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The iMac G5

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  • starrwriter
    Macs vs. PCs

    MACs are hippy computers. Real geeks use PCs with Windblowze.
    Last edited by admin; September 29, 2004, 08:27 PM. Reason: Moved from "Front Desk"

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  • helen
    Re: The iMac G5

    I should point out that what makes the iMac G5 special to me, is how it was packaged. The entire computer in that one slab of plastic, it doesn't matter to me that it's running MacOS, some version of Windows, VMS, Lunix/Unix or whatever else that is out there. The main thing it is as small as it gets (for the time being) for a desktop machine.

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  • mel
    Re: The iMac G5

    Originally posted by adri1456
    I know that you mac users have flawless computers, and I wish I could have one. But a Windows computer has more software and functionality than what Steve Jobs will think of in his career.

    The only time my computer gave the BSOD, was when playing games, and that was due to a faulty sector in my RAM, so I'm having it replaced ASAP to play games.

    And I bet that you can't customize a Mac to look like Windows XP.
    I'll agree that Windows users have a greater choice of software to choose from. I have no problem with that. The Macintosh has software for all the major things people do with computers... writing, desktop publishing, web design, web management, anti-virus tools, disk utilities, communications tools, several web browsers, a myriad of multimedia tools to create just about anything someone can see or hear either online, watch/listen to over the air or share with others via CD or DVD. About the only area where the Mac is most lacking (that I know of) is in games. Since I am not a big gaming type, this does not bother me at all.

    Overall PCs are not bad. It is the operating system that runs in the majority of PCs that is not too good. People using PCs have other operating systems which they can install and use, many offering similar functionality to Mac OS and Windows. Linux anyone?

    One of the neatest operating systems that never made it on the PC is the BeOS that was made in the mid and late 1990s initially for the Mac and then ported to the PC. I've used the Mac version and it is great. People who have used BeOS on their PCs became big fans of it too. It is too bad that Windows so dominated the marketplace that the BeOS never made it (was sold to Palm in 2001 or so).

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  • adrian
    Re: The iMac G5

    Originally posted by pzarquon
    That's like saying, "I bet you can't paint your mansion to look like a cave!"
    So you're saying that a PC is like a cave, while a Mac is like a mansion?

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  • pzarquon
    Re: The iMac G5

    And I bet that you can't customize a Mac to look like Windows XP.
    That's like saying, "I bet you can't paint your mansion to look like a cave!"

    Trust me, what makes a Mac goes far deeper than the GUI. I used various Windows utilities to give my XP machine that MacOSX look... but uninstalled it when I realized it was just depressing me more.

    Hey, I like Macs. Because I can't afford them, I make do with PCs. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. Obviously, a Mac person can't let a PC conversation go by without rubbing their noses in something, and the same is true whenever Mac believers get to talking. But as long as you can get your work done and have your fun, what does it matter what you drive? It's the destination that counts.

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  • adrian
    Re: The iMac G5

    Originally posted by mel
    One good thing about Apple having a significantly smaller market share is the fact that Macs are not targets of all the nasty virus, worms, spyware and whatevers that inflict harm on the Windows world on almost a daily basis. Since Mac OSX's introduction in 2001, the operating system has not been hit by any kind of virus, worm or malware.

    Two of my PC using friends sent me emails indicating that they were very upset about crashes caused by attacks on their Windows OS PCs.

    I called my friend and she was quite upset because after she sent the email she got the dreaded blue screen of death. What's that? I never see blue screens of death on my Mac.

    My usual refrain to her and other PC friends is that "you should have gotten a Mac". Most times they brush me off, but some can see the wisdom of perhaps thinking of making a change to a somewhat safer and less trouble prone platform.

    I have yet to see the new G5 based iMac. A trip to the Apple Store is due soon.
    *Gives mel the stink eye*

    I know that you mac users have flawless computers, and I wish I could have one. But a Windows computer has more software and functionality than what Steve Jobs will think of in his career.

