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Tax Hike for Rail?

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  • #91
    Re: Tax Hike for Rail?

    It looks like people on Oahu are going be stuck in log jam traffic
    for the forseeable future with rail dead it looks like, with no relief in sight.
    All I can say is lucky I don't live on Oahu and have to deal with that
    Check out my blog on Kona issues :
    The Kona Blog


    • #92
      Re: Tax Hike for Rail?

      Notice how different the rhetoric is between Muffi and Lingle?

      Its simple Muffi has another 3 plus years in office and would like to solve the traffic problem here and maybe have something on his resume like be the mayor who finally put Honolulu on the map as a major city with a rail transit.

      Whereas we have Linda Lingle who in one year will be up for re-election and actually will be soon starting her official re-election campaign to raise money and such. She doesnt want to tick off the locals by adding more taxes it wouldnt look good on her resume, which is as thin and worth as a wet paper plate.

      Bottom line-Lingle is saving her okole and only looking out for her political career. If she gave a damn about the locals who have to commute in this garbage maybe she would think twice about the veto. But heck what does she care all she has to do is walk or drive across the street to go to work.

      Kudos to Muffi for at least TRYING to get something done. And here I thought Honolulu was finally going to be a major cosmopolitan city like the rest of the United States complete with a rapid transit system that gives residents and tourists the option of taking if need be. You name one major city of or near the size of Honolulu that doesnt have at least one form of rapid transit.
      Thank God Phoenix finally wisened up and is in the stages of building one. Having been a resident of that city for many years I know for a fact that it is at least 15 years overdue.

      Its simple to pay for this rail tax, what you do is tax the tourists in Waikiki.
      Then the other counties and residents cant complain that (Hey, I dont need to pay no tax if I aint using the system). The tourists get taxed a pretty big sum to begin with. Like for instance if you stay 3 or 4 nights and count the tax you might as well say you stayed an extra night because the tax you pay often is nearly equivalent to another nights stay and of course the tax increases based on how many nights you stay.

      But....I seriously doubt this would tick off a tourist so bad that they would never come here again or someone tells them 'hey they added a new tax over there in Waikiki so dont bother taking your Hawaii dream vacation'. Yeah right!! The tourists spend enough as is, so spending another $50-150 in tax on their room wont change whether they come back or visit the first time, mostly because alot of tourists dont know about the tax until they sign to pay the bill. And us locals who like to take the weekend getaways in Waikiki yeah we can still use Kamaiana rates to save money but we still have to pay the tax, so what, its a small price to pay for a rail transit that is desperately needed in a town of this size.

      But hey maybe Lingle has too many problems on her own already, with trying to stop the closing of the Pearl Harbor Navy Shipyard which will tick off people in BOTH parties. If she lets that closure happen maybe Bu La'ia will come in 2nd this time in the Governors race and Lingle a distant 3rd.



      • #93
        Re: Tax Hike for Rail?

        Here's what might happen to you guys if the rail tax is instituted:

        Up here in Seattle, the voters passed measures FOUR times to expand the Monorail (this is on top of expanding the light rail line). Seattle residents have been taxed 1.4% of the price of their cars annually (less depreciation) for the last 2 years. The original planners believed this levy would be enough to fund the $2.1 billion, 19 mile project, which would have taken riders from north of Seattle down to the airport.

        About a year ago, the planners realized they weren't collecting enough money from the car tabs (amazing how many people who reside in Seattle register their cars in other counties so they don't have to pay the Monorail tax), so they shortened the line to 14 miles, leaving out the airport station. Then about 6 months ago, one of the two companies that were bidding on the project dropped out, leaving only one vendor in the running. Then a couple of weeks ago, the Seattle Monorail Project team finally revealed the design and the total cost of the shortened project: because they weren't collecting enough money, they were proposing that the citizens of Seattle go into debt further with long term bonds over FIFTY years, which would bring the total cost to something like $11.4 BILLION with all the interest that would have to be paid. What was even worse is the design that was unveiled looked nothing like what we thought we had voted for. Once the SMP released the proposal, they scheduled a series of public hearings.

        I went to the first hearing last week because it's in my neighborhood. More than 250 people showed up. The day before that hearing, both the Executive Director (who had an annual salary of $187,000) and the Chairman of the SMP handed in their resignation. Some of the people who testified were eloquent (they had 3 minutes to present their testimony before the SMP board) and others not so, but all were passionate about either being for or against the proposed plans.

        As fervent a supporter of mass transit as I am, even I have to admit that the current proposed plans were way too expensive and not what I voted for. So the SMP Board, in typical ostrich fashion, stated that they couldn't abandon the project (because that would be failing the voters of Seattle) but would try to figure out a way to continue the project.

