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OCCUPY Honolulu

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  • Ron Whitfield
    Re: OCCUPY Honolulu

    Funny how NOW the City decides to enforce laws concerning Thomas Square park per the Occupyers, when homeless have been there for years during the nights with minimal hassles. Suddenly it's REAL important...

    Let's make the transparent Mayor Happy Feet a one termer, without an upgrade to Washington Place.

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  • Kalalau
    Re: OCCUPY Honolulu

    Some police violence in Oakland last night. One of the best ways to build a movement is to suppress it. Nothing builds public sympathy for a movement and contempt for authority faster than seeing police beat up people. Its funny though in the US, what are they going to replace democracy (well what passes for it here, anyway) with? Just make lobbying a capital offense might be all it takes. The most magical moment in any revolution is when the Army turns its guns on the government--they will have had their fill of slaughtering their own people, see the evil of the authorities commanding them, and when the military turns its guns around a revolution is won, for sure. I wonder if it will go that far here. I think Wall St. is smart enough to not cut their own throats, I think the American people have vast stores of patience and tolerance for being ripped off and exploited even more, I could be wrong, but I think OWS will be an interesting historical footnote. Only it won't be covered in history. That will be Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No!" program.

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  • Ron Whitfield
    Re: OCCUPY Honolulu

    Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
    By not caving into the demands of the recalcitrant GOP members of Congress so often. We could be better off by now if he would carve the path we elected him to do;

    you KNOW a GOP President wouldn't seek so much compromise.
    That would fall into the 'he's not perfect' column, and I addressed how he might of had to do it, but would have caused a civil war of sorts, which I'd be all for if they can't be more patriotic.

    If they ever get back in they'll shut the Dems out of DC.

    Originally posted by Random View Post
    Cayetano, who cleaned up Waihee's mess.
    Not even in the same universe.

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  • Random
    Re: OCCUPY Honolulu

    Originally posted by Ron Whitfield View Post
    He's far from perfect, but show me one person who would have done better under the impossible situations he's faced.
    Cayetano, who cleaned up Waihee's mess.

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: OCCUPY Honolulu

    Originally posted by Ron Whitfield View Post
    How do you expect him to handle it better?
    By not caving into the demands of the recalcitrant GOP members of Congress so often. We could be better off by now if he would carve the path we elected him to do; you KNOW a GOP President wouldn't seek so much compromise.

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  • Ron Whitfield
    Re: OCCUPY Honolulu

    Originally posted by Random View Post
    IMNSHO, if Obama cannot handle the mess of the previous administration, then he shouldn't have stepped up anyway.
    How do you expect him to handle it better?
    He was dealt a hand severly unprecedented in our boomer lifetimes by the bum before him, coupled with more unprecedented, as in ever, non-stop obstruction by the scum of the earth. He's tried valiantly, albeit stupidly, to work with those who've wanted nothing but his head on a pike from the second he won the election. That he was able to save this nation from total economic collapse and the civil unrest and who knows what else that would have come with Bush's load of crap, is stunning.
    He's far from perfect, but show me one person who would have done better under the impossible situations he's faced. They would have had to completely shut out the opposition from legislative input, like Bush did, and it's too bad Obama didn't. We'd be in great shape right now without scum interference.

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  • Random
    Re: OCCUPY Honolulu

    Originally posted by salmoned View Post
    but now my position is clear - let's all sit on our thrones and maximize our usefulness!
    I do that EVERY morning, unless I have some kind of blockage.

    As long as you only "occupy" Honolulu, that's fine by me. "Occupy" Molokai with a wind farm to power up your home theater, and you WILL have a problem with ME and my brood.

    This message also goes directly to the Democrat-elected Governor Abercrombie.

    IMNSHO, if Obama cannot handle the mess of the previous administration, then he shouldn't have stepped up anyway.

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  • salmoned
    Re: OCCUPY Honolulu

    Thanks for the validation, Ron. I may have dithered on taking a stand before, but now my position is clear - let's all sit on our thrones and maximize our usefulness!

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  • Ron Whitfield
    Re: OCCUPY Honolulu

    You don't have to do a damn thing but sit on your high throne and consider yourself useful.

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  • TuNnL
    Re: Occupy honolulu

    Originally posted by Frankie's Market View Post
    There doesn't seem to be any consensus or purpose in what these meetings are for and what exactly they hope to accomplish..... other than being "Occupy Wall Street" copycats and getting themselves on the TV news. Heck, there's not even an agreement on the name of their group.
    I have to agree with this. In a liberal state like Hawai‘i, what does “Occupying Honolulu” accomplish? I am trying to find some value in participating in such a foolish endeavor, and the only thing I can think of is “these people are wannabes.” I say suck it up and save your money for a plane ticket to Wall Street. Other than the tens of billion$ of the pork-barrel federal funds that U.S. Sen. Dan Inouye has sent our way during the course of his career, Honolulu or O‘ahu for that matter, has little to do with economic situation Americans face today. We have a balanced budget amendment in the Aloha State. If lawmakers would just stick to it instead of doing “fuzzy math” each year, we would be sittin’ pretty.

