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Obama v. The Birthers

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  • craigwatanabe
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
    Ah-HAH! You're in on the conspiracy - I suspected as much! What do YOU have to hide, cw, hmmm? Bob's cover-up just runs deeper and deeper; impressive how the seeds for it were planted way back in the '60s, too. Have these immigration scams been running for decades? America is STILL waiting for THE ANSWERS!!!
    We're all in the conspiracy. I've got nothing to hide except my role in the CIA as an operative smuggling beanie babies (with Root Beer Jelly Beans sewn inside) across the border into Argentina back in the 70's. There's a huge black market for Root Beer Jelly Beans there.

    And yes these immigration scams have been running around for decades. Ronald Reagan was a Hindu Priest and Bill Clinton was...hmmm some guy married to Hillary. He's actually a Chinese Communist spy that has undergone massive plastic surgery.

    America will have to wait for the answers in the season finale of "LOST".

    The Truth is out there!!!! Let those who simply believe the press follow a path to damnation. Those who question authority will rise above those who suppress the flow of information.

    Hail Google!!! Information is such a wonderful thing!!

    Okay let's see how this post will get misquoted and butchered to fit the conspiracy theory!

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  • matapule
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Bob and his cronies are irrelevant. He refuses to show us his "long form birth certificate" because he can't get it. It's not there. I don't have a "long form birth certificate." Same for Obama, you can't get something that is not there. A "long form birth certificate" doesn't prove citizenship. Certification of live birth dpoes prove citizenship. That's what Obama produced. Bob can rant and rave all he wants, but it is not going to change history. Nuf said.

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  • Kaonohi
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Reading this last, it seems obvious that Bob is just a conspiracy buff, which means he believes what he's told as long as it goes along with his pre-set beliefs. He's already made up his mind, and no counter-information will change it - so give up.

    FWIW, I did a bit of research of my own, and discovered that Obama's parents probably split up right after he was born. Perhaps his father took the birth certificate back to Kenya and lost it, maybe the original copy his mother might have had was lost - she moved around a bit. None of those things are Obama's fault and perhaps he wants to avoid tarnishing the memory of his mother. Even the president deserves some familial privacy.

    Frankly I believe in another conspiracy, a different one. I believe all these birthers and tea-party leaders are just racist - they can't stand to see a black man in the white house -(black man in the white house! Imagine that!) - especially a black man who's father was a Muslim! Racism and religious discrimination! NOT a very Christian attitude!

    Well Bob, you are entitled to blindly follow whomever you like, but I suggest that exposing yourself to both sides of an argument is healthier. Of course, conspiracy theorists have their answers for that, too.

    I remember the old "The USA never went to the moon" conspiracy, and I lump this current uproar right along with that.

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  • Adri
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Bobinator: You are completely missing the point. You insist you are asking for a "long form birth certificate" that you believe Obama could force the Department of Health to produce. We are trying to tell you there is no such thing as a "long form birth certificate". There is the information form that people fill out when someone is born in Hawaii but that's not the birth certificate. The birth certificate is exactly what Obama did produce and that is, for all legal purposes, sufficient to prove his birth here. If you insist there is such a thing as a long form birth certificate, we are inviting you to obtain a copy of your own from the Hawaii Department of Health. I could try to get mine but I deeply suspect that my saying I could not get it would not satisfy any birther but may lead to claims that I lied and that would hurt my feelings. So the only way to settle this issue, if you want settlement, is for you to try yourself (assuming you were born in Hawaii) and see what happens. As to the Director of the Department of Health being pressured to lie ~ why? She's under a Republican administration here. If the Director had been able to say Obama's Hawaii birth certificate isn't real or that he wasn't born here, we'd probably have a Republican President now. A president our governor campaigned for. If anything, I would think that the Director was under pressure to try to prove that Obama was not born here but instead she confirmed that his birth record is in order and shows he was born here.

    Also, medicare, medicaid and social security have been going bankrupt since at least Bush Sr's time.

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  • Bobinator
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by matapule View Post
    Bob, Bob, Bob, you ar missing the point. I'm saying that if you can down and get a copy of your birth certificate (if you were born in Hawai'i - you won't even verify that), it will look exactly like Obama's. You won't be able to produced what you are asking obama to produce. If you can produce a long form birth certificate for yourself, then I will re-look at your evidence.

    I'm not sure what you are implying, but, yes, I have already said I like you - simpleton that you are.

    Joe McCarthy is alive and well in Hawai'i! Bob has gone retro!

    The Bush family is part of the "global elite." The government is controllling my Medicare health care and I'm loving every minute of it. Let's see if Bob rejects Medicare when he becomes eligible. Simpleton, hypocritical, retard (in the Limbaugh sense).
    You mean the most powerful man in the world can't produce his birth certificate??? Uhh..... okay.

