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The Bush Watch - Chapter 2

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  • George Bush His Highness

    justUS by George Bush His Highness
    .... when USA Today broke a story that the federal government has been secretly keeping track of the phone calls that tens of millions of ordinary Americans make each day, it was George Bush himself who proposed an impromptu appearance before the television cameras. "I want to say something about this myself," he told aides who had gathered in the Oval Office.

    To reporters, Bush offered no denial, or even much by way of explanation.
    " The intelligence activities I authorized are lawful, "(lawful?, lawfulable, awe full?)
    he said, without specifying which laws in particular had authorized them.
    And he added, " So far, we've been very successful in preventing another attack on our soil. "

    There is a near 30% of U.S. public that obviously contains a large and well represented upper class that exists in a hardened shell of justUS and righteoUSness. A class mindset that is impervious to truth, justUSfied to war upon resistUSness, war upon resistUS nests of anti-terrorUSt$ actions and sentiment.

    Wars on our borders? Militarizing our border for our wars against "illegals", wars against "drugs", wars against "terrorists" (deemed by US to be sympathizers militant anti-terrorUSt$, to be resisters to the zionUSt imperium whose direct interest is embodied in probably less than 20% of the legal population of the United States)....
    justUS = George Bush His Hindass ,noun;verb transitive: " ....just George Bush his hind ass!!", as in kick butt, shock 'n awe, democracy via deceit, freedom via destruction.

    George Bush His HindassUSness' United States, not to mean the whole of the peoples' United States; to mean George Bush His HindassUSness' United States; not to mean up to 80% or more of United States' citizenry and their nation of illegal immigrants. However, His Highness stands to gain the support of a signifigant share of the confidence of "illegal aliens" if He can secure some kind of amnesty for large numbers of "illegal" immigrants soon.
    Last edited by waioli kai; May 15, 2006, 12:55 PM.


    • Re: The Bush Watch - Chapter 2

      The current White House administration is ruling all of us through fear and deceit. And the sad thing is, we're believing the lies about all of the assaults on the Constitution being good for us.

      Just because there have been no actual physical terrorist attacks on the US since 9/11 DOES NOT mean that all the covert and illegal things that this Administration has been wont to do is the reason why it hasn't happened yet. And the sad thing is, until and unless there is another attack in this country, the majority of Americans won't believe that all the data mining and other unauthorized snooping being done in the name of fighting terrorism won't stop anyone intent on doing harm. Remember, the jihadists are suicide bombers, so they have nothing to lose if they really want to do harm.


      P.S. What's even worse is they are probably now eavesdropping and collecting data on all newsreporters too, so they can plug leaks (the leaks that are helping reveal the truth about the Administration). Will this be Scooter and Karl's revenge?
      Last edited by Miulang; May 16, 2006, 07:06 PM.
      "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


      • telecom systems' routings and content. Re: The Bush Watch - Chapter 2

        miulang= 'The current White House administration is ruling all of us through fear and deceit. And the sad thing is, we're believing the lies about all of the assaults on the Constitution being good for us.'

        A couple of months ago cnn had a special called something like "The Secret Nation" North Korea.

        The Most Secret Nation is not North Korea. It is the United States.

        It's typical how the NSA domestic spying issue has been momentarily deflated by some telecom corporations' claims that they did not agree to allow the NSA virtually unrestricted access to their telecom systems' routings and content.

        The NSA surely has the wherewithal and ability to penetrate telecom systems anywhere on Earth they so desire. Why would the NSA need seek permission from anyone? Especially from self-serving legislative bodies like Congress, and, as now, especially from the President, when the Vice-President can and will do? Is that news to militant anti-terrorUSt$: US's "terrorists"? No.

        Is that news to United States' media ? Apparently so.
        Last edited by waioli kai; May 21, 2006, 01:19 PM.


        • Specter vs Cheney, NSA spy program: telecom systems' routings and content, BushWatch2

          Specter's angry letter
          ... the angry three-page letter Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter sent to Vice President Dick Cheney, arguing Cheney "sought to influence, really determine" the committee's investigation into the NSA spy program. --

          Whoops!! Cheney got caught playing corporatUSt$' kingpin again. V.P. Cheney: " I miss my Scooter!"
          Last edited by waioli kai; June 7, 2006, 01:58 PM.


