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The impending war with Iran

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  • Re: The impending war with Iran

    In the August 1, 2005 issue of the American Conservative, Phillip Giraldi, a former CIA agent, wrote about VP Dick Cheney's request to the Strategic Command in the DoD to put together a contingency plan of attack against Iran if we ever had another event like 9/11. I wonder if this means that we would attack Iran regardless of whether or not they had instigated the attack? Would it be a case of "shoot first, ask questions later"?

    In Washington it is hardly a secret that the same people in and around the administration who brought you Iraq are preparing to do the same for Iran. The Pentagon, acting under instructions from Vice President Dick Cheney’s office, has tasked the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) with drawing up a contingency plan to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States. The plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. Within Iran there are more than 450 major strategic targets, including numerous suspected nuclear-weapons-program development sites. Many of the targets are hardened or are deep underground and could not be taken out by conventional weapons, hence the nuclear option. As in the case of Iraq, the response is not conditional on Iran actually being involved in the act of terrorism directed against the United States. Several senior Air Force officers involved in the planning are reportedly appalled at the implications of what they are doing—that Iran is being set up for an unprovoked nuclear attack—but no one is prepared to damage his career by posing any objections.
    Where are the government whistleblowers when you need them?

    "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


    • Re: The impending war with Iran

      The voices of dissent within Iran apparently are getting more vocal about denouncing Pres. Ahmadinejad's constant whining about Iran's nuclear capabilities:

      Ever since the triple defeats Mr. Ahmadi Nezhad suffered in the recent elections for city and rural councils, the Assembly of Experts and some vacant seats at the Majles, all won by personalities and parties opposed to the President, more voices are being heard denouncing the way the President has conducted the nuclear issue, the most audible being that of Mr. Mohammad Moussavian, a former senior nuclear negotiator who accused Mr. Ahmadi Nezhad of not telling the people the truth about the ”dangers” the country faces as a result of the UNSC decision.

      “It is easy to say that the sanctions are worthless pieces of paper, but the fact remains that it is easy to get into the (path) the Security Council, but very difficult to get out, without paying the price, as experienced by other nations”, Mr. Moussavian said last week.

      In a direct reference to Mr. Moussavian’s warnings about the consequences of the sanctions, the paper said: “the people have the right of thinking that the President and the Government are after solving their real problems. Stating that you are not concerned with the (UN) resolution, or whether it is important or not is not a correct path. People are wise and can understand. There is no doubt that the Resolution is against the nation’s interests and creates problems for the country”, the newspaper said.

      Besides Mr. Moussavian, other influential personalities both among the conservatives and the reformists have in the past days criticised Mr. Ahmadi Nezhad and his team of negotiators for the decision of the UNSC to impose sanctions on Iran in case it did not stop all nuclear activities, including enriching uranium and going ahead with the construction of a Heavy Water Reactor, demands that so far have been rejected out hand by Mr. Ahmadi Nezhad.
      "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


      • Iranian exiles training in Kurdistan?

        According to observers reporting to al Jazeera, Komala (the Revolutionary Toilers of Iran), a left-wing opposition group comprised of Iranian exiles, is training in Kurdistan in preparation for trying to depose the current government of Iran. This is all very ironic, since the US is still holding captive 5 Iranian nationals who were detained in a raid of an Iranian consular field office in Irbil, Kurdistan last week. Is the US government providing assistance to Komala?

        Washington has warned that it will not tolerate Iran supporting armed groups fighting in Iraq, but in the far northeast of the country Al Jazeera discovered armed Iranian exiles training to overthrow the government in Tehran.

        John Cookson visited members of the outlawed left-wing Kurdish-Iranian Komala group, in their base.

        The group accuses the Islamic government of persecuting the country's ethnic minorities.

        From their base the fighters cross the porous border into Iran to carry out attacks. Al Jazeera witnessed a group of highly motivated men carry out a mock attack on Iranian forces.

        Komala, otherwise known as the Revolutionary Toilers of Iran, was founded in 1969, and is affiliated to the Communist party of Iran but has softened its left-wing stance in recent years.

