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Case v. Gabbard

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  • #46
    Re: Case v. Gabbard

    Interesting essay on regarding the Hawaii US Congressional Race

    Ed Case made a mistake.

    His mistake was not his questioning Gabbard's religious affiliations. Rather, his mistake was to question Gabbard's affiliations to a non-profit organization (seemingly religious focused).

    Two words; plausible deniability.

    His direct question should have been; "Are you a disciple of Chris Butler, AKA Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa, AKA Prabhupad?" or "did you take initiation in the Holy Names of Krishna (AKA "Harinama diksa" in sanskrit) from Chris Butler AKA (etc.)?" Of course, it's now too late to change it.

    Hypothetically, you can deny affiliation to an organization/institution easily. And you can tell the truth in the process! Just say "I quit" to the receptionist. Heck, let's say you quit a religious corporation. You could do that, and still attend services. That's not a problem. As the Jehovah's Witnesses would say, it's "Jesus' law, versus Cesar's law". You couldn't even call it a lie.

    On the other hand, it is taboo for a disciple of a guru in the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition (the tradition which Jagad Guru claims affiliation) to deny one's guru. In some circles, it's even likened to when Peter denied affiliation with Jesus on Holy Thursday.

    It's sort of laughable how Gabbard made light of Ed Case's question list, while simultaneously creating to deny affiliation to SIF, while finding time and space to pay respects to Butler. Gabbard simultaneously calls Case's questioning ridiculous, while unwittingly giving credit to Case by purchasing a new domain and website to deny an organization which Gabbard makes claims the founder "helped inspire (him) to return to (his) Catholic roots and the fundamental teachings of Jesus Christ."

    It's also been brought to this writer's attention, that the creator(s) of have been threatened with a lawsuit by SIF or Gabbard, for insinuating a connection between the two, and for copywrite infringement (presumably, for showing a clip of Butler's TV show "Jagad Guru Speaks" during which the Gabbards laugh at Butler's cynical remarks toward Christianity).

    Anyone who knows Chris Butler even on a rudimentary level is aware that he has not appeared in public since the late 1970's, early 1980's. His sole link to the public is a television show. However, he will not appear "in the flesh".

    Apparently, since his breakaway from the cultish Krishna organization ISKCON in 1977, Butler contends that members of ISKCON's managerial arm, "The GBC", have been conspiring assassinate him. Several seemingly impartial devotees from neither ISKCON nor SIF seemed to confirm that an attempt was made in the late 1970's. Since then, Butler has been laying low in Lanikai and Malibu. Even to this day, anyone who so much as wants a glimpse of Chris Butler in the flesh (they call it "Darshan"), must be screened carefully by Butler's disciples.

    To avoid preceived violence against his person, and to avoid outside questionings of his doctrines, there are no outsiders at darshans and lectures. He detests ISKCON, and more recently, Hare Krishna cult Kingpin Narayana Maharaja's organization for canvassing the manager of Butler's Philippines temple in January 2000, Mahabhav das, who now resides in NM's main temple in India.

    Therefore, I would believe that by Gabbard's appearance on Butler's television show, he is a full-fledged initiated disciple of Chris Butler. In the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition, your guru comes first, family 2nd, friends 3rd, and constituents last. On, all he did was deny affiliation to SIF, which, as stated at the beginning of this essay, is something very easy to do. Case's questions, as insightful as they were, unwittingly gave Gabbard a considerable amount of "wiggle room" in vaguely, yet truthfully, answering legitimate questions which constituents have a right to know in detail.
    Last edited by Vanguard; August 25, 2004, 07:10 AM.


    • #47
      Re: Case v. Gabbard

      Originally posted by BKHale2007
      There's an incidental mention of Mike Gabbard in the July 5 issue of The Nation (its theme is same-sex marriage), to which I subscribe and which arrived in today's mail:

      Mike Gabbard, who led the fight against gay marriage in Hawaii, has thrown his hat into a Congressional race there... (p. 35)
      BKHale, care to share more from the article?


      • #48
        Re: Case v. Gabbard

        That was the extent of the mention of Gabbard in The Nation but there's likely to be more mentions of him in the national media, and I'll post those as I find them. A 2000 article also mentions Gabbard.