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  • Ron Whitfield
    Re: Occupy honolulu

    So what whould you expect from frustrated millions wanting something better and finally getting a spark to build into a flame?
    Yes, it's going to be a crazy ride until the road becomes visable and then smooths out a bit. Sign up and buckle up.

    Angry Hawaiians upset about F'n haoles saying a word? shocking!

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  • Frankie's Market
    Re: Occupy honolulu

    Originally posted by Ron Whitfield View Post
    This is the time, anybody not willing to support the surging movement is part of the problem.
    Support what, exactly?

    There doesn't seem to be any consensus or purpose in what these meetings are for and what exactly they hope to accomplish..... other than being "Occupy Wall Street" copycats and getting themselves on the TV news. Heck, there's not even an agreement on the name of their group.

    Hawaii News Now

    After gathering in Honolulu for three straight days, the various demonstrators are still trying to figure out their group's identity.

    The protestors have different agendas.

    The group's latest name is Occupy Honolulu, but some in the Native Hawaiian sovereignty movement find the word "occupy" offensive.

    "It's just an emotionally-charged word with the natives of the islands. I no really care. It's up to you guys. Whatever you guys decide to use the name, but try think about the people, too," said protestor Kelii Aipia.

    The protestors are still working on goals and a plan of action. Critics have said the demonstrators lack a cohesive message.

    "I would say that there's some truth to that. We are still in the process of forming our message and you can definitely look forward to us agreeing on our actual official message," said protestor Michael Broady Jr.

    The movement, which for now is calling itself "Occupy Honolulu," changed its meeting place today, in hopes of gaining more supporters.

    They met at a popular park Monday night, and the movement appears to be gaining support.

    If only they could figure out what to call themselves.

    Some people are sensitive about the word "occupy."

    The group doesn't have any specific goals yet.

    In fact they spent much of the meeting debating over what the name of their group should be.

    "There seems to be a significant problem here. I don't know if you guys are going to ever agree on one name."

    "Your agendas are so separate, you have the Native Hawaiians with their legitimate problems, and then you have this whole other thing about corporate greed. These are two separate issues."

    The group seems to be wrestling with an identity crisis. It has changed its name twice in two days -- from Occupy Oahu, to Occupy Honolulu. Hawaiian Sovereignty activists who said the name was offensive, proposed a third change.

    "The term occupy is a loaded word here in Hawaii, that has come with this land being occupied. So we are considering if we should use that term," said Brooker.

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  • Ron Whitfield
    Re: Occupy honolulu

    The fux at FOX have been doing there best to disparage the throngs as negatively as they can without becoming news themselves, they certainly are a strong arm of the problemsmakers.
    But dealing with the past is too much for the movement to handle right now, they need to keep the focus on maintaining civility and developing a simply detailed purpose, as those are their achilles heel until they get the country on board.
    And keeping big $$$ subversives from terrorizing from within is a major effort, the terrorists will be doing all they can to keep this movement disrupted.
    This is the time, anybody not willing to support the surging movement is part of the problem.
    Last edited by Ron Whitfield; October 11, 2011, 07:06 AM.

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  • Kalalau
    Re: Occupy honolulu

    I think the demand should be simple and clear--get the money back. Get it back from the swindlers behind the mortgage melt down, the people who set up the swindle, who looted 401k's and pension plans. Money is like matter in physics, it does not go away, it is always somewhere. Get it back. Simple demand. How hard could it be to do with a band of accountants. Get the money back.

    Just watch, the demonstrators will be portrayed as wacko left wing commies, dirty dope smoking hippies, unemployed bums, etc. It worked to get Nixon reelected in 72. Even though the public was puking sick of the Vietnam War and wanted it over Republicans and the media were so good at terrifying the masses of long haired dope smoking hippies that they voted for 4 more years of pointless carnage, a lot of people think the real reason the Watergate issue went as far as it did was just to end the GD war. Already the right wing outlets and Republican politicians are characterizing the demonstrators as reckless irresponsible anti Capitalists.
    Last edited by Kalalau; October 11, 2011, 03:24 AM.

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  • Ron Whitfield
    started a topic OCCUPY Honolulu

    OCCUPY Honolulu

    Unfortunately I just got wind of this happening as I type

    If someone goes let us know what went on.
    There will no doubt be many more to come.