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Obama Administration Takes Shape

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  • Ron Whitfield
    Re: Obama Administration Takes Shape

    Originally posted by TuNnL View Post
    Rahm Emanuel has been named President-elect Obama’s chief of staff. An interesting choice, considering Obama’s campaign mantra of bringing change in the spirit of bipartisanship to Washington, D.C.
    Change comes from the top guy, not his underlings. The load is on Obama to gradually make the changes and institute his 'promises'. I'm willing to give him leeway on his promises and campaigned proposals, as he needed to say some things just to stay in the running towards getting elected, and then once in he will show his true colors, which I think will pan out well. His BSing isn't the same as Bush's obvious lying, which we knew he didn't mean and would then go down the lowest roads possible once he got in.

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  • tutusue
    Re: Obama Administration Takes Shape

    Husband's foreign deals may pose issue for Clinton

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  • tutusue
    Re: Obama Administration Takes Shape

    This will probably show my political ignorance but I don't care who Obama picks for his administration, be they old or new, republican or democrat, as long as they are the BEST available wo/men for the jobs.

    And, yes, timkona, I realize you consider me politically ignorant for even voting for Obama!

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  • matapule
    Re: Obama Administration Takes Shape

    Originally posted by TuNnL View Post
    Well by now, many of you have heard that Illinois Congressman Rahm Emanuel has been named President-elect Obama’s chief of staff. An interesting choice, considering Obama’s campaign mantra of bringing change in the spirit of bipartisanship to Washington, D.C.
    Rahm is reviled by both republicans and democrats, so there is some bi-partisanship there.

    Bill Richardson was also at Obama’s transition office for a “closed-door meeting.” Thoughts?
    Still too early in the game to make any assessments. I think Obama should be held accountable for his promises.

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  • Frankie's Market
    Re: Obama Administration Takes Shape

    Originally posted by TuNnL View Post
    Well by now, many of you have heard that Illinois Congressman Rahm Emanuel has been named President-elect Obama’s chief of staff. An interesting choice, considering Obama’s campaign mantra of bringing change in the spirit of bipartisanship to Washington, D.C.
    I think Pres. Obama's willingness to consider retaining Robert Gates as the Secretary of Defense and possibly asking Colin Powell to be the Secretary of Education are more than ample signs that Obama is willing to incorporate non-Democrats into his administration.

    As far as having Rahm Emanuel as the Chief of Staff,.... a tough, hard-nosed, and extremely loyal individual is a necessity in that position. You need to keep in mind that the Chief of Staff is not a member of the cabinet. His appointment by the President is not confirmed by Congress. The Chief of Staff works for the President's interests,.... PERIOD. Not for Congress. Not for either political party. Only the President. This is why the Chief of Staff is often referred to as the President's right-hand man or gatekeeper. They pretty much decide who gets an audience with the President and who doesn't. It is also why very powerful Chiefs of Staff are, in effect, the second most powerful individual in Washington DC. The vice-president is constitutionally the next-in-line for succession should anything happen to the President. But while the President is alive and well, it is his Chief of Staff that has historically wielded more power and influence over anyone else, including the Vice President and the cabinet members. Make no mistake about that.

    The Chief of Staff position is not the place for the President to showcase a spirit of bipartisanship. You need to brush up on your civics if you think otherwise.

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  • TuNnL
    started a topic Obama Administration Takes Shape

    Obama Administration Takes Shape

    Well by now, many of you have heard that Illinois Congressman Rahm Emanuel has been named President-elect Obama’s chief of staff. An interesting choice, considering Obama’s campaign mantra of bringing change in the spirit of bipartisanship to Washington, D.C.

    Apparently, Obama’s transition team is moving on the fast track in its quest to name cabinet posts in an expedient fashion. Yesterday, the blogosphere lit up as pundits speculated Hillary Clinton would be named Secretary of State, after her secret service entourage was spotted in Chicago. Today, the Associated Press tamped down that prospect, putting forth that frequently-mentioned cabinet possibility Bill Richardson was also at Obama’s transition office for a “closed-door meeting.” Thoughts?