        A Hawaiian-shirt-clad Mike Gabbard, the anti-gay activist from Stop Promoting Homosexuality International, warned the crowd of the perils of the Vermont State Supreme Court's ruling on domestic partnerships.
        Last edited by BKHale2007; August 26, 2004, 05:34 PM.


        • #49
          Re: Case v. Gabbard

          I'm a republican, and voting as such.


          • #50
            Re: Case v. Gabbard

            I vote for the person who knows the value of family. I come from a troubled family broken up by differences that could have been avoided and can be fixed.

            I will not vote for Case because of his supporting the very cause that took my brother away from the family. Because of his supporting the Jones Act, because of his support for abortion.

            We need new blood in the Legislature.


            • #51
              Re: Case v. Gabbard

              Actually, Ed Case is against Jones Act

              Google "Ed Case Jones Act."

              Mike Gabbard speaks in the
              Last edited by BKHale2007; September 5, 2004, 06:56 AM.


              • #52
                Re: Case v. Gabbard

                Mike Gabbard speaks in the
                About time. He hasn't won me over, but I found that basic presentation a lot more compelling than his websites -- both his official campaign website and his bizzare religion website. Case definitely has to try harder than the flippant "one-issue candidate" dismissal of his opponent.

                Given all the focus on his religious views, and the extensive effort he put into settling related questions, I was struck by the absense of God, Christ, and religion from his detailed response. Apart from allusions to "values" and the trusty rant about same-sex marriage, someone viewing that letter who doesn't know anything about Gabbard would think he's practically secular.

                Considering some Republicans are going as far as saying God and Christ are Republicans, I almost feel like thanking him for his restraint.


                • #53
                  Re: Case v. Gabbard

                  Being a Christian and a Republican, I CANNOT bring myself to vote for Mike Gabbard. He has a much more anti-Christian background that most people realize.

                  Most of us are aware of his long-terrm affiliation with the Hare Krishna cult movement, but not many have seen the tv footage of Gabbard smiling and laughing along while his guru talks about God being a "sadist" who "doesn't really exist", and calling those who follow Jesus Christ "idiots".

                  As a Christian, I find Gabbard's behavior offensive.


                  • #54
                    Re: Case v. Gabbard

                    Originally posted by surfdog
                    Being a Christian and a Republican, I CANNOT bring myself to vote for Mike Gabbard.
                    Gabbard votes in line with the Republican platform and he votes Judeo-Christian values. There is no other candidate in this race meeting those requirements. I'm not letting some video from long ago nullify those. I've changed my mind on issues over the last 20 years, why can't Mike Gabbard have also?


                    • #55
                      Re: Case v. Gabbard

                      Good point Alohaj.


                      • #56
                        Re: Case v. Gabbard

                        Primary Election update! District two results...

                        Republican Primary:
                        1. Mike Gabbard - 10,777 (76.8%)
                        2. Inam Rahman - 1,200 (8.6%)
                        3. Blank Votes - 1,087 (7.8%)
                        4. Miles Shiratori - 487 (3.5%)
                        5. Jonathan Treat - 470 (3.3%)

                        Democratic Primary:
                        1. Ed Case - 29,226 (87.3%)
                        2. Blank Votes - 2,634 (7.9%)
                        3. John Gentile - 1,618 (4.8%)


                        • #57
                          Re: Case v. Gabbard

                          Originally posted by alohaj316
                          I've changed my mind on issues over the last 20 years, why can't Mike Gabbard have also?
                          Please explain that concept to all those folks who've bought the "flip-flop" line about Kerry, will you?


                          • #58
                            Re: Case v. Gabbard

                            I'm afraid that if I vote for Mike Gabbard, and then some mega tsunami hits Honolulu, he'll be too busy plotting about how to take care of "the rainbow triangle threat" to do much of anything else.


                            • #59
                              Re: Case v. Gabbard

                              Gabbard campaign manager suggests Star-Bulletin is biased against Case.



                              • #60
                                Re: Case v. Gabbard

                                Judging by that last article, as well as other claims from the Gabbard campaign machine, it seems as though Ed Case has a lot of power and control. Looks as though Gabbard is desparate and will stop at nothing to win. At least this has been my experience having supported his opponent for council in the last election. The man and his accolytes no doubt are media savvy and are dangerously manipulative. I consider his style to be very negatively focused and despotic. Often resorting to labeling when caught in a corner. I will never vote for him or his ilk, ever. JM2C
                                He leo wale no...