        The United States has become interested in working with the group and last year Abdullah Muhtadi, a senior representative of the party, travelled to Washington for a conference of Iranian minority groups.
        "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


        • Re: The impending war with Iran

          Signs to look for to indicate we are on the verge of attacking Iran (the list is from a retired USAF Col. who has taught strategy and military operations at the National War College, the Army War College and the Naval War College):

          First, we know there is a National Security Council staff-led
          group whose mission is to create outrage in the world against Iran. Just like before Gulf II, this media group will begin to release stories to sell a strike against Iran. Watch for the outrage stuff. The Patriot missiles going to the GCC states are only part of the missile defense assets. I would expect to see the deployment of some of the European-based missile defense assets to Israel, just as they were before Gulf II.

          I would expect deployment of additional USAF fighters into the bases in Iraq, maybe some into Afghanistan.

          I think we will read about the deployment of some of the newly arriving Army brigades going into Iraq being deployed to the border with Iran. Their mission will be to guard against any Iranian movements into Iraq.

          As one of the last steps before a strike, we’ll see USAF tankers moved to unusual places, like Bulgaria. These will be used to refuel the US-based B-2 bombers on their strike missions into Iran. When that happens, we’ll only be days away from a strike.
          He predicts everything will be in place next month.

          "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


          • Re: The impending war with Iran

            Miulang, I've asked before, please let a topic rest if you alone have contributed the last several posts. If you'd like me to set you up with your own blog, in which you can post all the Iran updates you like, just let me know. Otherwise, if you've replied to yourself more than twice, please help keep the conversation going in other topics. Mahalo.


            • Lessons learned from the other war with Iran

              As Leo Durocher would put it, will it be "deja vu all over again" with the United States going to war with Iran? Didn't we already learn some lessons the LAST time we went through this?

              Or is the White House pushing for a confrontation merely because this Administration wasn't in power the last time, and they feel that they need to reinvent the wheel again?

              Last edited by Miulang; February 12, 2007, 10:11 PM.
              "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


              • Re: Lessons learned from the other war with Iran

                Originally posted by Miulang View Post
                As Leo Durocher would put it, will it be "deja vu all over again" with the United States going to war with Iran? Didn't we already learn some lessons the LAST time we went through this?

                Or is the White House pushing for a confrontation merely because this Administration wasn't in power the last time, and they feel that they need to reinvent the wheel again?

                But that is not case Miulang. What about vietnam war? If this, draft will happen, and many of you become Canadian or something. I think if hawaii small far away Island, it will be safe. Also, what will you do Miulang if Bush gets assacinated?


                • Re: Lessons learned from the other war with Iran

                  Originally posted by ewatada View Post
                  But that is not case Miulang. What about vietnam war? If this, draft will happen, and many of you become Canadian or something. I think if hawaii small far away Island, it will be safe. Also, what will you do Miulang if Bush gets assacinated?
                  Einosuke: if the President gets assassinated, the Vice President would become President. And if the Vice President is assassinated, the Speaker of the House of Representatives would become President. The US Constitution has rules in place, so there would not be chaos.

                  There will be no draft (although I think it would be a good idea so that it's more fair and that way not only poor kids will go into the Army) because the politicians want to get re-elected and they think most Americans would be against a draft. The only way a draft would happen is if another country attacked the US, and they occupied our country. As long as Americans are fighting "wars" in other countries, this country will never reinstitute the draft.

                  "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                  • Re: The impending war with Iran

                    I'm positive.. there won't be any full escalation into war in Iran. This government does not listen to the voice of the people --it's peace not war that will solve the problems of humanity.
                    AMERICA VOTES 2008: VOTE FOR JJK & KUCINICH!



                    • Re: The impending war with Iran

                      Originally posted by waikikiluau View Post
                      I'm positive.. there won't be any full escalation into war in Iran. This government does not listen to the voice of the people --it's peace not war that will solve the problems of humanity.
                      I am 100% positive US will not go to war with Iran.


                      • Re: Lessons learned from the other war with Iran

                        Originally posted by Miulang View Post
                        Einosuke: if the President gets assassinated, the Vice President would become President. And if the Vice President is assassinated, the Speaker of the House of Representatives would become President. The US Constitution has rules in place, so there would not be chaos.

