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What food would you never eat?

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  • #61
    Re: What food would you never eat?

    I'll try anything once, except for cat, dog and guinea pig. I have no problem with other people eating them, it's just that I have emotional attachments to those animals. Oh, and bugs. I'm sure they taste great but I can't get over the visuals.

    Balut is a delicacy in lots of Asian areas. I'm not sure why there's so much hoo-ha about it. It's the in-between stage between an egg and a chicken, right? If you've eaten eggs and chicken (or duck), balut isn't much different. I've had it and it's pretty good, as long as I don't have to look at it!


    • #62
      Re: What food would you never eat?

      I decided I won't eat hardly anything I saw on that TV show "Taboo."

      Here's the Link to the article mentioning the show on the National Geographic Website.

      Stuff I WON'T eat mentioned on the show include:
      --Femented Fish (
      --worm cheese (
      --dogs/cats (

      Mentioned on the show were these things that I actually would try once:
      --guinea pig
      --fugu fish

      I also won't eat natto as mentioned by a lot of other people already.
      Last edited by AbsolutChaos; February 17, 2006, 04:13 PM.


      • #63
        Re: What food would you never eat?


        just kidding.

        nah. not kidding. but too late.


        • #64
          Re: What food would you never eat?

          normally, the bagaong is not eaten---this fermented fish thingy is stirred into hot water to make the soup base---and this soup base is what is used with vegetable/meat dishes ...


          • #65
            Re: What food would you never eat?

            Originally posted by i-hungry
            just kidding.
            nah. not kidding. but too late.
            Fortunately they have a few healthy items! For instance, a wonderful side salad for $1.00; good size, mix of different lettuces, 3 cherry tomatoes and a slice of carrot. I use my own dressings. This is a great deal for singles. I buy 3 at a time as they last a minimum of 3 days. I no longer need to buy salad fixings from the grocery store so there's no more waste. And, they have an apple/grape/yogurt salad for $2.99.

            Unfortunately, they have great chocolate chip cookies!


            • #66
              Re: What food would you never eat?

              Auntie's steak on a first date!!

              HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! LOL!!!

              Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


              • #67
                Re: What food would you never eat?

                If you want a good laugh, you got to read this thread from the start! It is hilarious!! Classic!! No can beat!!

                Now, Rule #1 Nobody betta eat my Steak on a First DATE! HAHAHAHAHA

                Auntie Lynn
                Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                • #68
                  Re: What food would you never eat?

                  the beau and i have taken to watching "bizarre foods with andrew zimmern." he's gone to the philippines, many parts of southeast asia, and right now, we're watching him watch some ecuadoreans grill palm grubs that look about two to three inches long and maybe three quarter inch thick. they also have a beer-like drink made of fermented corn.

                  there haven't been too many things on the show that the beau and i wouldn't try at least once--tripe, guinea pig (they eat fluffy as a delicacy in ecudaor), sheep's brains, to name a few. zimmern enjoyed balut--had more than one. he practically hurled on klia, which is a meat that is salted, dried, preserved in its own fat, and then cooked with eggs. he said it reeked of dead flesh.

                  here's the site:

                  i don't think i would try klia or some of the wormy stuff. i have no problems with organ meats. i ate balut as a child, and the beau actually found balut enjoyable in an adventurous way. he said it was really like eating an egg/chicken. hearing him say that made me love him more--i can't see myself being romantically involved with a food wimp.

                  to answer a post earlier, bagoong IS eaten uncooked. it's strained and added to tomatoes as a simple relish for fish. it's also added to various blanched fili veggies--well, non-fili ones, too, like blanched cabbage. if you're eating filipino food, it's just as likely that bagoong is in the mix instead of patis.

                  i've tried natto. if it's nicely hidden in nori with rice, then i can get past the smell and stomach it. chirashi style? ech. i can't get past the sight of slimy rice.
                  superbia (pride), avaritia (greed), luxuria (lust), invidia (envy), gula (gluttony), ira (wrath) & acedia (sloth)--the seven deadly sins.

                  "when you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people i deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly..."--meditations, marcus aurelius (make sure you read the rest of the passage, ya lazy wankers!)

                  nothing humiliates like the truth.--me, in conversation w/mixedplatebroker re 3rd party, 2009-11-11, 1213


                  • #69
                    Re: What food would you never eat?

                    ^ I'd never eat anything on that show.
                    How'd I get so white and nerdy?


                    • #70
                      Re: What food would you never eat?

                      My Dislike List:
                      Black Licorice (gimme Red anyday!)
                      Garden Salad (I may nibble on carrots if there is any)
                      Kalamat Olives
                      Sauerkraut (I tried it w/ Sasauge for St Patty's and me did not like it BLEAH!)
                      Yellow Broccoli


                      • #71
                        Re: What food would you never eat?

                        I will never eat ants....


                        I will never eat Oysters.....


                        I will never eat sushi....


                        I will however offer a 1.00 to any one of my sons to eat a cricket....


                        Oh and I forgot...I will never eat Maggots....

                        again! Yuck!
                        Since when is psycho a bad thing??
                        Sharing withother survivors...


                        • #72
                          Re: What food would you never eat?

                          Originally posted by ericncyn View Post
                          there haven't been too many things on the show that the beau and i wouldn't try at least once--tripe, guinea pig (they eat fluffy as a delicacy in ecudaor)

                          I had isues with the guinea pig segment. Guinea pigs were my favorite kind of pet when I was a kid and it was disturbing to see them be picked out of a cage like lobsters.

                          The one thing I would never eat is ass!


                          • #73
                            Re: What food would you never eat?

                            yesterday my eldest daughter grabs the box of cheerios out of the cupboard and pours herself a bowl. Younger daughter comes by, and absent-mindedly nibbles out of her sister's bowl while talking to her. They are both at the counter, wacking the cereal like its popcorn in this big bowl, yakking away, and I come by, take a good look at the cereal and exclaim, "throw it away! look at all the ants on it!!"

                            Oldest daughter blithely replies, "sheesh Ma, ants no mo guts!" and kept eating it and younger daughter giggles and shrieks, "this is Sparta!!!" and also kept nibbling.

                            Feral, dain bramaged daughters have I.



                            • #74
                              Re: What food would you never eat?

                              Originally posted by Keanu View Post
                              [...]The one thing I would never eat is ass!
                              I wonder how many times you've eaten rump roast and not known about it!


                              • #75
                                Re: What food would you never eat?

                                Originally posted by DannyWilliams View Post
                                My Dislike List:
                                Black Licorice (gimme Red anyday!)
                                Garden Salad (I may nibble on carrots if there is any)
                                Kalamat Olives
                                Sauerkraut (I tried it w/ Sasauge for St Patty's and me did not like it BLEAH!)
                                Yellow Broccoli

                                well, don't come to my house!
                                Aloha from Lavagal

