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New smoking ban

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  • Re: New smoking ban

    Well if we listened to all those against the government then we'd have a big problem wouldn't we?

    If we listened to all the environmentalists we would be eating the tree bark we were hugging.

    If we listened to all those against capitalism, we'd be communists.

    If we listened to all those who want to save our lives, then we should, or should we. You choose who you want to listen to, and Hanabusa is listening to her constituents.
    Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


    • Re: New smoking ban

      Originally posted by craigwatanabe View Post
      Well if we listened to all those against the government then we'd have a big problem wouldn't we?

      If we listened to all the environmentalists we would be eating the tree bark we were hugging.

      If we listened to all those against capitalism, we'd be communists.

      If we listened to all those who want to save our lives, then we should, or should we. You choose who you want to listen to, and Hanabusa is listening to her constituents.
      Her district has the highest smoking rate on Oahu. About 30% last time the DOH did a study, district by district. Smoking rate aren't down for 2007 and neither is the death rate. How about she saves the lives of the bars that are hurting.


      • Re: New smoking ban

        Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
        A friendly suggestion: include a link when you post a reference like this.Heh - I'd rather read the compassioned vox populi than press-release-influenced "sound bite" and quote-ready copy; at least I know I'm getting the messages without having them filtered through PR flacks.
        Thanks for the hint, sorry I did not think to do that. If I have the bill number again, I'll pull up the site and post it.
        As for having passion in testimony, yes I agree that something from the heart is extremely powerful. But, when people write testimony that includes things like name-calling of sorts, or gets way off track, it diverts the reader from being able to learn from the testimony but instead turns the reader off and the message is lost.
        Now run along and play, but don’t get into trouble.


        • Re: New smoking ban

          Originally posted by Amati View Post
          Thanks for the hint, sorry I did not think to do that. If I have the bill number again, I'll pull up the site and post it.
          As for having passion in testimony, yes I agree that something from the heart is extremely powerful. But, when people write testimony that includes things like name-calling of sorts, or gets way off track, it diverts the reader from being able to learn from the testimony but instead turns the reader off and the message is lost.
          I thought the one from the Marine was passionate. He spoke in just like a true Marine would in the field.


          • Re: New smoking ban

            Originally posted by AlohaKine View Post
            Her district has the highest smoking rate on Oahu. About 30% last time the DOH did a study, district by district. Smoking rate aren't down for 2007 and neither is the death rate. How about she saves the lives of the bars that are hurting.
            Okay Alohakine, you know I like you but doesn't your 30% rate for her district mean 70% are in favor of a ban then? I mean it's not even half, it's a pretty significant majority.

            And don't get her started on bars, because if she's got the balls to attempt to face off on 30% of those in her district, I think she'd be on higher ground if she fought against bars. Remember smioking cigarettes and driving hasn't killed anyone yet (at least from what we know) but alcohol has.

            Anyway just be glad you don't live on the Big Island where the county council is looking at banning smoking at the beach. One day my 4-year old was building a sand mountain and the crowning glory of this 1-foot monolith was a cigarette butt. He called it his flag. Gee I wonder where he found that thing.
            Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


            • Re: New smoking ban

              As for 30%, of that, at most 2% are anti-smokers. Most non-smokers I talk to don't go to bars or they think smokers should have some places to go. It's important to see the difference between the reasonable non-smoking majority for which the ban is no big deal either way and the flaming ultra left wing extremists like Zysman. Craig, do you lose sleep over the fact that people are smoking in O'toole's with all the employees and customers happy with it - then Zysman who isn't even a patron goes out of her way to call the police.

              The brake down
              30% smoker and the target of hate and pissed about it.
              68% reasonable non-smoker - no strong passion on this issue, not a go-nogo issue for a candidate.
              2% raging anti-smoker that wants to control the actions of other consenting adults on private property when they aren't even bothering them.

              As for littering, yes enforce the littering.


              • Re: New smoking ban

                Originally posted by AlohaKine View Post
                As for 30%, of that, at most 2% are anti-smokers. --- The brake down
                30% smoker and the target of hate and pissed about it.
                68% reasonable non-smoker - no strong passion on this issue, not a go-nogo issue for a candidate.
                2% raging anti-smoker that wants to control the actions of other consenting adults on private property when they aren't even bothering them.
                Would love to see the data to back up those figures, please.