          • Re: The Bush Watch

            Originally posted by Miulang
            Well, the DoD has finally come out and admitted that the Koran WAS abused by guards at Gitmo. Maybe the guards didn't flush pages of the Koran down the toilet, but the report stated that a prison guard splashed a Koran inadvertently with urine, an interrogator stepped on the holy book, and an obscenity was written on the inside cover of a Koran.

            Would Bible thumpers be outraged if Muslims did the same to the Holy Bible? You bet your sweet okole they would.

            Bible bumpers get outraged if you curse in public fer chrissakes.
            Need a place to stay in Hilo ?
            Cue Factory - Music for your Vision


            • Re: The Bush Watch - Chapter 2

              More bad news for liberals, pacifists, and terror lovers of all ages


              Go Bush Go!!!

              It takes a special kind of ignorance to abhor efforts towards lawfullness.

              Law & Order is the foundation of civilized society. Therein lies the basis of why liberals won't capture the Oval Office next go round. A logical extension of liberal pacifism is anarchy. Every time a victory is achieved in Iraq, liberal hope for anarchy dims.

              As a side note, I saw Al Franken on Letterman last night. It was clear he did not know about the Al Zarqawi thing. Too damn funny to watch that idiot put his foot in his mouth.
              Last edited by timkona; June 8, 2006, 07:08 AM. Reason: saw Al Franken
              Energy answers are already here.


              • Re: The Bush Watch - Chapter 2

                Originally posted by timkona
                More bad news for liberals, pacifists, and terror lovers of all ages


                Go Bush Go!!!

                It takes a special kind of ignorance to abhor efforts towards lawfullness.

                Law & Order is the foundation of civilized society. Therein lies the basis of why liberals won't capture the Oval Office next go round. A logical extension of liberal pacifism is anarchy. Every time a victory is achieved in Iraq, liberal hope for anarchy dims.

                As a side note, I saw Al Franken on Letterman last night. It was clear he did not know about the Al Zarqawi thing. Too damn funny to watch that idiot put his foot in his mouth.
                Why did you lump pacifists, liberals, and terror-lovers together?


                • Re: The Bush Watch - Chapter 2

                  Originally posted by timkona
                  As a side note, I saw Al Franken on Letterman last night. It was clear he did not know about the Al Zarqawi thing. Too damn funny to watch that idiot put his foot in his mouth.
                  Well, considering that the Letterman show was taped yesterday afternoon, and the death of al Zarqawi was not announced or confirmed until the wee hours of this morning, I suspect YOU wouldn't have known about it either, had you been a guest on Letterman. Which would have made you the idiot, no?


                  • Re: The Bush Watch - Chapter 2

                    Originally posted by SusieMisajon
                    Why did you lump pacifists, liberals, and terror-lovers together?
                    You haven't read many of timkona's posts yet, have you?


                    • Re: The Bush Watch - Chapter 2

                      All I can say is, maybe this will help Bush's sagging popularity in the polls, but it's not going to stop the killing of innocent civilians in Iraq.

                      Al Zarqawi had already chosen an heir apparent, so now we have to go after that person and so on and so on. We need to find Osama, who is more of a threat to the world than Zarqawi was.

                      "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                      • Re: The Bush Watch - Chapter 2

                        Originally posted by timkona
                        Go Bush Go!!!
                        Now THERE's a statement with which I can agree --- and the sooner, the better.


                        • Re: The Bush Watch - Chapter 2

                          Miulang= --"All I can say is, maybe this will help Bush's sagging popularity in the polls, but it's not going to stop the killing of innocent civilians in Iraq.

                          Al Zarqawi had already chosen an heir apparent, so now we have to go after that person and so on and so on. We need to find Osama, who is more of a threat to the world than Zarqawi was."--

                          The terrorUSt$ homegrown fascUSt Cheney Gang is exponentially more threatening, more dangerous, more destructive to the world than any Osama or Zarqawi was, is or could ever be.
                          Last edited by waioli kai; June 8, 2006, 02:56 PM.


                          • Re: The Bush Watch - Chapter 2

                            Some of the contents of this blog by Chris Floyd may be facetious, but the author does point out some striking "coincidences" about the events of the last week or so going on in the Middle East and our involvement in the whole mess. Seems like the whole package was tied up way too neatly...and look! We saved ourselves the $25 million bounty because al-Zarqawi was killed by a US rocket!

