequate PHYSICAL evidence that B.O. II was born in Hawaii - part of the USA. AND adequate evidence B.O. I was born in Kenya, and that nattering nabobs of negativism are confusing the two men.

    Believe what you want, Bobby, but don't expect everyone else to follow suit! It's like religion, you know? Mormons believe Jesus came to America, other Christians believe not....

    Just don't knock on my front door.


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  • tutusue
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Bobinator View Post
    Bottom line here is that you're turning a blind eye because it makes you wrong. How sad that people choose to be blind for the sake of being right.

    It's like you're too far gone. If I pull you out of the matrix, you're mind is gonna pop, or you'll throw up or something. It's too much reality for you.

    C'mere! I'll give you a vulcan mind mill.
    Bob, you've put into words exactly how many of us here on HT feel about you. Exactly. I couldn't have said it any better I sit in my living room staring at the hospital in which Pres. Obama was born.

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  • buzz1941
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    World Net Daily collects money from gullible people to "pay" for birther billboards. What a scam! Anyone believes stuff on is just asking to be taken.

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  • Bobinator
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Kaonohi View Post
    Oh, you buy that? Well, since you'll believe most anything...

    Then I want to tell you about a relative of yours, Dr. Gullible Bobinator, who died in a plane crash in Nigeria. I am his financial consultant, and he left $12,500,000 in a Swiss bank account for you. All you need to is send me $5,000 for processing fees, and it's all yours!
    Just think how this inheritance can help the Birther's movement! And it's all yours! Please send a copy of your passport and your social security number., as well as the account number of your local bank, to prove your identity and allow for rapid transfer of funds.
    And please HURRY, you know the local government is trying to grab these funds as we speak!

    Herr Professor Doktor Conspiritor Scammer
    West AfricanConspiricy Bank
    Lagos, Nigeria

    Remember, this is totally TRUE! Guaranteed by the government. I am your FRIEND!
    Okay. Don't believe me? Then perhaps you should at least listen to these guys. They ought to know who's born in their own country-

    And consider this write-up on Obama caught lying about the house he grew up in-

    Bottom line here is that you're turning a blind eye because it makes you wrong. How sad that people choose to be blind for the sake of being right.

    It's like you're too far gone. If I pull you out of the matrix, you're mind is gonna pop, or you'll throw up or something. It's too much reality for you.

    C'mere! I'll give you a vulcan mind mill.
    Last edited by Bobinator; April 13, 2010, 02:15 PM.

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  • Kaonohi
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Bobinator View Post
    The minister was talking about the President of the United States in his speech. Was Barack's father President? Don't be such a knucklehead.
    Oh, you buy that? Well, since you'll believe most anything...

    Then I want to tell you about a relative of yours, Dr. Gullible Bobinator, who died in a plane crash in Nigeria. I am his financial consultant, and he left $12,500,000 in a Swiss bank account for you. All you need to is send me $5,000 for processing fees, and it's all yours!
    Just think how this inheritance can help the Birther's movement! And it's all yours! Please send a copy of your passport and your social security number., as well as the account number of your local bank, to prove your identity and allow for rapid transfer of funds.
    And please HURRY, you know the local government is trying to grab these funds as we speak!

    Herr Professor Doktor Conspiritor Scammer
    West AfricanConspiricy Bank
    Lagos, Nigeria

    Remember, this is totally TRUE! Guaranteed by the government. I am your FRIEND!

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  • Bobinator
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Kaonohi View Post
    Bob, I think you let your head pop.

    Or maybe you missed the Newspaper heading that claimed "Super Fertilizer?"

    This is OLD, old, ancient news. With all the reading you have done, maybe your brain got too full and this fell out?
    Barak Obama's father is..... (drum roll) ... BARAK OBAMA!

    Our Hawaiian-born president was named after his Kenyan-born father.

    Unfortunately there are some stupid folks out there, even in government, who can't tell the difference. They also probably think George Bush was both the 41st and 43rd POTUS.

    Wakey wakey!
    The minister was talking about the President of the United States in his speech. Was Barack's father President? Don't be such a knucklehead.

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  • Random
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Bobinator View Post
    I'm not letting that happen. Like I said before, who better to run an American government than a non-American.

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  • Kaonohi
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Bobinator View Post
    Here's a news article quoting a Kenyan official, a member of parliament, confessing that Obama was born there, and is, "not even an native American". Try not to let your head pop.
    Bob, I think you let your head pop.

    Or maybe you missed the Newspaper heading that claimed "Super Fertilizer?"

    This is OLD, old, ancient news. With all the reading you have done, maybe your brain got too full and this fell out?
    Barak Obama's father is..... (drum roll) ... BARAK OBAMA!

    Our Hawaiian-born president was named after his Kenyan-born father.

    Unfortunately there are some stupid folks out there, even in government, who can't tell the difference. They also probably think George Bush was both the 41st and 43rd POTUS.

    Wakey wakey!

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