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Rep. Rangel will seek to reinstate draft

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  • #16
    Re: Rep. Rangel will seek to reinstate draft

    Originally posted by Shaun View Post
    The only warfare I would engage in is Spiritual Warfare. The battle is not that of flesh and blood, but that of principalities and powers. I feel that if everyone had Jesus Christ in their hearts, there would be no need for war.
    Well, whoopy doo! For a Christian ya sure know your scriptures! Or do you? For your information...Mr. Know-It-All, Spirtiual Warfare has been going for a looong time!

    Yes, if everyone had Jesus in their hearts ~ there would be no war. But the reality is that not everyone believes in him as their savior. It is their right and who are we to shove our beliefs unto others.

    In the end... we shall know who was right.

    Enough derailing this thread.

    The Draft.

    Will it ever come back?

    I believe it will someday.

    Auntie Lynn
    Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
    Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


    • #17
      Re: Rep. Rangel will seek to reinstate draft


      The fairest thing for this country would be to put ALL young people between 18-25 into a form of national service, NO exclusions.

      What? How do you get that? In case you didn't know, many of our young people are against the war--and thousands upon thousands would resist the draft, regardless of the consequences.

      Anyway, on tv the other night Rangel said that one of his reasons for supporting the draft is because only the poor and lower classes are currently joining the military. He said this is not fair. I say, no one's twisting your arm, forcing you to join the military. So if you want to, go ahead, if not, don't join.


      • #18
        Re: Rep. Rangel will seek to reinstate draft

        [QUOTE=Kahalu'u Kid;117372]
        Originally posted by Miulang View Post

        The fairest thing for this country would be to put ALL young people between 18-25 into a form of national service, NO exclusions.

        What? How do you get that? In case you didn't know, many of our young people are against the war--and thousands upon thousands would resist the draft, regardless of the consequences.

        Anyway, on tv the other night Rangel said that one of his reasons for supporting the draft is because only the poor and lower classes are currently joining the military. He said this is not fair. I say, no one's twisting your arm, forcing you to join the military. So if you want to, go ahead, if not, don't join.
        If all kids have to do some kind of national service (not necessarily put on a military uniform) I think our county would be better for it. There is a big difference between a draft (where you play your odds against having to go) vs. national service where you know that as long as you live in this country and participate in its society, you have to fulfill an obligation to making a small part of it better. This could mean teaching in an inner city school, working in Job Corps, the Peace Corps, etc. The majority of young people who are in the 18-25 age range don't have any idea what they want to do. Working in national service would provide them with skills, and at the end of their service, would allow them to go to college or trade school and not be saddled with $100,000 education bills when they are through.

        "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


        • #19
          Re: Rep. Rangel will seek to reinstate draft

          Originally posted by Miulang View Post
          If all kids have to do some kind of national service (not necessarily put on a military uniform) I think our county would be better for it. There is a big difference between a draft (where you play your odds against having to go) vs. national service where you know that as long as you live in this country and participate in its society, you have to fulfill an obligation to making a small part of it better. This could mean teaching in an inner city school, working in Job Corps, the Peace Corps, etc. The majority of young people who are in the 18-25 age range don't have any idea what they want to do. Working in national service would provide them with skills, and at the end of their service, would allow them to go to college or trade school and not be saddled with $100,000 education bills when they are through.
          It is a very noble proposal you are making, Miulang. But IMHO, one of the greatest things about public service is that it demonstrates initiative. If we force it on our young people, we take an important life lesson component out of it.

          In my opinion, Rangel is taking a position from less of an idealistic standpoint, and more from a practical one. Problem: The War in Iraq has become such a quagmire, we now have to break our promise to National Guard troops (read: part-time soldiers) and force them to deploy for more than 24 consecutive months. Solution: Re-institute the draft. It would help all these pro-war advocates recognize the gravity of situation, and replenish the ranks of full-time soldiers who are spread so thin based on our multiple fronts: Iraq, the North Korea border, Afghanistan, the Balkans, Okinawa, etc.), as well as the fact they are dying off at the highest rate since President Bush declared “Mission Accomplished,” aboard an aircraft carrier more than three years ago.

          We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.

          — U.S. President Bill Clinton
          USA TODAY, page 2A
          11 March 1993


          • #20
            Re: Rep. Rangel will seek to reinstate draft

            TuNnL, Applause!

            Well written. Bravo!

            Auntie Lynn
            Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
            Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


            • #21
              Re: Rep. Rangel will seek to reinstate draft

              Originally posted by TuNnL View Post
              It is a very noble proposal you are making, Miulang. But IMHO, one of the greatest things about public service is that it demonstrates initiative. If we force it on our young people, we take an important life lesson component out of it.

              In my opinion, Rangel is taking a position from less of an idealistic standpoint, and more from a practical one. Problem: The War in Iraq has become such a quagmire, we now have to break our promise to National Guard troops (read: part-time soldiers) and force them to deploy for more than 24 consecutive months. Solution: Re-institute the draft. It would help all these pro-war advocates recognize the gravity of situation, and replenish the ranks of full-time soldiers who are spread so thin based on our multiple fronts: Iraq, the North Korea border, Afghanistan, the Balkans, Okinawa, etc.), as well as the fact they are dying off at the highest rate since President Bush declared “Mission Accomplished,” aboard an aircraft carrier more than three years ago.
              No doubt Rangel is doing it for political reasons. But my proposal has nothing to do with politics or the current situation in the Middle East. I'm talking about a way to teach young adults some useful skills, have them contribute something positive to this country and allow them to go to school afterward without having to worry about going into debt to do so.

              Why do poor kids volunteer to join the military now? For the benefits, like schooling after (and if) they get out of the military. I attended Antioch University in Ohio, which had a work-study program that meant I was off campus and working in a real job every other 3 months (and getting paid and paying for my living expenses). This gave me great exposure to the real working world and allowed me to try out jobs and careers that I thought I would want to pursue when I graduated. An even more valuable education for me, though, was learning from those jobs what I DIDN'T want to do. And I still got my undergraduate degree in 4 years!

              A draft isn't fair because there are too many loopholes that kids can get through. National service for all young people (everybody can do something) keeps them from getting in trouble, makes them feel like they are doing something positive, and helps rebuild our country. The way you market this is that you get paid to learn and you're helping your country become stronger.

              "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


              • #22
                Re: Rep. Rangel will seek to reinstate draft

                To Shaun:

                I believe the draft will be reinstated once the threat of our homelands' safety is put in jeapordy. 9-11 was one example of american unity but it was quickly dissolved when we invaded the wrong country for retribution.

                One problem with today's youth is that they don't understand what we went thru at an earlier time when the draft meant something to those of us who are patriotic to the United States of America. Doing your patriotic duty doesn't mean sitting on one's lazy ass while your country is being invaded or tormented by the enemy. It means standing up for the salvation of your fellow countrymen and women, to protect and preserve their freedom.

                Being an "American" but growing up in Japan I think you've lost that patriotism but retained those rights as an American Citizen. You know the things your fellow countrymen and women died for you for? You can show your appreciation for those fallen heros by showing your true colors and it's not red and white in the form of the rising sun.

                In some countries joining the military was a sign of honor and respect to one's country. For all of our freedoms I think we've forgotten that in this country...the one that started it all.
                Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.