        They're either going to have to figure out a way to collect the monorail tax from EVERY Seattle resident who owns a car in the city, or they're going to have to go out to bid again and this time get more realistic about funding and the design. And if they can't make the numbers work this time, 52% of the people polled recently said they should pull the plug and cut our losses because we're already in debt for several hundred millions of dollars for the planning work that already has been done.

        But at least the voters are turning out to voice their objections, and this particular Board is caving in to the pressure from the voters. We may still see an expanded monorail system in Seattle, but it won't be the one the SMP Board wanted to stick us with.

        And if the Monorail project goes down in flames, all I have to show for my over $500 annual monorail tax is a little SMP logo on my car tab.

        "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


        • #94
          Re: Tax Hike for Rail?

          I may be all wet, but the way I read Lingle's action here is that she has no faith in the state legislators' ability or desire to keep their hands off the rail portion of the excise tax if the state collects it; that's why she's demanding that counties do the collection. Since she's a former county mayor she probably does have a firm belief in home rule, so that's part of it too.

          I'm inclined to believe that the legislators would indeed want to dip into another special fund, as they've shown repeatedly they'll do that. This particular fund would be sitting there accumulating billions of dollars for a few years, too, before any outlays start to occur, and the larger the fund got, the more enticing it would be.


          • #95
            Rail Supporters Have Won - Taxpayers are Screwed

            All you tax and spend liberals that populate this board will be happy to know that your cost of living will continue to rise, espcially after January 1, 2007 when the General Excise Tax increases in its first increment to build Honolulu's ill advised, expensive rail transit system.

            The liberals have won, our wallets will be raped.

            Hawaii is not a place to do business. Again business and the taxpayers are going to be screwed by government.

            The Governor will let HB 1309 become law without her signature.

            I am sure more details will be found at all the appropriate places and more commentary will be posted here and elsewhere.

            It is a sad day for all the taxpayers of Honolulu and Hawaii. You liberals and rail supporters have won.

            I'm still here. Are you?


            • #96
              Re: Tax Hike for Rail?

              I have no idea what Lingle was thinking these last couple of weeks. I agree the ten percent take for the state was excessive, but (1.) of course the Legislature is going to try and get some fun money considering the political liability of passing a tax bill, and (2.) it could've been tweaked later, along with any county collection requirement, just as various fixes were put on the "container deposit" bill to-do list.

              Stupid veto notice typo notwithstanding, if there was political strategy behind her moves (the shifting and inconsistent ultimata), I'd love to have them explained. From where I'm sitting, it looks like bumbling all around... when I really thought this unpopular measure could have at least scored her a few points instead.

              Now Hanneman gets basic credit for "salvaging" it -- if you think a tax bill is something "salvaged." Betcha money the first overpriced rail car is going to be named after him.


              • #97
                Re: Tax Hike for Rail?

                It's all about politics. Both sides "won". Now you, the voters, have to hold the Administrations accountable for 1) collecting the funds and 2) using the funds responsibly.

                Just because that bill became law doesn't mean that the taxpayers can't still have a say on what the money that will be collected will buy. When the chance arises, make sure you keep yourself involved and interested in this, or you'll end up with something you didn't want (like Seattle almost did). Attend public hearings and listen to what's being proposed. Don't let the City "railroad" you guys into building something you can't afford. And if it can't be done right the first time, create a lot of noise to stop the project from happening.

                "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                • #98
                  Rail Transit will Screw Taxpayers

                  Originally posted by Miulang
                  It's all about politics. Both sides "won".
                  Wrong, wrong, wrong. We will ALL be losers everytime we go to any cash register in the City and County of Honolulu to buy something starting on January 1, 2007. What cost less on December 31, 2006 will suddenly cost more because of the tax on January 1. There is no winner except those people who support the rail and support more taxes.

                  Here is a picture of the politicians who support raising our taxes by supporting the passage of HB 1309 into law.

                  I'm still here. Are you?


                  • #99
                    Re: Tax Hike for Rail?

                    Well the only thing good that comes out of this for us Liberal Dems is maybe Mel wont be voting for Lingle in the election next year.



                    • Re: Tax Hike for Rail?

                      populist legislation wins again, and even our GOPer guv had to bow least djou and marshall are likely to represent their constituencies with the ardor that got them elected, however doomed their votes may long as they don't try to tax rock and roll gigs, i can abide (just give me the cash)...even though this new excise tax is going to take a bigger toll on me than anyone riding a rail that isn't even designed yet...or guaranteed any sort of ridership...are they gonna tax the mileage on my rubber kamaboko slippers next?
                      Don't be mean,
                      try to help.


                      • If liberals can tax it, they will!