    The only time my computer gave the BSOD, was when playing games, and that was due to a faulty sector in my RAM, so I'm having it replaced ASAP to play games.

    And I bet that you can't customize a Mac to look like Windows XP.

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  • mel
    Re: The iMac G5

    One good thing about Apple having a significantly smaller market share is the fact that Macs are not targets of all the nasty virus, worms, spyware and whatevers that inflict harm on the Windows world on almost a daily basis. Since Mac OSX's introduction in 2001, the operating system has not been hit by any kind of virus, worm or malware.

    Two of my PC using friends sent me emails indicating that they were very upset about crashes caused by attacks on their Windows OS PCs.

    My bloodpressure right now is so high I will burst and it's due to this damn computer of mine! AND YES IT IS DUE TO MICROSOFT !!!!! THE SERVICE PACK 2 W/AOL IS A NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT EVEN USE MY COMPUTER....
    I called my friend and she was quite upset because after she sent the email she got the dreaded blue screen of death. What's that? I never see blue screens of death on my Mac.

    My usual refrain to her and other PC friends is that "you should have gotten a Mac". Most times they brush me off, but some can see the wisdom of perhaps thinking of making a change to a somewhat safer and less trouble prone platform.

    I have yet to see the new G5 based iMac. A trip to the Apple Store is due soon.

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  • helen
    Re: The iMac G5

    The Mac (or is that the Apple) store at Ala Moana Shopping Center has an iMac G5 for display.

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  • j3rr3y
    Re: The iMac G5

    no thanks. no matter how pretty it is, it can not match the performance of a good PC. and you can make PC's look however you want, so the Mac holds absolutely no advantage to me, even if it wasn't twice the price of a good PC.

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  • helen
    Re: The iMac G5

    If HP/Compaq or Dell made an Intel version of the iMac G5 and it was affordable I wouldn't mind buying it. It's just the type of system that doesn't take too much space on the desk.

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  • easTTriver
    Re: The iMac G5

    i don't think i will ever buy a mac regardless of how good the performance is--unless they significantly gain market share (which won't happen in the next 10 years).

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  • mel
    Re: The iMac G5

    While I love Macs and the various incarnations of the Mac OS, I have over the years learned not to be a big fan of the all-in-one Mac models. Sure, most of them are cute and use up less desktop space than a traditional desktop tower. However most Mac all in ones have never been very easy to upgrade, repair or expand. In fact most Mac all in ones are just about non-upgradeable other than installing more RAM.

    That said I am still happy with my Power Mac G4 tower with 2 hard drives installed, SCSCI card, CD ROM Writer and a slew of stuff connected to it. Runs Mac OSX and OS 9 very well.

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  • adrian
    Re: The iMac G5

    They're good computers, but iMacs aren't for the people who requires power systems. I feel that they are meant for schools or students at home who want a compact computer.

    Give me a G5 computer, and I'll be happy.

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  • scrivener
    Re: The iMac G5

    Originally posted by pzarquon
    At least not since the round-base "sunflower" look of the last iMac incarnation.
    Man, I love that design. But I've always thought of it as the "manapua" look.

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  • pzarquon
    Re: The iMac G5

    I want a Mac. Any Mac.

    This new configuration is pretty damn neat, but actually, I'm not terribly wowed by the industrial design. At least not since the round-base "sunflower" look of the last iMac incarnation. I think it's partly because there are already off-brand PC manufacturers that do "all in one" standing monitor enclosures, and even Tablet PCs have a similar form factor -- just no standing foot.

    Technology just hasn't gotten to the point where the whole thing can be as thin as it will someday be, and the "box" right now is just too thick and square. It's simple, maybe elegant, but definitely not as sexy as I'd have expected.

    I'd still sell my kidney to own one, but... as a Mac guy at heart, I gotta be snooty.

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