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Olbermann for US Senate!

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  • Olbermann for US Senate!

    Yeah baby, this country needs some O truth in a seat of power

  • #2
    Re: Olbermann for US Senate (Connecticut)!

    I remember Keith from back in the day, when he was a sportscaster on a local TV station in Los Angeles. It's been fun watching his rise!

    That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


    • #3
      Re: Olbermann for Connecticut's US Senate!

      Sportscenter is next!
      ESPN is located in Connecticut.


      • #4
        Re: Olbermann for Connecticut's US Senate!

        I dunno 'bout this effort to draft KO into running for the Senate. Anyone doing so with the expectation that he'll be giving "Special Comment" rants on the floor will probably end up being disappointed. I know there are folks out there who voted for Al Franken, expecting that the man would be pulling SNL-type antics during Senate proceedings,.... but that hasn't happened.
        This post may contain an opinion that may conflict with your opinion. Do not take it personal. Polite discussion of difference of opinion is welcome.


        • #5
          Re: Olbermann for Connecticut's US Senate!

          Anybody that would have expected Al to be an idiot like that is beyond stupid and never listened to his intelligence, common sense, fairness, and sensetivity displayed daily on his radio program. Those that bum rap him must have listened with quaking knees, hoping he'd never run or make it. HA!

          Same for KO, he'd be a fool to act up in a seat of power and resposibility. The guy get's a bad rap from mainly those who don't like truth rammed down their throats. But he'd be a no-prisoners type of politician, just the kind we need badly to beat the cons out of Dodge.