                        Originally posted by jdub
                        populist legislation wins again, and even our GOPer guv had to bow least djou and marshall are likely to represent their constituencies with the ardor that got them elected, however doomed their votes may long as they don't try to tax rock and roll gigs, i can abide (just give me the cash)...even though this new excise tax is going to take a bigger toll on me than anyone riding a rail that isn't even designed yet...or guaranteed any sort of ridership...are they gonna tax the mileage on my rubber kamaboko slippers next?

                        If the damn liberal tax and spenders had their way, they'd tax anything and everything that moved including your slippers and shoes. We're heading in that direction!

                        Additional links for today:

                        Hawaii's Republican Governor Rescinds Decision to Veto Tax Increase Measure

                        HB 1309 Not on Governor's Bill Veto List

                        Be sure to also visit

                        I'm still here. Are you?


                        • Re: Tax Hike for Rail?

                          Originally posted by Kalihiboy
                          Well the only thing good that comes out of this for us Liberal Dems is maybe Mel wont be voting for Lingle in the election next year.
                          How I vote is not any of your damn business!

                          I'm still here. Are you?


                          • Re: Tax Hike for Rail?

                            Governor Linda Lingle will allow HB 1309 CD1 to pass into law without her signature. This is the bill that allows the counties to raise the general excise tax for the rail project.

                            Here is a list of all the legislators who voted to allow this bill to pass. They don't care about your wallets and all believe that the taxpayers are an endless source of revenue.


                            Baker, Rosalyn (D)
                            Bunda, Robert (D)
                            Chun Oakland, Suzanne (D)
                            English, J. Kalani (D)
                            Espero, Willie C. (D)
                            Fukunaga,Carol A. (D)
                            Hanabusa, Colleen (D)
                            Hee, Clayton (D)
                            Hooser, Gary L. (D)
                            Ige, David (D) *
                            Ihara, Jr. Les (D)
                            Inouye, Lorraine R. (D)
                            Kanno, Brian (D)
                            Kim, Donna Mercado (D)
                            Kokobun, Russell (D)
                            Menor, Ron (D)
                            Nishihara, Clarence K. (D)
                            Sakamoto, Norman (D)
                            Taniguchi, Brian (D)


                            Abinsay, Felipe “Jun” (D)
                            Arakaki, Dennis A. (D)
                            Cabanilla, Rida T.R. (D)
                            Caldwell, Kirk (D)
                            Chang, Jerry L. (D)
                            Ching, Corrine (R) *
                            Evans, Cindy (D)
                            Fox, Galen (R) *+
                            Hale, Helene (D)
                            Herkes, Robert (D)
                            Ito, Ken (D)
                            Kahikina, Michael (D)
                            Kanoho, Ezra R. (D)
                            Karamatsu, John Riki (D)
                            Kawakami, Bertha C. (D)
                            Lee, Marilyn B. (D)
                            Magaoay, Michael Y. (D)
                            Morita, Hermina (D)
                            Nakasone, Bob (D)
                            Oshiro, Blake (D)
                            Oshiro, Marcus (D)
                            Say, Calvin K.Y. (D)
                            Schatz, Brian (D)
                            Shimabukuro, Maile S. L. (D)
                            Sonson, Alex M. (D)
                            Souki, Joseph M. (D)
                            Takai, K. Mark (D)
                            Takamine, Dwight Y. (D)
                            Takumi, Roy M. (D)
                            Tsuji, Clift (D)
                            Yamane, Ryan I. (D)
                            Yamashita, Kyle T. (D)

                            * signed Americans for Tax Reform "No New Taxes" Pledge.

                            Remember these names next November. They don't deserve a return to office.

                            + Fox has changed his position after the vote was taken.

                            Last edited by mel; July 12, 2005, 07:20 AM.
                            I'm still here. Are you?


                            • Re: Tax Hike for Rail?

                              Originally posted by mel
                              Governor Linda Lingle will allow HB 1309 CD1 to pass into law without her signature. This is the bill that allows the counties to raise the general excise tax for the rail project.


                              • Re: Tax Hike for Rail?

                                Originally posted by MadAzza
                                I hope you are a bus rider and not using your car at all. It is funny that all those supporters who want rail and wear those ridiculous "I Will Ride" buttons are regular automobile commuters. They should all be using The Bus now. But nooo... go look at the parking lot in the State Capitol. Just about every legislator drives to work.(The one legislator I know who walks to work, voted against the rail tax.)

                                Look at the Mayor's parking space at City Hall. His white Ford SUV is parked in his parking spot whenever he is there.

                                None of them are using the mass transit system that we have now.

                                How can anyone believe they will use a mass transit train in the future? Obviously no leadership by example.

                                Last edited by mel; July 12, 2005, 07:56 AM.
                                I'm still here. Are you?

