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The impending war with Iran

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  • Re: The impending war with Iran

    Originally posted by ewatada View Post
    Right. I think Canada and the United States have common ancestry, and they could just make up and re-federate. You two are brothers, and the nation will only be strong by uniting the two in peace. If the unification occuring today, I think Canada will not fight back. It will be done in good face like saying let's make EU, but North American Union. I think Japan should join too, since we should not be with China. Then, when I come to the USA, I have a bigger country to come to. If will be so big no one will try to fight and the world will just come to peace. Taking over with a pen and signature is best way so uniting without killing. Keep countries separate, and fighting happens like Yugoslavia.

    USA can take over Canada like this:

    1) Offer dual nationality to Canadians by letting Canadians get US passport simply by applying voluntarily.

    2) Many Canadians will just go for it, and Canadians will just become Americans, simply by individual voluntary.

    3) Enough people do it, Canada will just become USA. Most Canadian rich people are US company owners, so fighting wont happen. Rich make fighting, and Rich have citizenship or power in both countries so everyone can just be both, with no fighting.

    4) War in the Middle East stops, US now gets Canadian supplies and everyone now lives more peaceful. Anyway, less people get killed. Also, America can say to many Canadians that they voluntarily became US citizens before the take over so Canada cannot complain. Argument between Canada and USA will be only by talk and this is better than bombs in middle east.

    5) Peace is better brought in the world by US taking over Canada

    6) UNITED NATIONS gives Einosuke Watada nobel peace prize.
    What common ancestry does the US and Canada have? Canada wasn't established from just former British colonies but also French colonies. Do you know about the Seven Years' War, also known as the French and Indian War?

    Considering the US and Canada are not at war or on bad terms with one another, why would some union or merge of the two provide peace?

    Why do you believe Canadians are so happy and readily willing to give up their citizenship for an American one? Have you tried to suggest your plan of invading and conquering Canada to any Canadians? If so, how are they reacting to it?

    And why do you, like many Japanese right wing nationalists, believe you belong with the US or North America? I'm just waiting for you to suggest another Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

    Fighting happens whether you have many small countries or one large country. The issues are deeper than just an arbitrary boundary. The Soviet Union was one large country yet it broke into many smaller countries and fighting occurred. There is the usual friction between Quebec and the rest of Canada.


    • Re: The impending war with Iran

      Originally posted by joshuatree View Post
      What common ancestry does the US and Canada have? Canada wasn't established from just former British colonies but also French colonies. Do you know about the Seven Years' War, also known as the French and Indian War?

      Considering the US and Canada are not at war or on bad terms with one another, why would some union or merge of the two provide peace?

      Why do you believe Canadians are so happy and readily willing to give up their citizenship for an American one? Have you tried to suggest your plan of invading and conquering Canada to any Canadians? If so, how are they reacting to it?

      And why do you, like many Japanese right wing nationalists, believe you belong with the US or North America? I'm just waiting for you to suggest another Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

      Fighting happens whether you have many small countries or one large country. The issues are deeper than just an arbitrary boundary. The Soviet Union was one large country yet it broke into many smaller countries and fighting occurred. There is the usual friction between Quebec and the rest of Canada.
      If the USA could just get all the resources they need from Canada, rather than from the middle east, the need to bomb Iraq would not have occurred. People would not have died. I think that for the US taking Canada in peace is better than killing even a single person in Iraq. I think that this is the most peaceful alternative.


      • Re: The impending war with Iran

        Originally posted by ewatada View Post
        If the USA could just get all the resources they need from Canada, rather than from the middle east, the need to bomb Iraq would not have occurred. People would not have died. I think that for the US taking Canada in peace is better than killing even a single person in Iraq. I think that this is the most peaceful alternative.
        Can't the US just buy or trade for the resources from Canada? I fail to see how that justifies a need for invading Canada. I think the Iraq issue is a mess but you substituting Iraq with Canada doesn't alter the equation at all.


        • Re: The impending war with Iran

          It’s sad we need Patrick Buchanan to tell us that when it really matters, our Democratic leaders in Congress are no better King George.

          We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.

          — U.S. President Bill Clinton
          USA TODAY, page 2A
          11 March 1993


          • Troops ordered to spend 3 additional months

            whoops...wrong thread. Sorry
            "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


            • Re: The impending war with Iran


              >I think Canada and the United States have common ancestry, and they could just make up and re-federate. You two are brothers, and the nation will only be strong by uniting the two in peace.

              I believe you're referring to people of Anglo-Saxon ancestry. The two countries do not need to make up. There are multitudes of others in Canada (and that's a similarity with the US) but the mix of peoples is rather different. And the people are different. You seem to be ignoring Quebec altogether.

              >If the unification occuring today, I think Canada will not fight back.

              "Unification" here can be read as taking over by armed force. Why do you consider British nationality "second class"?

              >Then, when I come to the USA, I have a bigger country to come to.

              That's a very good reason. "Greater USA" We even have a President that's right for the job.