    I don't think you understand what's in store for you and me under the nationalized health care. Right now, the government has funds to pay for your medical bills. When you lump 300+ million Americans (and illegal aliens) under a program funded by taxpayers, everyone will received rationed health care. One of the reasons I'm not a member of Kaiser, or an HMO is so I can go to any doctor I choose.

    When the pie gets smaller, you, Matapule, will get far less than you bargained for. If you're on dialysis, and the health care funds are low, and you're in your late 70's, they'll cut you off to save younger sustainable folks who can still work and pay into the tax system. This is what's referred to as "death panels". In essence, the government can determine whether you live or die. This is socialism at its worse. There isn't a mandate of this in the current bill, but it sets the stage, and there's nothing to prevent it from happening. When the funds run out, what other option is there? Don't forget, you won't be able to choose your doctor, your hospital, or what kind of treatment you can receive, etc.

    On top of that, none of the Senators read the entire 1,800 page bill. Obama tried to shove it down our throats after giving the GOP only 3 days to review it. Thank God for fillibusters (never thought I'd say that).

    Calling me a simpleton is like the pot calling the kettle black. At least this simpleton can think for himself.

    By the way, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are going bankrupt.

    Hope you read this-
    Last edited by Bobinator; February 11, 2010, 08:41 AM.

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  • Bobinator
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by anapuni808 View Post
    Bob - you have finally made yourself appear to be just plain silly. In the eyes of the majority of the population, Obama has already done so. Why should YOU not be willing to do the same? Just go down to the Board of Health and ask for a certified copy of your OWN birth certicate. I'm sure we could take up a collection to cover the $10 cost. We wouldn't want you to be out of pocket for this submission of proof.

    BTW -I am not an Obama supporter. and I did get a swine flu immunization shot. Didn't cause any harm and I'm protected - JUST IN CASE. I think of it kind of like an insurance policy - I hope I never need it but JUST IN CASE, I'm protected. or at least I THINK I am - which is almost as good.

    So you & all your birther friends just carry on and continue to look silly & stupid and irrelevant. It's your choice.
    I define silly and stupid as people who are completely seduced and under the spell of a person's charisma, rather than his credentials and despite his past and current activities and associations with Socialists. We revere Abraham Lincoln, yet Muhammed Obama is completely the opposite. He's fulfilling the "Bush Agenda", yet many of you are to cowardly to face it after ripping Bush to shreds. If Bush refused to prove his eligibility, there'd be a revolution in this country. Oh, let me add the term "hypocrite" and "double standard" to "silly" and "stupid".

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  • matapule
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Bobinator View Post
    Matapule is insisting on seeing my birth certificate for me to have credibility, but refuses to require the leader of the most powerful nation in the world to do the same.
    Bob, Bob, Bob, you ar missing the point. I'm saying that if you can down and get a copy of your birth certificate (if you were born in Hawai'i - you won't even verify that), it will look exactly like Obama's. You won't be able to produced what you are asking obama to produce. If you can produce a long form birth certificate for yourself, then I will re-look at your evidence.

    I can accept the fact that Matapule has a crush on me.
    I'm not sure what you are implying, but, yes, I have already said I like you - simpleton that you are.

    The drive behind the birther movement is to try to save this country from a Socialist imposter who's transforming this country into a communist regime, so the global elite can control every aspect of our lives, including, but not limited to our health care.
    Joe McCarthy is alive and well in Hawai'i! Bob has gone retro!

    The Bush family is part of the "global elite." The government is controllling my Medicare health care and I'm loving every minute of it. Let's see if Bob rejects Medicare when he becomes eligible. Simpleton, hypocritical, retard (in the Limbaugh sense).

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  • anapuni808
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Bobinator View Post
    You're not being fair at all. The "birthers" are asking for a simple thing, but the worship team is too afraid to face it, so they come up with all these cock-a-mimi excuses and resort to ridicule. So typical of liberals, and quite adolescent.

    Matapule is insisting on seeing my birth certificate for me to have credibility, but refuses to require the leader of the most powerful nation in the world to do the same. That's seriously messed up, when you think about it. Yet, millions of Americans are just as guilty. Though, I can accept the fact that Matapule has a crush on me.

    The drive behind the birther movement is to try to save this country from a Socialist imposter who's transforming this country into a communist regime, so the global elite can control every aspect of our lives, including, but not limited to our health care.

    Fortunately, the Dept. of Health Director, Chiyome Fukino, does not speak for me. The fact that she's still pushing the Swine Flu vaccine, despite all these serious evidence of massive fraud and close ties between the pharmaceutical companies and members of the World Health Organization that declared this bogus pandemic, is enough to convince me she is not a credible witness to Obama's long form BC. Fukino does what she's told, otherwise she risks losing her career, and quite possibly more. When you have the most powerful people in the world intent on keeping Obama in office to fulfill their agenda, no one should take anybody's word for it, especially not an appointed official's.
    Bob - you have finally made yourself appear to be just plain silly. In the eyes of the majority of the population, Obama has already done so. Why should YOU not be willing to do the same? Just go down to the Board of Health and ask for a certified copy of your OWN birth certicate. I'm sure we could take up a collection to cover the $10 cost. We wouldn't want you to be out of pocket for this submission of proof.

