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Terrorist Plans Stopped In TIME!!!!!

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  • Re: Terrorist Plans Stopped In TIME!!!!!

    Originally posted by 1stwahine
    As a mother of Soldiers ~ I never get use to it.

    I have become stronger and accept whatever comes my way.

    The other day I heard from MAMA my daughter, Gaya is ready to re-enlist (3) again. She just got out. What she does...she does well and is highly regarded in her field.

    She was nominated by her peers in Florida as Best Federal Employee in The Nation.

    Her husband is in Iraq. If she decides to re-enlist...she has my blessings.

    I am proud of my children's commitment to my country ~ The United of America!!!

    In The Honolulu Advertiser 02/12/2004

    "The governor said Spc. Ligaya Vasquez, a McKinley High School graduate, exemplified the views of many of the young soldiers she met."

    "She works in intelligence, and she just loves her job," Lingle said. "She loves it here, and what she's doing. She likes going out and meeting with the Iraqi people."

    Governor Linda Lingle and My daughter, Ligaya in Baghdad, Iraq.

    Auntie Lynn
    Auntie Lynn, Deep Mahalo for sharing this.

    Your children don't know us, but are protecting us... US. And thank YOU, Auntie, for raising incredibly strong and responsible kids. Without children like yours, our keiki wouldn't have a future, you know.

    May God keep you and protect you all.

    (going send this to my husband and family)
    MEMRI TV:Middle East Media Research Institute
    Jihad Watch
    Amil Imani's Website


    • Exclusive: Baby Bomb

      Auntie! You know how much you love your children, how proud you - and all of us - are of them? I just read this and my stomach got sick

      How can? How can?

      Can ANYONE explain to me how a parent - or any PERSON can do THIS TO A BABY????!!!


      :A HUSBAND and wife terror team planned to sacrifice their baby as part of a plot to blast transatlantic jets out of the sky, detectives fear.

      :Police probing the planned terror outrage are investigating an alleged gruesome plan to use the young baby as a "decoy".

      :They believe the man may have wanted to take his wife and child on board a flight and she was prepared to sacrifice her baby in the deadly suicide strike.

      :Cops believe they would have hidden deadly chemicals in the baby's milk. The grim discovery is behind the decision to make all mothers taste their baby's milk before boarding flights to make sure it has not been contaminated.

      :Last night a high-ranking intelligence source said: "This takes things to a horrifying new level. It is truly horrific that a man may have been ready to blow up his wife and she was prepared to let her child die."

      There's more too!


      MEMRI TV:Middle East Media Research Institute
      Jihad Watch
      Amil Imani's Website


      • Re: Exclusive: Baby Bomb

        Originally posted by Levia
        Auntie! You know how much you love your children, how proud you - and all of us - are of them? I just read this and my stomach got sick.
        There are no words to express my disgust and sadness when a parent willingly wants to end their child's Life. It is the highest sin in the Bible to bring harm to God's children!!!

        As for my own children taking part in the War of Terrorism ~ the old timers here on HT know about them too well. I thank you for your kind words and appreciate it.

        My children volunteered to serve our Country and continue to re-enlist everytime. It is their Destiny as well as a mom of soldiers!


        Auntie Lynn
        Last edited by 1stwahine; August 14, 2006, 02:09 AM. Reason: Spelling. Too early in da morning. I going back moemoe.
        Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
        Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


        • Re: Terrorist Plans Stopped In TIME!!!!!

          Levia's post underscores the misunderstanding that Miulang (& others) have about Islamic based terrorism. It's all mandated in the Quran. Sacrificing your baby to the greater good of Allah is a small price to pay. I'm sure Miulang has some very reasonable excuse why this behavior is all right. The end of terrorism will not be achieved until the Quran is edited or discredited, and it's believers are eliminated.

          As for our terrific military, I always buy the cocktails for any person in a Military uniform no matter where I'm drinking. It's automatic. If you walk in wearing colors, the drinks are on me.

          Energy answers are already here.


          • Re: Terrorist Plans Stopped In TIME!!!!!