                            "...The name change of the Zarqawi gang from its cumbersome original – "The Monotheism and Holy War Group" – to the more media-sexy "Qaeda" brand was thus a PR godsend for the Bush Administration, which was then able to associate the widespread native uprising against the Coalition occupation with the cave-dwelling dastards of the bin Laden organization. This proved an invaluable tool for the Pentagon's massive "psy-op" campaign against the American people, which was successful in sufficiently obscuring reality and defusing rising public concerns about what many experts have termed "the full-blown FUBAR" in Iraq until after the 2004 elections.

                            However, in the last year, even the reputed presence of a big stonking al Qaeda beheader guy roaming at will across the land has not prevented a catastrophic drop in support for President Bush in general and the war in Iraq in particular. Polls show that substantial majorities – even those still psy-oped into believing the conquest has something to do with fighting terrorism – are now saying that the war "is not worth it" and call for American forces to begin withdrawing.

                            With the Zarqawi theme thus producing diminishing returns, the Administration has had another stroke of unexpected luck with his reputed sudden demise. Moreover, the fact that Zarqawi was killed in a military action means that Mr. Bush will not have to cough up the $25 million reward placed on the head of the terrorist chieftain. That money will now be given to Mr. Bush's favorite charity, Upper-Class Twits Against the Inheritance Tax, an Administration spokesman said.

                            Despite its fortuitousness, the reputed death of the multi-legged brigand came as no real surprise. After all, approximately 376 of his "top lieutenants" had been killed or captured by Coalition forces in the past three years, according to press reports, and some 5,997 lower-ranking "al Qaeda terrorists" have been killed in innumerable operations during that same period, according to Pentagon press releases. With the widespread, on-going, much-publicized decimation of his group, Zarqawi had obviously been rendered isolated and ineffective – except of course for the relentless series of high-profile terrorist spectaculars he kept carrying out, according to other Pentagon press releases....

                            "In June 2002, American forces had locked in on Zarqawi's location. They prepared a detailed attack plan that would have destroyed the terrorist band. But their request to strike was turned down not once, but twice by the White House. Administration officials feared that such a strike would have muddied the waters in their public relations effort to foment war fever against Saddam's regime....

                            "...With Zarqawi's Bush-granted liberty reputedly at an end, the Pentagon moved quickly to confirm the identity of the man killed in Hibhib today. At a joint press conference with Prime Minister Maliki, U.S. Gen. George Casey said Zarqawi's body had been identified by "fingerprints, facial recognition and known scars" after a painstaking forensic examination by Lt. Col. Gil Grissom and Major Catherine Willows.

                            In yet another amazing coincidence, the announcement of the death of Zarqawi or somebody just like him came just as Prime Minister Maliki was finally submitting his candidates for the long-disputed posts of defense and interior ministers, which then sailed through parliament after months of deadlock. The fortuitous death also came after perhaps the worst week of bad PR the Bush Administration has endured during the entire war, with an outpouring of stories alleging a number of horrific atrocities committed by U.S. troops in recent months. ...

                            "...Today's news has likewise knocked the new atrocity allegations off the front pages, to be replaced with heartening stories of how, as the New York Times reports, Zarqawi's death "appears to mark a major watershed in the war." Thus in his reputed end as in his reputed beginning, the Scarlet Pimpernel of Iraq has, by remarkable coincidence, done yeoman service for the immediate publicity needs of his deadly enemy, the Bush Administration...."

                            "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                            • Re: The Bush Watch - Chapter 2

                              If there's nothing substantive to the NSA's monitoring our phone calls and electronic mail, why is the Federal gov't now suing the New Jersey attorney general and other state officials to stop them from seeking information about telephone companies' cooperation with the National Security Agency?

                              "... The unusual filing in U.S. District Court in Trenton, N.J., is the latest effort by federal authorities to halt legal proceedings aimed at revealing whether and how often AT&T, Verizon and other phone companies have provided customer records to the NSA without a court order..."

                              "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                              • The company they keep

                                The NYT noted today that an increasing number of former Homeland Security employees have jumped ship to work in private industry, where they can make more money. UNFORTUNATELY, many come back to Washington, DC as lobbyists for companies which have a vested interest in doing business with the Federal government.

                                "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain

