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The "Real" Middle Eastern War

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  • Re: The "Real" Middle Eastern War

    For people who must keep a scorecard, here are the results as of today.

    "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


    • Re: The "Real" Middle Eastern War

      Originally posted by Miulang
      <sigh> it has been reported time and time again that many of those people who you believe are being used as Hezbollah shields are not there willingly. Read this Salon story written by someone who has spent lots of time among the people of South Lebanon. He says that Hezbollah is much smarter than the PLO or Hamas because they DON'T mingle with the local people. He says even the Hezbollah politicians have no control over the militia. He asks if just because you sympathize with Hezbollah (the political group which has helped raise the standard of living) does that mean that you're in the same class as someone who has the rifles? (His answer is a sympathizer is not someone who wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth).

      I'm sorry, but Kam is confusing Zionism for Israel and Hezbollah for Lebanon. Many Israelis are not Zionists. The extreme Zionists are the ones who want to occupy Lebanon. Many Lebanese are not Hezbollah. If you're going to argue about this let's keep the terms clear: Zionist v. Hezbollah and Hamas. Israel and Lebanon are states; Zionism, Hezbollah and Hamas are political movements.

      My anger (and the concern of most of the governments of the world) is the disportionality of the attacks. If the Zionists really wanted to get rid of Hezbollah and Hamas, why don't they just drop a nuclear bomb (that we have gladly provided them)? Hezbollah and Hamas are not going to go away, even when this chaos ends, so long as the people of Palestine and Lebanon feel that they are being mistreated.

      <yawn> Only a Sith thinks in absolutes. You attempt to quantify what is unquantifiable.

      First the race card now the nuke card, wow, I am glad you are not in charge of anyone's foreign policy. Hope you are not serious about that one. Next you will be bayonetting babies or sumthin' to get attention. Chopping off heads is so last year.

      You should go over there if you are so concerned, work in a hospital, feel good about yourself, right up to the point where you get vaporized when the local bad guys decide to use the E-ward as an ammo dump.

      Pretty easy to quarterback this one from halfway around the world. Too bad it does not count.......... I'll be there in a few months, I'll check it out myself.
      You Look Like I Need A Drink


      • Re: The &quot;Real&quot; Middle Eastern War

        Originally posted by nachodaddy
        Pretty easy to quarterback this one from halfway around the world. Too bad it does not count.......... I'll be there in a few months, I'll check it out myself.
        good. keep your head low and stay safe. Don't want them nasty turban heads to take advantage of you.
        "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


        • Re: The &quot;Real&quot; Middle Eastern War

          Aha, so you're a racist. miu
          Zionism, Hezbollah and Hamas are political movements. miu

          okay Miulang, you can't throw around cognitive dissonance without a rebuttal

          You ask Kam if he is racist by his criticism of Hezbollah, then you say that Hezbollah is a political movement. ?? Race OR Political Movement ??

          A brief review of the key points within the Quran would clearly indicate that the Muslims who are peaceful (99%) are NOT, I repeat NOT, living according to the words in the book. It is commanded by Allah that Muslims MUST either convert or kill infidels. There is no poetry here. No interpretation. There are over 20 direct references and hundreds of indirect references contained in that evil little tome.

          This is the source of the true problems in the Middle East. Nobody is willing to stand up and say that it's the religion (Islam) that is evil on this planet. As long as Islam commands Muslims to kill using the Quran as the blueprint, then the rest of the planet will have to defend itself forever.

          Miulang, that is the bloody balls truth of it. Whether you like it or not.

          Energy answers are already here.


          • Re: The &quot;Real&quot; Middle Eastern War

            Originally posted by Miulang
            oh my, I was wrong, mea culpa. You're a fascist. Sorry for my ignorance.
            Sticks and stones......LMFAO.

            So.....this is all about labels, isn't it? You really want to point that gun in your direction?
            You Look Like I Need A Drink


            • Re: The &quot;Real&quot; Middle Eastern War

              Originally posted by Miulang
              good. keep your head low and stay safe. Don't want them nasty turban heads to take advantage of you.
              Dang, you drunk tonight or what??? Not every one wears a turban there, my dear. I seen pictures.
              You Look Like I Need A Drink


              • Re: The &quot;Real&quot; Middle Eastern War

                Group hug!!!!


                • Re: The &quot;Real&quot; Middle Eastern War

                  Hard to hug a person wearing a trenchcoat filled with dynamite

                  Hey Miulang, what's that bump under your jacket?
                  Energy answers are already here.


                  • Re: The &quot;Real&quot; Middle Eastern War

                    just happy to see ya.