            Originally posted by timkona
            Levia's post underscores the misunderstanding that Miulang (& others) have about Islamic based terrorism. It's all mandated in the Quran. Sacrificing your baby to the greater good of Allah is a small price to pay. I'm sure Miulang has some very reasonable excuse why this behavior is all right. The end of terrorism will not be achieved until the Quran is edited or discredited, and it's believers are eliminated.
            Tim, you're absolutely f****** nuts if you think I condone this type of action. Second of all, this was reported in the Mirror, fer chrissakes. The Mirror is a tabloid, prone to sensationalism, just like the National Enquirer and the Sun are here in the US. Do you believe everything you see in the Enquirer? <shakes her head in utter disbelief>

            Tabs make their money with lurid headlines. When I see this kind of story in legitimate newspapers like The Times or the Independent, THEN I'll believe that that's the reason why there initially was a ban on bringing milk aboard British airplanes. (fyi: there was no mention of this alleged "plot" in today's TheTimesOnline, so I suppose you're going to imply that the venerable Times is covering this up and they are an Islamic sympathizer????).

            Last edited by Miulang; August 14, 2006, 08:40 AM.
            "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


            • Re: Terrorist Plans Stopped In TIME!!!!!

              If you are talking about the NY Times, then there is no question that they sympathize with terrorists and hate America, and American ideals. That has been proven handily in the last 4 years.

              But the point remains that the roots of problems lie within the Quran. That is the fact that every liberal is trying desparately to ignore.
              Energy answers are already here.


              • Re: Terrorist Plans Stopped In TIME!!!!!

                Originally posted by timkona
                If you are talking about the NY Times, then there is no question that they sympathize with terrorists and hate America, and American ideals. That has been proven handily in the last 4 years.

                But the point remains that the roots of problems lie within the Quran. That is the fact that every liberal is trying desparately to ignore.
                <sigh> Tim, I don't religiously rely on reports from ANY one single news source, especially not here in the US, because for the last 6 years, until very recently, the White House pretty much controlled what was reported. You really should take a look at news sources from all over the world and see what all sides are saying about a particular issue. Only then will you come to a little better understanding of why people act the way they do.

                "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                • What is known and not known...

                  Rather than rely on lurid screechings from tabloids, here are the knowns and unknowns of the bombing plot, as reported by The Independent (UK).

                  "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                  • Re: Terrorist Plans Stopped In TIME!!!!!

                    Originally posted by timkona
                    If you are talking about the NY Times, then there is no question that they sympathize with terrorists and hate America, and American ideals.
                    Oh Tim, my man - you really need to stop watching Fox News on your dish; listen to more music instead.


                    • Re: Terrorist Plans Stopped In TIME!!!!!

                      Originally posted by timkona
                      If you are talking about the NY Times, then there is no question that they sympathize with terrorists and hate America, and American ideals. That has been proven handily in the last 4 years.

                      But the point remains that the roots of problems lie within the Quran. That is the fact that every liberal is trying desparately to ignore.
                      No, I'm talking about The Times (UK) not the NY Times.
                      "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                      • Re: Terrorist Plans Stopped In TIME!!!!!

                        Experts say the poor oppressed unemployed gentlemen from Miulangs religion of peace have plans much bigger and better than simply murdering 3000 innocent men, women and children in airplanes.


                        The London plot, which may have rivaled 9-11 casualties, still did not involve ground targets.

                        "While impressive in scale, the damage on the ground would have been limited if anything," a U.S. official said. "It's not the spectacular attack he (bin Laden) is looking for to do maximum damage to our economy."

                        "There may have been money or a blessing from al-Qaida, but I doubt that this was an operation run by al-Qaida central, by bin Laden himself," says Michael Scheuer, former head of the CIA's bin Laden unit. "It simply wasn't a big enough operation for what they intend, and it didn't occur inside the United States."

                        Experts say the London plot appears too ad hoc. Planning began only a year ago on the heels of the London subway bombings. Bin Laden's major attacks in the past have involved several years of planning. They've also been led by the A-team of al-Qaida's Martyrdom Brigade, who coordinated with seasoned lieutenants in the network to finance and refine the mission as it developed. The London bomber cells, in contrast, appear to have been composed of fresh recruits who were less disciplined, which may explain why they were caught.