              >If will be so big no one will try to fight and the world will just come to peace.

              And it's so small and defenseless now that everyone is just waiting to invade.

              >Taking over with a pen and signature is best way so uniting without killing. Keep countries separate, and fighting happens like Yugoslavia.

              Some of the greatest misfortunes to befall humankind (and Yugoslavia) happened with the stroke of a pen. Over there people fought and died to prevent their countries from being "unified" for centuries and until very recently.

              Canada is rich in resources but also more than willing to sell. You're thinking in terms of 19th century imperialism, Nazi "lebensraum" and Balkan's "Greater" this and Greater that.

              >6) UNITED NATIONS gives Einosuke Watada nobel peace prize.

              You'd probably end up in the Hague.


              • Re: Lessons learned from the other war with Iran

                Originally posted by Miulang View Post
                We may HAVE to take over Canada, if this country switches to ethanol fuel because we won't have the land to grow the crops required to make the fuel and/or the land needed for ethanol crops will be in direct competition with our need to grow FOOD. There are several interesting things that will happen: 1) food will cost more for people to buy because the corn and grain used as feed for cattle, pigs and chickens will cost more; 2) use of corn syrup as a sweetener will be reduced greatly, forcing the food manufacturing companies to turn to other kinds of sweetener...too bad the sugar companies in Hawai'i decided to get out of that business and sold their land for housing... Canada right now is one of the major growers of wheat for the world and they do have lots more open space than we do. That'll be an interesting time: what's more important? Feeding your kids or being able to drive to work in your own car?

                Actually taking Canada as you mention doesn't have to happen. All the USA has to do is offer every Canadian citizenship free US citizenship at the USA embassy. An overwhelming majority will simply accept it, especially if they can keep their Canadian also. Then, the USA could say to Canada, many voluntarily accepted US citizenship. Now, Canadians cannot complain USA take over Canada because they accepted US citizenship voluntarily.


                • Re: Lessons learned from the other war with Iran

                  Originally posted by ewatada View Post
                  An overwhelming majority will simply accept it, especially if they can keep their Canadian also.
                  Highly unlikely. Most Canadians disapprove, by increasing margins, of the way the American government is operating in world affairs, and are uncomfortable with the influx of American culture (according to Ipsos-Reid polls conducted annualy for Maclean's magazine.)


                  • Re: Lessons learned from the other war with Iran

                    Originally posted by ewatada View Post
                    Actually taking Canada as you mention doesn't have to happen. All the USA has to do is offer every Canadian citizenship free US citizenship at the USA embassy. An overwhelming majority will simply accept it, especially if they can keep their Canadian also. Then, the USA could say to Canada, many voluntarily accepted US citizenship. Now, Canadians cannot complain USA take over Canada because they accepted US citizenship voluntarily.
                    I still don't see why you think Canadians are pushovers when it comes to their identity and their national sovereignty. What about rephrasing your suggestion into a scenario that will affect you. Let us say the US offers free citizenship to all Japanese. Now, would Japanese complain or object when the US takes over Japan? As I recall, you are very nationalistic. So how would you respond to this scenario?


                    • The Real Reasons Why Iran is the Next Target



                      It is now obvious the invasion of Iraq had less to do with any threat from Saddam’s long-gone WMD program and certainly less to do to do with fighting International terrorism than it has to do with gaining control over Iraq’s hydrocarbon reserves and in doing so maintaining the U.S. dollar as the monopoly currency for the critical international oil market. Throughout 2004 statements by former administration insiders revealed that the Bush/Cheney administration entered into office with the intention of toppling Saddam Hussein. Indeed, the neoconservative strategy of installing a pro-U.S. government in Baghdad along with multiple U.S. military bases was partly designed to thwart further momentum within OPEC towards a "petroeuro." However, subsequent events show this strategy to be fundamentally flawed, with Iran moving forward towards a petroeuro system for international oil trades, while Russia discusses this option.

                      Candidly stated, ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’ was a war designed to install a pro-U.S. puppet in Iraq, establish multiple U.S military bases before the onset of Peak Oil, and to reconvert Iraq back to petrodollars while hoping to thwart further OPEC momentum towards the euro as an alternative oil transaction currency. [1] In 2003 the global community witnessed a combination of petrodollar warfare and oil depletion warfare. The majority of the world’s governments – especially the E.U., Russia and China - were not amused – and neither are the U.S. soldiers who are currently stationed in Iraq.

                      Indeed, the author’s original pre-war hypothesis was validated shortly after the war in a Financial Times article dated June 5th, 2003, which confirmed Iraqi oil sales returning to the international markets were once again denominated in US dollars, not euros. Not surprisingly, this detail was never mentioned in the five US major media conglomerates who appear to censor this type of information, but confirmation of this vital fact provides insight into one of the crucial - yet overlooked - rationales for 2003 the Iraq war.