                • Re: New smoking ban

                  Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
                  Would love to see the data to back up those figures, please.
                  Well the 30% smoking rate in Leeward Oahu comes from the DOH.

                  As for the rest, it comes from the petition I helped circulate. Only about 2% of the couple hundred folks I talked to were outright hostile to the idea. About 60-70% of non-smokers would sign it if politely explained the situation and the remainder where somewhat opposed, but not strongly opposed.

                  Over 90% of smokers happly signed it with vigor.

                  It also matters HOW you word the question. If you say smoking should be in all offices, restaurants, and bars - you get 85% saying no.

                  If you ask if just some bars with a lot of smoking patrons can have it if they elect to, you get about 75% support.


                  • Re: New smoking ban

                    So AlohaKine if you worded it, "if we could make smoke smell like a barebecue would you mind smoking indoors" I'm sure you'd have a lot of takers. I'm telling you this is pure marketing genius here at work. And I'm giving you this idea for free Geez am I freakin' mad?
                    Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                    • Re: New smoking ban

                      Originally posted by craigwatanabe View Post
                      So AlohaKine if you worded it, "if we could make smoke smell like a barebecue would you mind smoking indoors" I'm sure you'd have a lot of takers.
                      So, if you were in an elevator and someone cut wind, but it smelled like bar-b-q, would you mind or not?
                      Is it the smell that is bothersome, or the "reason for the smell" that is bothersome, and I'm asking about both "wind" and "cigarette smoke"? again.
                      Now run along and play, but don’t get into trouble.


                      • Re: New smoking ban

                        I think the important fact that bar owners need to keep in mind is, if Senate President Hanabusa isn’t supportive of your particular bill, in this case “smoking in bars” it’s not going to happen. That’s the BOTTOM LINE. The bar folks could provide 500 pieces of testimony in support, a petition with 200,000 names, it still won’t happen, as long as Hanabusa is Senate President.


                        • Re: New smoking ban

                          Originally posted by douglas View Post
                          I think the important fact that bar owners need to keep in mind is, if Senate President Hanabusa isn’t supportive of your particular bill, in this case “smoking in bars” it’s not going to happen. That’s the BOTTOM LINE. The bar folks could provide 500 pieces of testimony in support, a petition with 200,000 names, it still won’t happen, as long as Hanabusa is Senate President.
                          So she wants a war in her district? Good! The higher the arrogence, the harder the fall. What a bully. Every bully has their day! So smokers are just n*ggers under her whip, yah. If what you say is correct, then Hanabusa would destroy mom and pop bars for her own sick pleasure.


                          • Re: New smoking ban

                            Originally posted by AlohaKine View Post
                            So she wants a war in her district? Good! The higher the arrogence, the harder the fall. What a bully. Every bully has their day! So smokers are just n*ggers under her whip, yah. If what you say is correct, then Hanabusa would destroy mom and pop bars for her own sick pleasure.
                            It's time for our civil rights movement just like every other group that has been unjustly oppressed. The great civil rights leader Martin Luther King spoke in 1962 "one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws"



                            • Re: New smoking ban

                              Originally posted by AlohaKine View Post
                              It's time for our civil rights movement just like every other group that has been unjustly oppressed. The great civil rights leader Martin Luther King spoke in 1962 "one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws"
                              Well, then - I guess there's nothing more anyone else can say on the matter, is there? Poor smokers - after all those decades of enslavement, disenfranchisement and discrimination (not to mention the beatings and lynchings). Guess it's time the rest of us woke up and realized how bad you have it; after all, you have the great Rev. Dr. Martin Lunther King, Jr. in support of your cause now.

                              Comparing your issues, important as they may be to you, to the civil rights movement. That's petty, dishonorable, juvenile, selfish, classless and ignorant.


                              • Re: New smoking ban

                                Apparently the DOH report on the economic impact of the smoking ban is now posted on their web site. No doubt AlohaKine will dispute the findings. I would expect no less from him and the bar owners who don’t believe that smoking causes cancer.

