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Case versus Akaka

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  • Re: AKAKA: How you feeling? - Video

    It absolutely is Elisa. I’m sure she feels pretty stupid about it now. Bet Akaka answered Lisa Kubota’s question despite Yadao’s rude interruption.

    We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.

    — U.S. President Bill Clinton
    USA TODAY, page 2A
    11 March 1993


    • Re: AKAKA: How you feeling? - Video

      This comic was posted in the Weekly. (could have at least given credit to where you found it)

      I'm not sure why it needs to be would seem to me that posting stuff like that here on HT is actually working against the person the comic is Support.

      We understand you like Case...

      However, if your website is suppose to be so un-biased towards any candidate... why would you post that?


      (and I don't support either one)


      • Re: Case versus Akaka

        I didn't know it was posted in the Weekly. I found it on GOOGLE on the website of John Prichett, the artist of the cartoon.

        No malicious intent.

        Honestly, I just thought it was funny.

        (Note: I actually haven't voted yet and am really on the fence in the Senate Race. If I found a funny Case picture, I'd post that too. Got one?)


        • Re: Case versus Akaka

          I hate to call you on the BS... but you shouldn't have posted it until you could find at least another one of the opposite sides... if your neutral...

          and there are choke cartoons out there on both of them...obviously you chose to post what you wanted.


          • Re: Case versus Akaka

            Geez, Manoa, lay off. You already jumped all over the guy when he first got here, remember? I think it's fairly well established he's not entirely objective, but heck... even if I'm voting for Akaka, I would've posted the video clip myself had I found it 'round the time of the debate, which is when it was reported online. The cartoon touches on an oft-made criticism of Akaka... that he's at the mercy of his handlers.

            Neither Akaka or Case are immune from missteps and embarassing moments. Considering all the goofs the Case campaign has made, this "interception" by Akaka's overly excitable spokeswoman is just another entertaining moment in a very entertaining election season.

            Now, as to the topic, I too got the Ed Case mailing Link mentions, the one from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Apart from the laughable "death tax" thing and the continued harping on the small business health initiative (which, if you've forgotten, Case has long ago conceded is not applicable to Hawaii), I was most annoyed at the command repeated on both sides of the mailing:

            "Call Ed Case at (808) 541-1986 and thank him for creating jobs for Hawaii's families and businesses."

            Geez. Even when Case's campaign is ostensibly not involved in the message, somehow ego and pomposity still comes through.


            • Re: Case versus Akaka

              Geez, Manoa, lay off.
              Coming from someone who earlier in the day said this...:
              And really, Aunty. Posting another Case sign here is a bit tacky.
              Why should I lay off... ? This person came on to HT with the first initial post stating:

              ** In case you were wondering, I didn't get paid for the site, don't have a cushy state job waiting for me and am not related to any of the candidates ... so I don't have any reason to push one guy or another. I just want to make a decision I can be happy with.

              Obviously there is some pushing going on!

              GEEZ can't we all just get along.... once again... I will be so happy when this election season gets over and we can all get off this political bandwagon!

              anyone watching the 1/2 hour paid program by CASE right now?


              Sheesh... forgot about this one!


              • Re: Case versus Akaka

                Can the poll be reset to see if there are any changes in the way people vote since it started?
                just started:


                • Re: Case versus Akaka

                  Originally posted by manoasurfer123
                  Coming from someone who earlier in the day said this...
                  Aunty Lynn was told by others earlier that posting campaign signs was bad form, and I was trying to tell her that she doesn't help her cause by being obnoxious. We know she loves Case, and I'm happy for her enthusiasm, but she should argue for the man, not just cheerlead. We all know Aunty Lynn, and butt heads quite a bit.

                  You're jumping on a relative newcomer, and trying to say that pointing out the Yadao incident is some kind of betrayal of his earlier claims of objectivity. Well, one, we already demonstrated that he's got more pro-Case stuff than pro-Akaka stuff on his site. But if you actually read the substance of my post, I further stated that even an objective observer of the campaign would probably find the video and cartoon funny. I'm voting for Akaka, but I enjoyed it. It's part of the circus of politics.

                  Instead of attacking the poster, and playing board cop, stick to the topic, or respond to the substance. What happened with Yadao wasn't fabricated or anything. Is it indicative of how Akaka's campaign is run, or just a bad day for Yadao?
                  GEEZ can't we all just get along.... once again... I will be so happy when this election season gets over and we can all get off this political bandwagon!
                  Seeing as how your need to turn every thread - regardless of topic - into Manoaland, and don't grasp the irony of picking on other users for violations of board etiquette, I doubt people are going to stop calling you on it after the elections are over.