                      {Read rest of story at link above}



                      • Re: The Real Reasons Why Iran is the Next Target

                        I came across this article about a year ago. The author's reasoning behind why our troops are in Iraq makes perfect sense. At first, I thought the younger Bush was carrying out a personal vendetta against Hussein in sending American troops into Iraq but Clark's perspectives seems much more plausible.

                        As for Iran, the U.S. needs to lean on the Mullahs that run the country, what would JFK do?


                        • Re: The Real Reasons Why Iran is the Next Target

                          The Bush Vendetta theory to get revenge for his father is just another example of wishful thinking, propaganda promoted my liberal dogmatists.

                          Facts, science, reason, or logic have no place in a dogmatists mind.
                          Energy answers are already here.


                          • Re: The Real Reasons Why Iran is the Next Target

                            Originally posted by timkona View Post
                            The Bush Vendetta theory to get revenge for his father is just another example of wishful thinking, propaganda promoted my liberal dogmatists.

                            Facts, science, reason, or logic have no place in a dogmatists mind.
                            Tsk, Tsk Tim. Maybe you forgot me mentioning that I voted for Bush, twice.


                            • Interests of zionUSt$ = Real Reasons Why Iran is the Next Target

                              All the U.S. media, U.S. administration, U.S. Congress (and generally, near exclusively, "The West", " 'First' World") hype about what they call the "The Holocaust" is more rhetorical rubbish used to justfy their feeding the fires they started and maintain in Arab lands whose leadership is not sold out to or otherwise puppeteered by "The West", especially by Britain and US right-wingers and liberals.

                              Were the topic not related to the horribly tragic, criminal, immoral yet apparently unavoidable(?), unpreventable(?) genocide perpetrated by Nazi Germany on Russians, Jews, Gypsies, leftist, and others for years leading up to mid-20thcentury, the whole idea of that murderous period being identified as/equated to what Jewish scriptures called "The Holocaust" would be so absurdly ridiculous one could only laugh; especially nowadays as we hear Jewish militant-Zionist leaders like Ehud Olmert and zionUSt militant-Christian leaders like George Bush2 use such terminology as "another Holocaust".

                              When referring to the decimation of Ashkenazi Jews in Europe, a large part of the post-WW2 Zionist justification for creating a nation of Israel on Earth in the 20th Century employed the term "The Holocaust". For Jews, whether orthodox or secular, versed in Judaic scripture, the prophesied creation of Zion was to follow a diaspora period, but not before another God-defying Jewish attempt to make Israel happen in spite of there being no word from God to the effect of "Now is the time my Chosen People for Israel to be reborn as Zion." And, as ancient Judaic prophesy goes: because the Jewish people had in their suffering impatience not held faith in their God to deliver them from Diaspora in His own Time as He said (according to scripture) He would do, but, had instead taken it upon themselves to attempt ("attempt", because to proceed thusly without the word of God would be, again according to scripture, to defy God) to re-create Israel without God and thus, in return, reap God's Justice: Holocaust (the real Holocaust is yet to be?!?).

                              So if "The Holocaust" is indeed God's "Holocaust" as presented in Judaic scripture, then how in the world can the likes of Ehud Olmert and George Bush spew on about "another Holocaust" being perpetrated on Jews by Iran. What could it mean ""another Holocaust" ? Were God's communications with the founders of Judaism cut short and God really had in mind for His Chosen People: Holocaust I, Holocaust II, Holocaust III and so on until Zion exists on Earth for Jews, for everyone?

                              The question is not whether what happened to millions of citizens in Europe under the rule of 20th Century Naziism truly happened or not. Of course it happened! But was it "The Holocaust", the one and only Jewish prophesied holocaust (where is Zion? could Zion ever possibly evolve out of today's Israel?)? And were today's "The Holocaust" not in fact God's prophesied Holocaust, are we not to expect that like Holocaust I, Holocaust II will bring death and destruction to multitudes of peoples who are not Jews, as well as to Jews themselves? And that like Holocaust I, Holocaust II, III, IV, and so on through the future will subsequently be deemed, as is Holocaust I, to be recognized virtually exclusively as a persecution and suffering borne only by Jews, allowing militant zioUSt$ ever greater dispensations for perpetrating injustices on Arabs, Persians, on whomever oppose the interests of zionUSt$?
                              Last edited by waioli kai; April 15, 2007, 11:33 AM.


                              • USA Bad, IRAN Good

                                For all the America haters and Muslim defenders, please watch this wonderful video out of Iran

                                WARNING: Do not watch if you are offended by human hangings.

                                Apparently the nice, gentle, peaceful Iranians hand their women differently. Instead of dropping them quickly and breaking their neck, they raise them slowly and watch them slowly suffocate.

                                All the while calling out "Allah Akbar".

                                Gotta love the Middle East.

                                Yep, down with Amerika blah blah blah.

                                Wonder if Micheal Moore will do a show on Muslims murdering in the name of God. You think??

                                Anyway, here is the link for the strong stomachs.

                                Watch at your own risk.


