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Is marriage endangered?

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  • #16
    Re: Is marriage endangered?

    Originally posted by kimo55
    The concept is not clearly understood by many.
    Too much of the population rush to the altar. They marry for the wrong reasons. they marry too young. Children having children. Idiots who have no business getting married and having kids. and even the concept that a marriage "failed"... what does that mean? IF two people love each other, and the union is good for a while and they drift apart, that marriage was a success for the time being. But if one has an unrealistic perspective and takes these contemporary vows literally...
    "oh damn we weren't together until death us do part! we are divorcing! we failed" then a failed marriage it is. It ain't a failure in my eyes, if two people learned and grew and now, even tho they may be apart, they are wiser and more of a loving person with more patience and greater capacity of loving and sharing.
    In the definition of marriage... is it a vow for life? Because to me there's a difference between a dating relationship, which can be a success even through a breakup for the same reasons stated above, while a marriage to me can not be deemed a success if it doesn't "succeed" in remaining a marriage. There are lifelong marriages where they got married very young or even some idiots marriages last. Don't say those words... for better or worse, in health and sickness, etc. unless you mean it. Amen.
    Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!


    • #17
      Re: Is marriage endangered?

      Originally posted by Glen Miyashiro
      Hot damn, finally PROOF POSITIVE that those damn gay boys are corroding the very fabric of our society.

      What's next -- human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria?!

      Sadly, I suspect it's necessary to insert this:
      Yes, as I probably should have added one, as well. Every time the so-called "traditional marriage" subject comes up, I feel like printing up a bunch of "Gays Ruined My Marriage" bumper stickers. Some people probably would take it seriously.

      Gotta go find a human to sacrifice now ...


      • #18
        Re: Is marriage endangered?

        marriage is just a word...there are people, gay or straight, who stay together, and those, gay or straight, who don't...the california supreme court just ruled in favor of same sex unions, but that doesn't mean they can be "married"'s all just words and self-important rhetoric to decry "gay marriage"...
        Don't be mean,
        try to help.


        • #19
          Re: Is marriage endangered?

          Originally posted by MadAzza
          Gays destroyed my marriage.
          I am going to guess that your former spouse ran off with someone who was the same gender as your former spouse?


          • #20
            Re: Is marriage endangered?

            If you're going to use "practice" and "historical precedent" to define what is "right," then polygamy should be A-OK!

            I agree with those who say that the primary problem is that the government is in the marriage business. The government should only be concerned with the legal/civil angle -- and if two people of sound mind of whatever body want to form a union with specific rights and responsibilities, so be it.

            Individual churches, meanwhile, can play Marriage Club(tm) all they like. If the Church of Zaphod wants to say two men can marry, good for them. If the Church of Closedminded Morons wants to say only one man and one woman from the same race and financial class with names that start with the same letter can are married, well, knock yourselves out!

            Same sex marriage poses far less of a threat to the sentimental and romatic value of the word "marriage" than heterosexual marriages. A million same-sex marriages in Canada, I'd wager, has screwed up far fewer brains than has Britney whatevers' little wedding games in Vegas.

            I'm reminded of a comedian's line, "Let gays marry... they should be as miserable as the rest of us!"


            • #21
              Re: Is marriage endangered?

              Originally posted by helen
              I am going to guess that your former spouse ran off with someone who was the same gender as your former spouse?
              Yeah, my husband ran off with a gang of gay recruiters. They said if he'd join up, they'd give him free checking, a gold pen AND a toaster.

              Either that, or I was making fun of the "save traditional marriage" crowd.


              • #22
                Re: Is marriage endangered?

                A friend's girlfriend left him to play for the other team. I was always strangely jealous of that... Sure is a great save for those dead spots in small talk!


                • #23
                  Re: Is marriage endangered?

                  Originally posted by MadAzza
                  Yeah, my husband ran off with a gang of gay recruiters. They said if he'd join up, they'd give him free checking, a gold pen AND a toaster.

                  No one ever offered ME toaster.


                  • #24
                    Re: Is marriage endangered?

                    Originally posted by MadAzza
                    Yeah, my husband ran off with a gang of gay recruiters.
                    So if your (former) husband ran off with another woman instead would you be as willing to say that hetrosexuals destoryed your marriage?


                    • #25
                      Re: Is marriage endangered?

                      Originally posted by helen
                      So if your (former) husband ran off with another woman instead would you be as willing to say that hetrosexuals destoryed your marriage?
                      Helen. It was a JOKE, as I indicated with my "smiley" comment above, and with my followup comments (to which you responded) making it perfectly clear.