                    • Re: The &quot;Real&quot; Middle Eastern War

                      Originally posted by timkona
                      [I]You ask Kam if he is racist by his criticism of Hezbollah, then you say that Hezbollah is a political movement. ?? Race OR Political Movement ??
                      Hezbollah is a political movement. Lebanon is a nation state that has Shia (a religion) plus 17 OTHER religious groups contained within its borders.
                      Read this wiki description of the political makeup of Lebanon and you will hopefully understand why in Lebanon, especially, going after one particular religious group adversely impacts the whole political structure of the country.

                      A brief review of the key points within the Quran would clearly indicate that the Muslims who are peaceful (99%) are NOT, I repeat NOT, living according to the words in the book. It is commanded by Allah that Muslims MUST either convert or kill infidels. There is no poetry here. No interpretation. There are over 20 direct references and hundreds of indirect references contained in that evil little tome.
                      The Zionists in Israel (also a political movement) are also not living up to the Torah. The Torah preaches benevolence, humility and charity.

                      This is the source of the true problems in the Middle East. Nobody is willing to stand up and say that it's the religion (Islam) that is evil on this planet. As long as Islam commands Muslims to kill using the Quran as the blueprint, then the rest of the planet will have to defend itself forever.
                      There was no problem with disharmony between the Jews and Arabs for hundreds of years until Palestine was divided by the Brits in 1948. The concept of land ownership is what created the problem in the Middle East and what has caused problems for many societies (even in Hawai'i) over time. ALL of the great religions preach peace and justice. Some political movements, under the guise of carrying a religious banner, take some elements of the Great Books teachings and modify it to serve their own too human purposes. And THAT is the sad truth. There is no one religion that is better than any other. All serve their purpose of providing guidelines for believers to live better lives.

                      "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                      • Re: The &quot;Real&quot; Middle Eastern War

                        ALL of the great religions preach peace and justice.

                        Fundamentally NOT the truth. The bedrock of Islam is peace & justice, BUT ONLY FOR MUSLIM TO MUSLIM EXISTENCE.

                        Now I see clearly which part of the equation you do not understand.
                        Energy answers are already here.


                        • Re: The &quot;Real&quot; Middle Eastern War

                          Originally posted by nachodaddy
                          Dang, you drunk tonight or what??? Not every one wears a turban there, my dear. I seen pictures.
                          Mohammed Nasarallah wears a black turban. So how would you be able to distinguish the enemy from a civilian if they all looked the same (our quandry in Iraq)? I don't think they wear armbands that say "enemy" on them. Oh wait, that's right. Our guys over in Iraq call 'em "Hajis" and "ragheads".


                          P.S. And I'm not being facetious, Nacho. I really truly do hope you come back safely.
                          Last edited by Miulang; August 3, 2006, 05:27 PM.
                          "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                          • Re: The &quot;Real&quot; Middle Eastern War

                            Originally posted by timkona
                            ALL of the great religions preach peace and justice.

                            Fundamentally NOT the truth. The bedrock of Islam is peace & justice, BUT ONLY FOR MUSLIM TO MUSLIM EXISTENCE.

                            Now I see clearly which part of the equation you do not understand.
                            And by the same token, Jews for Jewish existence, right? Jews have a different truth than Muslims do? One truth is better than another truth? Your truth is better than my truth?
                            Last edited by Miulang; August 3, 2006, 05:31 PM.
                            "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                            • Re: The &quot;Real&quot; Middle Eastern War

                              Convert or Kill.....Convert or Kill......Convert or Kill

                              There is no reference in the Torah to that little catchphrase. Nor the Bible.
                              Energy answers are already here.


                              • Re: The &quot;Real&quot; Middle Eastern War

                                Originally posted by Miulang
                                Mohammed Nasarallah wears a black turban. So how would you be able to distinguish the enemy from a civilian if they all looked the same (our quandry in Iraq)? I don't think they wear armbands that say "enemy" on them.


                                P.S. And I'm not being facetious, Nacho. I really truly do hope you come back safely.
                                So, if one bad guy wears a black turban then we be fearful of all black turbans? Maybe if they are wearing a Oakland Raiders shirt WITH the black turban, just maybe. Maybe if they are listening to loud rap music I should really be scared.

                                Sorry, I don't do the "generalize and label" thing as well as you do. Life (not just taking up space) is a whole lot more complicated and fascinating without having to characterize everything. Maybe I'll get drunk with a guy in a black turban and we end up going to a donkey show that serves BBQ pulled pork sammys, that would really ruin the stereotype. If it happens, I'll post pictures.

                                When it is my time to go, it will be my time to go. Nothing I can do about it, no amount of "hope" will change it. Until then, I look forward to every encounter.

                                It truly is a trip to see how unhappy you are. A trip.
                                Last edited by nachodaddy; August 3, 2006, 05:45 PM. Reason: spelling
                                You Look Like I Need A Drink

