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Obama v. The Birthers

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    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post

    One last question to Bobinator (and let's see if he answers this one, or ignores it like he did earlier): If you truly believe President Obama was born outside of the United States and its territorries, and that the ONLY way to prove otherwise is with the release of a so-called "long-form" birth certificate from Hawai`i - - -

    - - - why don't YOU file a lawsuit demanding its release (at least to a court of law, if not to the general public and the press)?

    You are a resident of Hawai`i, and that might be the most appropriate jurisdiction to file such a case. You keep quoting from disreputable sources, you continue posting discredited links, but you still believe this is an issue that needs to be addressed.

    OK, how badly do you want this resolved? Then it's time to put up or shut up; step forward and file a lawsuit. Enough with internet babbling - YOU need to make your case in a venue where it will result in more than just chatter and speculation.

    Are you worried about cost? Once the news gets out that you are willing to do this, rest assured there are a number of wealthy sources who will step up to assist you on that front. You'll get some publicity out of it, and a ruling that should clarify the situation. And we'll all get closure.

    But you won't do it.

    It's easier to just babble on and on and on over an internet discussion group, you and your clueless "birther" clan. We have major issues of importance in this world, and you'd rather waste everyone's attention with your continued inability to allow proof into your heads.

    Okay, let's spend the time and money and effort on your exercise in frivolity. You want that "long-form" certificate? How badly? Willing to step up to make it happen?

    Or will we just get more of the same ol' Bobinator pissing on himself and everyone within reading distance?

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    TATT, we've tried that one. Even though that birth certificate is good enough for all governmental agencies in the United States, it's not good enough for Bobinator. Apparently, he's superior to all that. Facts are not relevant to addressing his needs.

    One last question to Bobinator (and let's see if he answers this one, or ignores it like he did earlier): If you truly believe President Obama was born outside of the United States and its territorries, and that the ONLY way to prove otherwise is with the release of a so-called "long-form" birth certificate from Hawai`i - - -

    - - - why don't YOU file a lawsuit demanding its release (at least to a court of law, if not to the general public and the press)?

    You are a resident of Hawai`i, and that might be the most appropriate jurisdiction to file such a case. You keep quoting from disreputable sources, you continue posting discredited links, but you still believe this is an issue that needs to be addressed.

    OK, how badly do you want this resolved? Then it's time to put up or shut up; step forward and file a lawsuit. Enough with internet babbling - YOU need to make your case in a venue where it will result in more than just chatter and speculation.

    Are you worried about cost? Once the news gets out that you are willing to do this, rest assured there are a number of wealthy sources who will step up to assist you on that front. You'll get some publicity out of it, and a ruling that should clarify the situation. And we'll all get closure.

    But you won't do it.

    It's easier to just babble on and on and on over an internet discussion group, you and your clueless "birther" clan. We have major issues of importance in this world, and you'd rather waste everyone's attention with your continued inability to allow proof into your heads.

    Okay, let's spend the time and money and effort on your exercise in frivolity. You want that "long-form" certificate? How badly? Willing to step up to make it happen?

    Or will we just get more of the same ol' Bobinator pissing on himself and everyone within reading distance?

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    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Hawaii has two major newspapers, the Honolulu Advertiser and the Star Bulletin.

    BOTH newspapers include birth announcements, and BOTH newspapers record the August 4th, 1961 birth of Barack Obama.

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  • Random
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Kaonohi View Post
    You aren't worried about al Queda, bin Laden and their goal of making this a "Muslim world? No live infidels allowed?"

    Talk about a "NWO!"
    Well, there's nothing wrong with putting a sheet over one's head. I'm sure the KKK would be cool with that.

    Also, when a teen girl did something wrong and says, "Oh, my dad's gonna kill me!" it can be taken LITERALLY.

    Yes, this is me, with the darkest of dark sense of humor.

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  • Kaonohi
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Bobinator View Post
    Is see the Iraq and Afghan war as another "Vietnam."
    You aren't worried about al Queda, bin Laden and their goal of making this a "Muslim world? No live infidels allowed?"

    Talk about a "NWO!"

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  • Bobinator
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Judge Clarence Thomas- "We're avoiding the eligibility issue"

    Moamar Khadhafi- "... Obama is my friend... He's a son of Africa",7...877174,00.html

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  • anapuni808
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    dang - theres that noise again. it's like a buzzing in my ears. ......

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  • Bobinator
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by TATTRAT View Post
    and, just to add:

    the only difference between a rut, and a grave, is the depth.

    People can believe what they want, but the second you close your mind to others, is the day you put a nail in your close minded brain.

    Politics is the business of lawyers and politicians, dude was elected, he is here, stfu and get over yourself. No candidate has, nor will ever, meet all expectations. . .people clinging to this whole "birther" thing are just clinging on to ANYTHING that will cast a shadow on what "they" feel is just/right.

    And I did see the links posted. . .have fun just being a sheeple. When you can look at reality, accept it, then maybe you can move on. . .but I feel this is a case of not being able to teach an old dog new tricks.
    Expectation??? Tatt, it's a requirement to be a natural born citizen!

    But you're right about one thing. Whether it's Obama or McCain in office, the NWO will still have their way. If Ron Paul got in, the pot smokers would probably have theirs!

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  • Bobinator
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
    He, of all people, whines that others won't answer questions. Yet he still pretends to have never seen the simple one I posed to him long ago, which has been repeated by myself and others through the thread. He asks for "evidence," yet can't answer why he is entitled to more than that accepted by the courts of the nation. THAT is why he gets no respect from me.

    His place is no darker or scarier than the imaginary WoW he likes to inhabit.
    I didn't answer you, cuz you think your mother's better than mine!!!

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  • Bobinator
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by anapuni808 View Post
    (he's trying to drag me into his dark & scary place but I'm not going to go)
    It's not dark. But its painful. The truth always hurts. And yes, it can be scary.

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    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    and, just to add:

    the only difference between a rut, and a grave, is the depth.

    People can believe what they want, but the second you close your mind to others, is the day you put a nail in your close minded brain.

    Politics is the business of lawyers and politicians, dude was elected, he is here, stfu and get over yourself. No candidate has, nor will ever, meet all expectations. . .people clinging to this whole "birther" thing are just clinging on to ANYTHING that will cast a shadow on what "they" feel is just/right.

    And I did see the links posted. . .have fun just being a sheeple. When you can look at reality, accept it, then maybe you can move on. . .but I feel this is a case of not being able to teach an old dog new tricks.

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  • anapuni808
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    QUOTE OF THE DAY ..........

    Little men with little minds and little imaginations go through life in little ruts, smugly resisting all changes which would jar their little worlds. .........

    ~Zig Ziglar

    and I think that about sums everything up.

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by anapuni808 View Post
    (he's trying to drag me into his dark & scary place but I'm not going to go)
    He, of all people, whines that others won't answer questions. Yet he still pretends to have never seen the simple one I posed to him long ago, which has been repeated by myself and others through the thread. He asks for "evidence," yet can't answer why he is entitled to more than that accepted by the courts of the nation. THAT is why he gets no respect from me.

    His place is no darker or scarier than the imaginary WoW he likes to inhabit.

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  • anapuni808
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    (he's trying to drag me into his dark & scary place but I'm not going to go)

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  • Bobinator
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by anapuni808 View Post
    Bob - I DON'T ignore you because you are one of the persons who scares me because of your extreme beliefs. You listen to no one that disagrees with you. You listen to no other opinions but yours and those like you. You exhibit no intelligent thought process because you don't listen to anyone who doesn't think like you. Extremists of any kind need to have attention paid to them. If we ignore you we only have ourselves to blame for what happens when people like you are allowed to become relevant.

    the world is extreme. It's not that I don't listen to those who disagree. If you go back and read the numerous posts addressing my posts, you won't find anything of substance that counters or offers meaningful information that constitutes a debate. I've mostly gotten attacks based on emotional and highly partisan convictions. No one has been courteous enough to provide data, news articles, documentaries, etc. to even allow a meaningful (and respectful) debate.

    In addition, I have (and probably never will) cowardly put anyone on the "Ignore List" simply because they don't agree with me. Neither have I cussed at anyone. The topic of this thread is about Obama vs. the Birthers. Yet, oddly enough, most of its participants think everyone should agree with their position to make this thread a success or meaningful.

    You say I offer no intelligent thought process. Let me offer this- Where is the intelligence of those who insist on Obama's eligibility without an ounce of documented evidence? The burden of proof is on him! If you're applying for a job, you are responsible to provide verification of your eligibility, not the other way around. I provided Jerry Coffee's MidWeek article that asks simple and honest questions. But none of you have the guts to respond to them. Where's the intelligence in that?

    I'll boil it down for you. My opposition won't give an inch, because they know they automatically lose. And, if you say, "Yeah, Obama isn't a natural-born citizen. So what?" Then you're guilty of not agreeing with the provisions of the Constitution, which in turn questions your integrity and political persuasion. There is no way out, which is why the majority of you have to resort to being nasty and personal. I'm not the one being unintelligent here.

    I'll also add that I'm not Jesus, but the pharisees killed him for similar reasons.

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