    BTW -I am not an Obama supporter. and I did get a swine flu immunization shot. Didn't cause any harm and I'm protected - JUST IN CASE. I think of it kind of like an insurance policy - I hope I never need it but JUST IN CASE, I'm protected. or at least I THINK I am - which is almost as good.

    So you & all your birther friends just carry on and continue to look silly & stupid and irrelevant. It's your choice.
    Last edited by anapuni808; February 10, 2010, 09:25 PM.

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  • Bobinator
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Adri View Post
    I agree with buzz1941. Nothing will convince some people. Even if "proof" were produced, these people would move on to theories of forgeries or conspiracies to allow themselves to hold onto their beliefs. Just as when Obama produced his certified copy of his birth certificate the spin went into overdrive with people trying to prove that he faked even that. Even with the Director of the Department of Health verifying it.
    You're not being fair at all. The "birthers" are asking for a simple thing, but the worship team is too afraid to face it, so they come up with all these cock-a-mimi excuses and resort to ridicule. So typical of liberals, and quite adolescent.

    Matapule is insisting on seeing my birth certificate for me to have credibility, but refuses to require the leader of the most powerful nation in the world to do the same. That's seriously messed up, when you think about it. Yet, millions of Americans are just as guilty. Though, I can accept the fact that Matapule has a crush on me.

    The drive behind the birther movement is to try to save this country from a Socialist imposter who's transforming this country into a communist regime, so the global elite can control every aspect of our lives, including, but not limited to our health care.

    Fortunately, the Dept. of Health Director, Chiyome Fukino, does not speak for me. The fact that she's still pushing the Swine Flu vaccine, despite all these serious evidence of massive fraud and close ties between the pharmaceutical companies and members of the World Health Organization that declared this bogus pandemic, is enough to convince me she is not a credible witness to Obama's long form BC. Fukino does what she's told, otherwise she risks losing her career, and quite possibly more. When you have the most powerful people in the world intent on keeping Obama in office to fulfill their agenda, no one should take anybody's word for it, especially not an appointed official's.
    Last edited by Bobinator; February 10, 2010, 09:06 PM.

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  • Adri
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    I agree with buzz1941. Nothing will convince some people. Even if "proof" were produced, these people would move on to theories of forgeries or conspiracies to allow themselves to hold onto their beliefs. Just as when Obama produced his certified copy of his birth certificate the spin went into overdrive with people trying to prove that he faked even that. Even with the Director of the Department of Health verifying it.

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  • matapule
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by buzz1941 View Post
    What the birthers are demanding is not a birth certificate at all, but birth documentation backing the certificate issuance.
    What is "birth documentation", photos of a live birth? Isn't an annoucement in a local newspaper, documentation? But even that wouldn't convince an ideologue.

    Come on Bob, show us your "long form birth certificate." Go ahead, get it from whatever State you were born in.

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  • buzz1941
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Folks are talking past each other. The key word is "certificate," the legal document produced to allow a citizen to do this or that, including running for president. That's all you need, as the DoH vouches for the accuracy of the certificate.

    What the birthers are demanding is not a birth certificate at all, but birth documentation backing the certificate issuance.

    But no matter how much evidence is produced, they will never believe it, as evidence counter to their core belief is evidence of conspiracy.

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  • Bobinator
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by matapule View Post
    Show us your long form birth certificate. That would be the way to prove me wrong. I don't think you can prove you were born anywhere.
    I'm confused at what you're trying to get here. Whether I have or can get my hands on my long form certificate is totally irrelevant as to whether the government at the highest levels can show hard proof to America of his natural born citizenship and eligibility as President. According to the woman in the article I just provided, she apparently didn't have any trouble providing a copy of hers and her family members. But, you probably didn't bother to read it.

    It seems as far as you're concerned, Obama was born of a virgin and can walk on water. I'm not President or running for office, so no, you're not entitled to see my B.C., and I have nothing to prove to you. Besides, if I showed you so much as my driver's license, you'd fall in love with me.

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  • TuNnL
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Ron Whitfield View Post
    Maybe Bob and his kind just want Obama to tear the mask away and reveal he's just ol' Beezlebub himself.
    Those are two different arguments, Ron. I have no doubt Obama was born in Hawai‘i. Whether his public face matches his private agenda is a totally different story.

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  • Ron Whitfield
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Maybe Bob and his kind just want Obama to tear the mask away and reveal he's just ol' Beezlebub himself.

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