                      Nobody destroyed my marriage.

                      Please allow me to make this point again:

                      Nobody can threaten anyone's marriage except the people within it. Gays do not threaten heterosexuals' marriages.

                      Gays did not destroy my marriage. It was a joke, an editorial hit-and-run about "traditional" marriage, intended to be taken with humor.

                      It. Was. A. Joke.

                      My ex didn't really get a toaster for converting. (He got a car. Oops, there I go again!)

                      Hope this helps.


                      • #26
                        Re: Is marriage endangered?

                        Originally posted by MadAzza
                        My ex didn't really get a toaster for converting. (He got a car.

                        ...think I saw him in that car cruising the gay district.


                        • #27
                          Re: Is marriage endangered?

                          Everyone has different beliefs. One thing I think that all could agree with and it was previously written in this thread is that no one outside a marriage can "disrupt" it unless invited. Everyone has opinions on traditional, gay or any other type of marriage, mine is let all who want to go for it. If it's a question of it being a sin, then only God can deal with that anyway. Whether or not I agree with something is irellevent since I'm not to judge my brother. Please don't think that I feel I never judge, I know better and am not perfect.
                          Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!


                          • #28
                            Re: Is marriage endangered?

                            You see? It's started.

                            A warning to my Yankee Friends.

                            Last night, Canada "legalized" same sex marriage. I use the quotes because it was already legal, but now the Federal Government has passed a law.

                            Since then, the social fabric of Canada has been torn apart. Every single person in Toronto, our largest city, is participating in a massive gay orgy. They've already ran out of batteries, chocolate (twice) and whipped cream (they sent the Blue Jays to Chicago to get more - you don't have to give them back). 101% of our marriages have broken down. We have been hit with no less then 15 Biblical plauges. I only thought there were 10 myself - but that one with chili cheese dogs is really nasty. And Richard Simmons - who knew?

                            Rabid moose are roaming the streets, trying to violate people with antlers. Maple Syrup is the lube of choice. Paul Martin and Stephen Harper, our Prime Minister and Opposition Leader, have revealed themselves to be leather fetishes. They're currently exercising their party whips with gleeful abandon.

                            Our stop lights don't work, our tv channels are off the air and the radio plays nothing but Cher. God Himself appeared over Ottawa - our capital - slapped His Holy Forehead and said "What the fuck, you hoosers?"

                            Jesus is content to merely run around in a Speedo, snapping people with a wet towel.

                            Bugger's got really good aim too . . .

                            Oh, shit. Gotta go. Looks like the local cops found a tribe of wandering First Nations people (Native Americans to you) and some construction workers and want to talk about a sing along and my secret desire to be a leather wearing biker.

                            Ta ta.

                            (from uncut_diamond )


                            • #29
                              Re: Is marriage endangered?

                              Now back to the original topic. Sory don't mean to be rude, or intrude. what I read from what everybody said was very interesting and I totally agree that no matter what race or gender we should be aloud to get married or a licensed Union if that is our will. Anything to be happy.

                              I think that in some ways marriage is endangered and some ways not. Before Men use to be dominating they brought home the bread and butter and made all the decisions based on the marriage, and basically when they got home from work they expected their woman to cook, clean and do everything in the home. Back then men approached the women on the dance floor not the other way around. Now day's Women have evolved and are more independent in their decisions and they don't just stay home and cook and clean No, their out there with the men making money for themselves as well being Independant on their own and they want more out of life than being a stay at home wife so by that matter marriage has evolved. But it isn't the reason why marriages fail or succeed.

                              Sometime's I think it maybe the money issue is why marriages fail but I have some friends who barely make enough to make ends meet that are married and been married for a while. Than I think it's the fact that people are getting married too young. I have a friend who got married at 19 because he got his girlfriend pregnant and after a year they got a divorce.

                              Truthfuly I am not married and I think I will wait on that for a while until I feel I need to settle down, for now I am too restless and I like the idea of being single and not tied up, but I do want to settle down one day, just not now.
                              A Warrior does not give up on what he loves he finds the love in what he does.


                              • #30
                                Re: Is marriage endangered?

                                my close minded theory about marriage is ... temptation for divorce. since its there people would be tempted to take the easy way out. they probably expect a fairy tale dopemine filled kind of love. but like how jesus loved us , we MuSt love the same. theres alot of suffering involved. not just being happy society today hates suffering
                                Ebb And Flow

