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Case v. Gabbard

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  • Re: Case v. Gabbard

    As for Case's inability to make a mark, in a House of Representatives run by the likes of Hastert and Delay, no Democratic freshman was gonna get much ink, much less accomplish a lot.

    Exactly! Mink got a lot accomplished not just because of her considerable smarts and personality but because the House was Democrat-majority for much of her tenure. Case hasn't been there long enough and he has to contend with a Republican-majority House led by the hardnosed Hammer (i.e., DeLay).
    Last edited by BKHale2007; October 29, 2004, 09:53 PM.


    • Re: Case v. Gabbard

      Originally posted by j3rr3y
      What scares me is why in the world Case finds the names, whereabouts and activities of Gabbard’s children relevant? I haven’t heard Case ONCE challenge Gabbard on the important issues we face. All I’ve heard from Case are personal attacks on Mike and his family. To me Case is the one who has something to hide – his miserable record and how out of touch with Hawaii’s people he is.
      There are certainly many, very emphatic views here.

      As a public school teacher, I would welcome having a congressman with a solid background in Education as Gabbard has. Education, Ice problem, budget deficit and transportation are the big issues that should be in focus. Like what J3rr3y was saying, details (whether they are true or not) such as why his kids are named Bhakti, Ryan or which religious faiths he has associated with should not even be of interest. We have got to look at the bigger picture. Which candidate has the ability to actually make a change in Hawaii? Someone who would try to foment religious discrimination to win an election? Or someone who campaigns on the issues? Case has not been impressive as our representative. We deserve someone better. I’m looking forward to a change; especially improvements in Education


      • Re: Case v. Gabbard

        Hi Meghan!

        Are you a highschool teacher? preschool?

        I just checked the Gabbard site, and the SHOPO endorsement is there. That's pretty amazing. It's kinda daunting too. It shuts down the rumor that Gabbard is a one-issue candidate. If he was.. I doubt he'd get the SHOPO endorsement.


        • Re: Case v. Gabbard

          Hi, kamlost.

          I am teaching grade school right now.

          Yes, the SHOPO endorsement is nice. So is the GrayPAC endorsement.

          After reading all the information on his website, it's obvious that he is not a one-issue candidate.


          • Re: Case v. Gabbard

            Originally posted by Vanguard
            But if I, hypothetically, were to go to Dearborn, Michigan, and campaign there among Arabs, tell them that I am a muslim, pray in their local temples for publicity and votes, but neglect to tell them that I've been 3-4 other religions since coming to know Islam and the extent of those interactions ... I couldn't do that.
            Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. What qualifies you to judge Mike Gabbards heart, to judge his sinceriety? Thats in his heart, between him and God. Your arrogance is astounding, as if you can judge only God can do that. In effect you are claiming to be God, putting yourself in a very dangerous position.

            The more you make a fool out of yourself by presuming to judge his heart and relationship with God, the more people will see your intention, and Case's selfish ambition for what it is. We will say no to your campaign of lies, and embrace Mike Gabbards message of Aloha. Reject the un-Christian judgemental arrogance of Ed Case and his supporters!

            Thanks for being a stellar example of Ed Case's supporters and central campaign strategy.Good work and keep it up, at this rate you'll probably inspire a record turnout of Christian voters for Mike Gabbard.


            • Re: Case v. Gabbard

              Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. What qualifies you to judge Mike Gabbards heart, to judge his sinceriety? Thats in his heart, between him and God. Your arrogance is astounding, as if you can judge only God can do that. In effect you are claiming to be God, putting yourself in a very dangerous position.
              This is bad, comedy, hanai. But it is a textbook representation of the fanatical arc of the Christian right. When it comes to corruption and misrepresentation, time to quote "he who casts the first stone ..." but this rhetoric you quoted and supported about marriage being all about procreation and everything else being "selfish"? That sort of judgmental attitude is just fine. Those who have such hypocritical definitions of morality, want to lead us into their version of morality. Cute.


              • Re: Case v. Gabbard

                Originally posted by Vanguard
                This is bad, comedy, hanai. But it is a textbook representation of the fanatical arc of the Christian right. When it comes to corruption and misrepresentation, time to quote "he who casts the first stone ..." but this rhetoric you quoted and supported about marriage being all about procreation and everything else being "selfish"? That sort of judgmental attitude is just fine. Those who have such hypocritical definitions of morality, want to lead us into their version of morality. Cute.

                Nice way to dodge and avoid the question/issue. I asked, what qualifies you to judge another persons heart? Are you God? Are you so sinless that you can judge another persons alleged sins? Explain to us why you have such a clear vision on these issues, that you know exactly the truth of someoens inner belief and feelings? If you don't answer we will understand it is because in your own mind you beleive that the proof of your divinity is "obvious". LOL.

                Frankly your assertions are ridiculous and part of the most outrageous political smear campaign I've ever seen in Hawaii.
                Last edited by hanai; October 31, 2004, 08:47 AM.


                • Re: Case v. Gabbard

                  The Hawaii Island Journal has an article in its Nov. 1-15 issue on Case and Gabbard. I'll try to post an excerpt soon.


                  • Re: Case v. Gabbard

                    Originally posted by hanai
                    Nice way to dodge and avoid the question/issue. I asked, what qualifies you to judge another persons heart? Are you God? Are you so sinless that you can judge another persons alleged sins? Explain to us why you have such a clear vision on these issues, that you know exactly the truth of someoens inner belief and feelings? If you don't answer we will understand it is because in your own mind you beleive that the proof of your divinity is "obvious". LOL.
                    That's a question you should ask yourself, hanai.