                        There will be no draft (although I think it would be a good idea so that it's more fair and that way not only poor kids will go into the Army) because the politicians want to get re-elected and they think most Americans would be against a draft. The only way a draft would happen is if another country attacked the US, and they occupied our country. As long as Americans are fighting "wars" in other countries, this country will never reinstitute the draft.

                        No one will be able to occupy the US. So there will be no draft. Only Canada came close with the US starting the war of 1812, with the burning of the white house! The peaceful Canadians were the only one who managed to give the US a good enough fight. And Canada and the US has agreed to never fight again with each other again, so there will never be any occupation. Even if US take Canada, it will be done only with pen and paper, making it sound like a North Americans are copying European Union. The US will have to add another 14 stars on its flag. Canadians will have a choice to have a second class British Nationality (Overseas) without the right to abode or an American one. I am sure 99% will choose American.


                        • Re: The impending war with Iran

                          War of 1812 was between US and the British I believe.


                          • Re: Lessons learned from the other war with Iran

                            Originally posted by ewatada View Post
                            No one will be able to occupy the US. So there will be no draft. Only Canada came close with the US starting the war of 1812, with the burning of the white house! The peaceful Canadians were the only one who managed to give the US a good enough fight. And Canada and the US has agreed to never fight again with each other again, so there will never be any occupation. Even if US take Canada, it will be done only with pen and paper, making it sound like a North Americans are copying European Union. The US will have to add another 14 stars on its flag. Canadians will have a choice to have a second class British Nationality (Overseas) without the right to abode or an American one. I am sure 99% will choose American.
                            We may HAVE to take over Canada, if this country switches to ethanol fuel because we won't have the land to grow the crops required to make the fuel and/or the land needed for ethanol crops will be in direct competition with our need to grow FOOD. There are several interesting things that will happen: 1) food will cost more for people to buy because the corn and grain used as feed for cattle, pigs and chickens will cost more; 2) use of corn syrup as a sweetener will be reduced greatly, forcing the food manufacturing companies to turn to other kinds of sweetener...too bad the sugar companies in Hawai'i decided to get out of that business and sold their land for housing... Canada right now is one of the major growers of wheat for the world and they do have lots more open space than we do. That'll be an interesting time: what's more important? Feeding your kids or being able to drive to work in your own car?

                            "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                            • Re: The impending war with Iran

                              Originally posted by joshuatree View Post
                              War of 1812 was between US and the British I believe.
                              Technically speaking, the War of 1812 was fought between the United States of America vs. Great Britain, including the British colonies, Upper and Lower Canada, and Nova Scotia.


                              • Re: The impending war with Iran

                                Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
                                Technically speaking, the War of 1812 was fought between the United States of America vs. Great Britain, including the British colonies, Upper and Lower Canada, and Nova Scotia.
                                Right. I think Canada and the United States have common ancestry, and they could just make up and re-federate. You two are brothers, and the nation will only be strong by uniting the two in peace. If the unification occuring today, I think Canada will not fight back. It will be done in good face like saying let's make EU, but North American Union. I think Japan should join too, since we should not be with China. Then, when I come to the USA, I have a bigger country to come to. If will be so big no one will try to fight and the world will just come to peace. Taking over with a pen and signature is best way so uniting without killing. Keep countries separate, and fighting happens like Yugoslavia.

                                USA can take over Canada like this:

                                1) Offer dual nationality to Canadians by letting Canadians get US passport simply by applying voluntarily.

                                2) Many Canadians will just go for it, and Canadians will just become Americans, simply by individual voluntary.

                                3) Enough people do it, Canada will just become USA. Most Canadian rich people are US company owners, so fighting wont happen. Rich make fighting, and Rich have citizenship or power in both countries so everyone can just be both, with no fighting.

                                4) War in the Middle East stops, US now gets Canadian supplies and everyone now lives more peaceful. Anyway, less people get killed. Also, America can say to many Canadians that they voluntarily became US citizens before the take over so Canada cannot complain. Argument between Canada and USA will be only by talk and this is better than bombs in middle east.

                                5) Peace is better brought in the world by US taking over Canada

                                6) UNITED NATIONS gives Einosuke Watada nobel peace prize.
                                Last edited by ewatada; March 9, 2007, 10:13 AM.