                  Just drop it. Stick to the topic. And a reminder, the topic isn't you. Or, for that matter.
                  Originally posted by manoasurfer123
                  anyone watching the 1/2 hour paid program by CASE right now? KHON! Sheesh... forgot about this one!
                  That's better. No, I'm not watching.

                  I find it kind of funny that Case made such a big deal during the "debate debate" about the importance of seeing the candidates together for a fair comparison, and also to demonstrate how they think on their feet and handle things in a venue that they don't control... but now seems to think that despite the extensive media coverage, he needed to plunk down $20,000 to buy out some primetime airtime to push a packaged, controlled informercial about himself.

                  I know past candidates have done the same, such as in the mayoral race. Does anyone actually watch these things? Would someone undecided about Case come away from a 30-minute commercial thinking he's a good candidate... or just someone with more money than sense?

                  I would be interested in the thoughts of anyone that did watch. I just don't think I have the stomach for it.


                  • Re: Case versus Akaka

                    Originally posted by jkpescador
                    Can the poll be reset to see if there are any changes in the way people vote since it started?
                    I'll see if I can do this. For the record, the current results are:

                    Daniel Akaka: 19
                    Ed Case: 18
                    Other: 2
                    Undecided: 7

                    It took weeks to get those votes, so I'm not sure how much shift we'll be able to infer from responses over the next couple of days at most, but we'll try anyway.


                    • Re: Case versus Akaka

                      Wat happened?

                      Are we still friends?hahahahaha

                      Plezzzzzzzzzz let it be Saturday!!!!heheheheh

                      Auntie Lynn
                      Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                      Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                      • Re: Case versus Akaka

                        well I would rather jump on a newcomer... who I doubt will have any relation to HT after these elections...then jump on someone who has posted from their heart and soul from long before I became an HT member.

                        Sorry if this rubs you the wrong way... in my eyes... I feel 1stwahine has more "seniority" per say to post stuff that is related to her heart.... especially when we all know her....then per say this person that hides behind a nickname and posts political comments as such.

                        If I knew this person... and their intent... I might not have a problem...

                        I know 1stwahines intent...and yes... that is to support who she believes... however, she makes it obvious and doesn't hide behind a cloud of dust.

                        I would rather speak to a face then a mask...

               bad... I guess...?


                        • Re: Case versus Akaka

                          Manoa, I dunno wat is going on. First of all this is a Public Forum!!!! We are allowed to post our Opinions...I hope? Within the rules and regulations of the Forum. Politics ~ I have learned is a time of heated arguments. After this is all over we still going be friends. We are an Ohana at HT.

                          Yeah, I was pissed today. I'm a cheerleader for Ed Case with Big Pom Poms. If the others don't like it das their Tuff Luck. I know who I'm Voting For.

                          Ed Case.

                          Auntie Lynn
                          Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                          Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                          • Re: Case versus Akaka

                            Manoa, I said drop it. Are you going to respond to every message, but only the parts about you? I tried to help, really. I asked you an actual Case v. Akaka question. Go back and answer that. Don't respond to this.

                            Aunty Lynn, sorry Manoa dragged you into his latest pointless off-topic nitpick about another member. Yes, this is a public forum, and you can cheerlead and wave pom-poms all you like. Please note, I didn't even ask or suggest that you take down your Case graphic. I just said, with all due respect, that I thought it was tacky, and that it probably hurts your cause rather than helps it. We know each other, and speak frankly. I thought you knew me better than that, than to say disagreeing with you is evidence of monster-ness!

                            But honestly, if you think graphics and chanting Ed Case is the best way to express yourself, please do. Obviously there are a lot of other things that are far, far more annoying. I've said it before and I said it again, your hands-on participation in the political process is admirable. If only more people were like you, no matter the candidate.
                            Last edited by pzarquon; September 21, 2006, 08:09 PM.


                            • Re: Case versus Akaka

                              PZ, I get angry and I get over it fast. You know me too well. You taught me the ropes of the Internet.heheheh


                              Auntie Lynn

                              P.S. How come nobody VOTING?
                              Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                              Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                              • Re: Case versus Akaka

                                I don't think I'll ever be able to convince you manoa...

                                I'm sorry you feel the way you feel about me and my intentions for the website. I've tried my best to provide an unbiased perspective through the information I've gathered and the opinions that were presented.
                                As it turns out, the opinions, thus far, are fairly split between the two candidates and I had nothing to do with that. In fact, at the start, I was pretty sure that they'd end up favoring one of the candidates and people would think what you think about me now. Go figure.

                                In the end, though, you're right. I will be biased, but only because I have to (like every other voter). As for right now, I'm still not sure...

                                But I do think the cartoon is funny.

                                Aloha... and happy voting.