                    Frankly your assertions are ridiculous and part of the most outrageous political smear campaign I've ever seen in Hawaii.
                    Wow ... does this mean I'm the liberal side winnar of this thread?


                    • Re: Case v. Gabbard

                      Originally posted by Vanguard
                      That's a question you should ask yourself, hanai.
                      Wow ... does this mean I'm the liberal side winnar of this thread?
                      Yep no answer, as expected. Funny how your all talk when the topic is nitpicking someone else, but when it comes to yourself you've got no defence. No try act Brah, obviously you one Case campaigner on a mission to try smear Mike Gabbard. FYI: mission failed.


                      • Re: Case v. Gabbard

                        The HIJ article is not yet online, so I'll post an excerpt.

                        PAC-Men and Krishna Conservatives: A Look Inside the Financing of Hawaii's 2nd District Congressional Race

                        by Alan D. McNarie

                        One candidate depicts himself as a Catholic conservative crusader for the family. The other calls himself a "moderate in philosophy" and takes a progressive stance on such issues as campaign finance reform....But there's another way to see a candidate: to look at the money flowing into the campaign.
                        ...But Gabbard's donors, however generous, have proven no match for an incumbent's cash magnetism.

                        In the latest available FEC reports, Congressman Ed Case had raised $679,766, including $123,780 from PACs and other committees. Where Gabbard has only three corporate PAC donors, Case has dozens.

                        The article, as evidenced by the title, is somewhat biased against Gabbard, but reveals a lot about Case's fundraising. In yesterday's Tribune-Herald, both candidates' positions on the Jones Act were mentioned. Case is for "reforming" it, Gabbard believes it should remain as is.


                        • Re: Case v. Gabbard

                          Gabbard challenges Case to pull false ad
                          November 1, 2004
                          A radio ad being aired by Ed Case claiming that Mike Gabbard has refused to do interviews with the media “is unfair, untrue and totally unsupported by the facts.”

                          Gabbard said, “Case has been lying about me and my family for ten months. His stating in radio advertising that I have not been willing to do live interviews with the media is but the latest in a long series of statements that Case knows are false.”

                          Gabbard said that he has done live interviews at least once and, in some cases, several times, with the following news organizations:

                          KHON TV
                          KHVH Radio
                          KPUA Radio
                          West Hawaii Today
                          HawaiiTribune Herald
                          Honolulu Advertiser
                          Garden Island News
                          KTOH FM
                          KZOO RADIO
                          Hawaii Island Journal
                          KPMW RADIO
                          Kauai Radio FM 97
                          Washington Times
                          In addition, Gabbard says he has debated Case in four public forums statewide, most recently in an Office of Hawaiian Affairs forum produced and aired on KHON TV. Click here for a listing and schedule of all the debates.

                          Gabbard challenged Case to stop airing the radio ad with the false claim about his interviews with the media and to “apologize for once again lying to the people of Hawaii.”

                          Gabbard said, “This ad is but the latest of lies put forth by Case in one of the most negative campaigns of character assassination in the history of Hawaii politics. The campaign Case has orchestrated for the past ten months is unbefitting a representative of the aloha state.”


                          • Re: Case v. Gabbard

                            Early results (absentee and early voting) fresh out of the State Capitol shows Case 69 percent leading Gabbard's 31 percent. Of course, that's technically zero out of 297 precincts reporting. We'll see how returns for today look in a few hours.


                            • Re: Case v. Gabbard

                              Originally posted by hanai
                              Yep no answer, as expected. Funny how your all talk when the topic is nitpicking someone else, but when it comes to yourself you've got no defence. No try act Brah, obviously you one Case campaigner on a mission to try smear Mike Gabbard. FYI: mission failed.
                              No need to devote even one iota to defend myself. You accuse me of "judging" (and we really should judge the character of our candidates, rather than putting them atop pedestals as theologians/spiritual leaders beyond moral reproach. If I wanted that, I could just move to the Islamic Republic of Iran and use that very same cookie cutter "don't judge people" copout on Ayatollah Khamenei) while you've been doing almost nothing but judging (from candidates, to married couples who don't/can't have children) during your tenure in this thread. Pot kettle black. I don't know what kind of answer from me you were looking for, but like I said, no need.

                              Anyway, this discussion is moot now. The people have spoken. Obviously, MG couldn't get nearly enough people to trust him, despite how fashionable it is nowadays to take the Pat Robertson "fire and brimstone" persona. Looks as if CG shouldn't have quit her day job at the BOE, in this layperson's opinion.
                              Last edited by Vanguard; November 3, 2004, 01:51 AM.


                              • Re: Case v. Gabbard

                                Originally posted by Vanguard
                                Anyway, this discussion is moot now. The people have spoken. Obviously, MG couldn't get nearly enough people to trust him, despite how fashionable it is nowadays to take the Pat Robertson "fire and brimstone" persona. Looks as if CG shouldn't have quit her day job at the BOE, in this layperson's opinion.
                                Well, not until 2006. Dan Akaka will be up for re-election then, and I wouldn't be surprised if Gabbard tried to win his Senate seat. Although it would be hard to figure out how to run against Dan Akaka; is there anyone in Hawai'i who doesn't like the man?

