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'cash for kids' conviction

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  • 'cash for kids' conviction

    It's simply beyond understanding how anyone could be so callous, but one of the guilty inhumans has been dealt at least a fraction of the justice he deserves
    That the charges of extortion were dropped is disturbing. 15 years is nothing for the destruction of lives these creeps caused, and they won't do even that much.

  • #2
    Re: 'cash for kids' conviction

    It is disgusting, but its a predictable result of the private prison industry. Its profit depends on lots of prisoners, it is well known that the private prison industry lobbies for harsher and harsher penalties and evidence rules more weighted against defendants and in favor of prosecution. To be fair, prison guards' unions do the same things. The single objective of a "justice" system should be justice, it is worth a reasonable price. Any needless extra prisoners cost the state money regardless of whether they are housed privately or publicly. The public needs to employ a little good judgment when presented with cute but very costly slogan based policies like "3 strikes"--cute, undeniably very cute and maybe appealing to some, but costly. Same with worship for that time honored favorite slogan "tough law and order judges".