                        "They're second-stringers," the official said. "He's holding his top operatives in reserve for a bigger operation."

                        The FBI says there's no evidence al-Qaida has sleeper cells in the U.S.

                        Of course, that's what the bureau said before 9-11. Former senior DHS official Clark Kent Ervin says the bureau knows of at least 1,000 al-Qaida sympathizers in the U.S. today – a figure he calls "low." And the CIA has presented the FBI director with a list of possible sleeper cell candidates, but he has rejected going after them, arguing they had not yet committed a crime.

                        Scheuer says bin Laden is lining up his ducks for a massive attack possibly using radiological weapons. The first step, he says, was getting a green light from Saudi clerics to kill possibly millions of Americans with such weapons. Then he offered the U.S. a truce and even recently invited President Bush to convert to Islam – all in keeping with jihadi military doctrine. And he has directly warned the America people on at least two occasions.

                        As absurd as such moves sound, they are necessary to satisfy any theological concerns among Muslim clerics, Scheuer says. It's more about "preparing Muslims" for the doomsday attacks than Americans.

                        Experts agree a plausible nightmare scenario involves al-Qaida shipping dirty nukes in uninspected cargo containers bound for ports in New York, New Jersey, Miami, Los Angeles, Houston and near Washington, and then detonating them once they are in position. The technology used could be as simple as GPS transmitters and cell phones. The radiological fallout from the blasts could render the cities uninhabitable for years, crippling the economy.

                        Experts say that while the disrupted airliner plot is good news, it's not exactly comforting. In 1995, authorities disrupted al-Qaida's so-called Bojinka operation to down planes over the Pacific. Al-Qaida came back six years later with a more spectacular attack targeting New York and Washington.


                        • Brits, US argue over timing of raid

                          The US and Great Britain got into a tiff over the timing of the raid that nabbed 23 suspects in the UK for plotting to blow up planes.

                          NBC News has learned that U.S. and British authorities had a significant disagreement over when to move in on the suspects in the alleged plot to bring down trans-Atlantic airliners bound for the United States.

                          A senior British official knowledgeable about the case said British police were planning to continue to run surveillance for at least another week to try to obtain more evidence, while American officials pressured them to arrest the suspects sooner. The official spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the case.

                          In contrast to previous reports, the official suggested an attack was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased any airline tickets. In fact, some did not even have passports.

                          The source did say, however, that police believe one U.K.-based suspect was ready to conduct a "dry run." British authorities had wanted to let him go forward with part of the plan, but the Americans balked.

                          At the White House, a top aide to President Bush denied the account.

                          ...The British official said the Americans also argued over the timing of the arrest of suspected ringleader Rashid Rauf in Pakistan, warning that if he was not taken into custody immediately, the U.S. would "render" him or pressure the Pakistani government to arrest him.

                          British security was concerned that Rauf be taken into custody "in circumstances where there was due process," according to the official, so that he could be tried in British courts. Ultimately, this official says, Rauf was arrested over the objections of the British.

                          The official shed light on other aspects of the case, saying that while the investigation into the bombing plot began "months ago," some suspects were known to the security services even before the London subway bombings last year.
                          The Brits, in their usual slow, methodical way, were trying to gather more evidence against the conspirators to make their case rock solid. If any of the conspirators is allowed to go free on the basis of a technicality, then I guess we know who's to blame.

                          "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                          • Re: Brits, US argue over timing of raid

                            Originally posted by Miulang
                            If any of the conspirators is allowed to go free on the basis of a technicality, then I guess we know who's to blame.

                            I thought you didn't trust sources such as NBC? And, as always, it's got to be our fault.


                            • Re: Brits, US argue over timing of raid

                              Originally posted by glossyp
                              I thought you didn't trust sources such as NBC?
                              More accurately, I believe she said she doesn't depend on only one source for information. (Sorry for speaking outta turn.)


                              • Re: Brits, US argue over timing of raid

                                Originally posted by Leo Lakio
                                More accurately, I believe she said she doesn't depend on only one source for information. (Sorry for speaking outta turn.)
                                No worries! You are correct. The point still applies though as it appears this is a single source.

