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USB powered shirt!

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  • craigwatanabe
    Re: USB powered shirt!

    One thing about keeping a breeze onto a body that is sweating is that you evaporate more liquid off the surface of your skin faster. Meaning you will dehydrate quicker than if you just let that sweaty shirt cling to your body.

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  • Cameron
    Re: USB powered shirt!

    Thats fricken awsome, wonder where i can snag one. Can't imagine it woul be too expensive.

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  • adrian
    started a topic USB powered shirt!

    USB powered shirt!


    These fans draw in a large amount of air which helps to vapourize thus dissipating sweat and bringing down the wearers body temprature. The clothing comes with a switch to adjust the fan speed. Just connect your shirt to the USB port and be cool.

    Other than USB the shirt is powered by four AA batteries or your car's cigars socket. This ingenious idea is the brain child of Kouzi Ichigaya an ex Sony technician. At present half sleeve shirts for men and women are available with this unique system in Japan.
    And, it makes you look fatter!